That's what friends are for. A FanFic by the RanMaFan, inspired by Ranma 1/2, by Rumiko Takahashi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plot : What happens when Ranma's mother, Nodoka, makes an unexpected visit to the Tendou household while Ranma and his friend, Shiyoru, are home? How can amnesia be cured with the power of love and friendship? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend : For this fanfic, Ranma, Shiyoru and Porcelain will be using false aliases for scenes with Nodoka involved. Names are provided below. Otherwise, if Nodoka is not involved, the standard (C) will be used on them, as well as for all other characters. A special case will apply. {xxxx} means a new chapter. (xxxx) means an insignificant action on the character's part. *xxx* Are for certain sound effects & stressed words. Italics are for past events that are shown "on screen", and for emphasis on certain words. Also for "read aloud" thoughts. are for thoughts within sentences. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {An unexpected visit.} On a beautiful school day in Nerima, Japan, Ranma is in class, not paying attention to his teacher's maths lesson. He is busy daydreaming about his coming fight this afternoon, which was issued by some unknown challenger. Taking out the piece of paper the challenge was written on, Ranma reads it one more time, using his maths textbook as a cover. "To Ranma Saotome : Ranma Saotome! You think you're good enough to challenge me!? I don't think so. Come to the deserted lot near the Tendou Dojo after school if you think you're good enough to meet me face to face! The date is on the fifteenth this month! Be there! - A Challenger." He looks over at the card one more time, then stuffs it into his pocket. Putting his book down, he starts to pay some measure of attention to the teacher's words now. Looking at the clock on the wall above the blackboard, he notices it's nearly time for school to end. Ranma : (Thinking) "5....4....3....2....1...." *RRiiiiiiiiinnng!* The bell goes, and everyone jumps up in joy. Lunchboxes pop out, except for Ranma, who already ate his lunch during lesson. Instead, he starts to rush out of class to meet his unknown challenger. Having told Akane about the challenge he recieved a week ago, Ranma finds Akane waiting for him at his locker. Not speaking a word, Ranma stuffs all his books into the locker and closes it. He walks down the hall, a little hurriedly, and leaves the building. Shoving his way through the end-of-school crowd, Ranma starts to move faster and faster as he anticipates a great fight today. The gate is in sight. Ranma : "At last! I thought I'd never make it through!" Kuno : "And you won't!" Ranma leaps back just in time as Kuno comes flying out of nowhere, sword extended. Pulling his bokken to face level, Kuno looks at Ranma and smirks. Kuno : "Why in such a hurry, Ranma-sama? Afraid you'll have to fight me one more time....umhp!" Kuno's last word is muffled out as Ranma leaps and lands on Kuno's face, flattening him. Landing on the floor, Ranma leaps off Kuno's face and runs off, shouting. Ranma : "Sorry, Sempai! I've got no time to waste with you! I've got more important people to fight!" Akane runs after Ranma, pausing only long enough to look at Kuno, who is still lying on the floor, two dark foot prints on his face. Shaking her head, she runs out the gate to follow Ranma. Ranma is running towards the empty lot now, face grinning in anticipation as he wonders who to expect. Ranma : (Thinking) "Who is it? Is it Mousse? Ryoga? Some friend of mine?" The faces of a dozen people running though his head, Ranma finally sees the empty lot in sight as he runs, and picks up the pace. Ranma : "There it is! Time to see who my challenger is!" He runs into the lot, and looks around. Akane comes following behind, and stands outside the lot, waiting. Ranma looks around the entire lot, yet the only thing he sees are some loose bits of rubbish being thrown about by the wind in a mini whirlwind. He scratches his head while Akane looks around cautiously. Ranma : "Strange, if my information is correct, this SHOULD be the place...." Mysterious Voice : "And it is, Ranma Saotome!" Sensing a killer chi above him, Ranma leaps behind just in time to avoid a flying heel aimed at his head, and as the shadowed figure lands, his heel makes a small crater in the soil. Looking up quickly, Ranma looks at the figure, whose hair is flying about a little in the wind. He is a good head taller than Ranma, and the loose ends of his cloth belt flutter in the wind. His clothes, a loose, white, sleeveless gi, with a short sleeved green turtleneck sweater brings an image into Ranma's mind, but he can't quite place it. He peers at the mysterious figure, but due to the position of the sun, Ranma can't see the challenger's face clearly, and enteprets no more than a shadow. He does notice the shadowed figure's face grin, however. This makes Ranma clearly nervous, and he gets into a fighting stance immediately, as Akane watches from a distance. Mysterious man : "Well, Ranma Saotome. Haven't met in a long time, eh?" Ranma : "Who are you? What do you want? If you want to fight, then come on!" The figure looks shocked at this prospect, then looks at Ranma curiously, with a hint of concern. Mysterious man : "Ranma? Don't you recognize me? Don't you recognize your old friend? It's me, Shiyoru!" It is Ranma's turn to look shocked, as he remembers the figure's oddly boyish voice, and remembers that only one person so large could sound 15. Lowering his guard immediately, Ranma grins and looks at Shiyoru, who has moved to let the sun shine on his face. He walks up to Shiyoru, and the two share a friendly hug. Then, parting, Ranma gestures to Akane to come over, who jogs over quickly. Patting Shiyoru's shoulder, Ranma laughs. Ranma : "Hey, Shiyoru! Long time no see! How's life treating you!?" Shiyoru : "Yeah, it's not bad. I've managed to pick up a few skills in the months that I've been gone. Well, Ranma? how's life treating you?" Ranma : "Not bad.... even with all those crazy girls chasing me and all that." The two laugh at some private joke, while Akane looks at Shiyoru, studying his features. Then she remembers something. Coughing for attention, the two look at her, questioningly. Shiyoru & Ranma : "Yes, Akane?" Akane : "Say, Shiyoru.... what happened to your girlfriend... Porcerlain, was it? I thought she'd be with you." Porcelain : "I am. Right here." Akane and Ranma jump at the disembodied voice besides them, and then they notice something amiss, as the air besides them starts to shimmer, and both gasp as the shimmering resolves into a tall teenage girl, somewhere between Ranma's and Shiyoru's height, with slightly long hair tied up in a ponytail, gleaming raven black in the sunlight. She is wearing a simple a T-Shirt with jeans. Her most distinguishing feature, however, is her pale, cream coloured skin which is absolutely smooth, like fine China, or Porcelain.... her chiseled features make her look almost exotic and fragile, although she is every little bit as tough as Akane and then some. She walks over to Shiyoru after appearing besides Akane, and the two share a quick peck before looking back at the two. Shiyoru : "Well, Ranma, see you're still on good terms with Akane?" Ranma : "And you're still with Porcelain." Shiyoru : "Yeah, well, she's still tough as nails, and getting even more beautiful every day." Porcelain gives Shiyoru a small bump on the shoulder. Porcelain : "Come on, Shiyoru-kun. I'm older than you, but... don't flatter me like that!" Shiyoru : "Ah, but my fair lady, 'tis true. Older or not by a year, it doesn't matter, does it?" The two share a grin. Looking back at Ranma, Shiyoru nods. Shiyoru : "Hey, Ranma. Why not go back to the Dojo first? I've not met your family in a while, and I'm itching to go a round with you!" Ranma : "Same here. Come on, let's go." {Meeting the family again! Who's coming?} The group of four start walking off, back towards the Tendou Dojo, chattering. While they walk, Ranma stays with Shiyoru, while Akane and Porcelain talk about the things you'd expect them to talk about. They are walking by the giant canal they always walk besides on the way home and to school as they talk. Akane : (To Porcelain) "Say, Porcelain... I've been wondering how Shiyoru's been doing lately. Has he been treating you well? Is he nice to you? Does he scold you? Or argue a lot?" Porcelain : (Giggling) "Well... since you asked, I can say he's been pretty much the same since you last saw us. He's just as wonderful and cute as before, and he treats me so well! We do argue sometimes... although we always kiss and make up afterwards. Oh, how's Ranma been treating you?" Akane looks surprised at that question. She blushes a little, which Porcelain takes to be a good sign of her feelings of affection towards Ranma. Porcelain : "Come on, Akane. You know what you feel towards him. Don't worry! You can tell me! I'm a girl too!" (Although this isn't particularly true... if you read 'Yin and Yang have never been so troublesome!', you'll realize that Porcelain was cursed by Nannichuan, and turns into a boy whenever soaked with cold water.) Akane turns her head away for a while, as she thinks of what to say. Finally, she turns around and stammers a little. Akane : "Well..... Ranma's been really nice too, although not in the way you described your relation with Shiyoru. We argue a lot, we fight a lot, but we still.... like each other enough." Porcelain grins at Akane's reply with the kind of understanding only girls know. She pats Akane's shoulder in a friendly manner, and smiles. Porcelain : "Well, Akane. Don't worry. I'm sure he loves you very dearly. It's just a matter of time. Wait and see." Meanwhile, Ranma and Shiyoru are also exchanging words. Laughing a little and slapping each other on the back after sharing a few jokes after many months of not seeing each other. Finally, Ranma asks Shiyoru. Ranma : "Hey, Shiyoru! Since you've been gone, I've been wondering where you've run off to to train yourself. Just where DID you go, anyway?" Shiyoru : "Ah... that. Well.... I went around the world.... I visited China, Russia, India, America, all these places and some islands you won't want to know... actually, the only person I've met who's been able to teach me anything was some crazy old coot on some strange island we passed on the way here!" Ranma : "Hm... indeed? Well, what'd he teach you?" Shiyoru : "You saw what Porcelain did earlier on...." Ranma : "Invisibility?" Shiyoru : "That and the ability to teleport yourself at will...." Ranma : "Interesting. And besides that, were there any other people of interest?" Shiyoru : "Well... in India, I met this strange, skinny fellow who practiced Yoga. He was so good at it he could bend and stretch himself at will...." Ranma : "You learnt from him?" Shiyoru : "No. After going a few rounds with him, I decided being able to be tied up in knots wasn't my idea of a good time. Especially not for him." Ranma laughs at Shiyoru's little antic. They continue their boyish banter for a few more minutes, before the Tendou Dojo comes into sight in front of them. Ranma points towards the Dojo and motions to the lagging girls to hurry. Ranma : "Oi! Hayaku! The Dojo's just in front!" (Hayaku means hurry up!) Akane & Porcelain : "Coming, Ranma!" The two girls pick up speed and catch up with the boys now. They walk up to the gates, and open them. Akane walks in first, and shouts out into the house. Akane : "Daddy, I'm home! And look who we met on the way home!" The door to the house slides open as someone opens it. A head pops out from behind the partially opened doorway, and looks at the group of four coming into the courtyard. Kasumi : "Father! We have guests! I think it's Shiyoru and his girlfriend!" From behind the house, Genma panda and Soun are having a game of Go, although both aren't enjoying it very much. They are sweating and muttering under their breath, as they make their moves. Both show signs of fear and anxiety while playing. Soun lifts his hand to move a piece. Soun : "Here goes...." Kasumi : "Father! We have guests! I think it's Shiyoru and his girlfriend!" Soun : "Yaaah!" Soun nearly jumps out of his skin when he hears Kasumi shouting from inside the house. Instead, he jumps into the air, nearly knocking the Go board over and incidentally losing his piece in the mini garden near the backyard. Breathing heavily for a while before regaining his composure, Soun shouts back. Soun : "Coming, Kasumi-chan!" Looking back at Genma, Soun bigsweats. The two look at each other for a while, then nod. Soun : "Do you think she'll find out about the two when she comes?" Genma (C) : "Better hope he doesn't stay." Soun : "Yes. I'll try to get him to leave as early as possible." Genma (C) : "When's she coming?" Soun : "I don't remember.... where's that letter?" Genma (C) : "Dunno. Better go out and deal with him first." Soun : "I'm going." He runs off into the house. The group of four have reached the doorway now, and as the door slides open, Soun is standing there waiting with open arms and a smiling face. Soun : "Welcome, Shiyoru! Nice you see you again after so many months! Come, come, come in and sit down! We have much to talk about!" Shiyoru : "Huh? Excuse me?" Soun : "Come on, go in first! We can talk later! Kasumi? Go get our guests something to eat and drink. They must be tired after travelling so far!" Kasumi : "Yes, father." (Turns and leaves.) The four people take off their shoes and walk into the living room, and all of them sit down. Kasumi comes out with some snacks for their guests, and as they eat, Soun looks at Shiyoru. Soun : "So, Shiyoru! How're you doing? A visit like this is so unexpected! Please, tell us why you came!" Ranma and Shiyoru exchange looks, wondering why Soun is so eager to find out. Shiyoru : "Soun? You don't seem well.... are you all right?" Soun sweats at this. He shakes his head, putting on a false smile. Soun : "Oh, no no no no no! I'm perfectly fine! I just want to know why you came today!" Shiyoru looks at Akane, who simply shrugs. Ditto for Ranma. Finally, he himself shrugging, he replies. Shiyoru : "Oh, for no particular reason. I just thought after not seeing Ranma for so long, I'd come back to see how he's doing and catch up with old times! We're friends, after all." Soun : "Oh! So it's like this! Thanks!" Shiyoru : "Soun... are you SURE you're all right?" Soun : "Yes yes yes yes yes! I'm fine! How long are you staying?" Shiyoru : ".... I don't know. Maybe for a day, maybe a week." Soun : "Right! Ok, enjoy your stay!" Sweating and nodding, an over-enthusiastic Soun then gets up to leave. Before he moves though, he turns around and tells Shiyoru. Soun : "Well, Shiyoru! Since you're staying the night, you know where your quarters are! Good day!" And with that, Soun walks off quickly. Ranma, Akane, Kasumi, Shiyoru and Porcelain look at each other in total confusion. Kasumi : "Strange... father seems so excited today...." Ranma : "Yeah, and when he acts like that, it spells trouble." Akane : "Oh, don't worry so much about it, Ranma! You know how daddy is!" Ranma : "Maybe. But something strikes me as strange.... hmm... I wonder." Shiyoru : "Oh, come on! Don't worry about it! He's probably just worrying about how much it's going to cost him to repair the dojo again after this fight! After all, everytime I visit, we always end up trashing the dojo!" Ranma : (Grinning) "Yeah, I guess so." Shiyoru : "Oh, by the way, Kasumi. Where's Nabiki? Out conning some poor, unexpecting boy of his money?" Kasumi : "I'm not sure, Shiyoru. She said she was going to some money-making convention at the Word Trade building outside of town. She said she wouldn't be back until tonight." Akane : "So that's why she didn't come home with us, hm? No wonder." The group then goes back to finishing off their snacks. While they are enjoying the food and sharing some idle chatter, Soun is busy walking towards the small yard out back of the house, where he and Genma were having a game of Go until Kasumi called him. Genma panda is there, sitting on a stone, waiting for Soun to return. Upon spotting him, Genma holds up a sign. Genma (C) : "Hey, Soun! You took long enough! Well? Was it really Shiyoru?" Soun : "Yes, Genma-san! What am I going to do?" Genma (C) : "You aren't worried about repair costs, are you?" Soun : "Who cares about that now!? I've got more pressing matters!" Genma (C) : "Yeah.... that letter? I think you left it in your shirt somewhere." Soun : "Did I? Where did I put it?" Searching his clothes for the letter, Soun finds it in a pocket inside his shirt. Pulling it out, he opens it up again and reads it, Genma peering over his shoulder. "To Soun Tendou. Dear Mr. Tendou, how are you? I hope all is fine at your place! I'll be coming over to visit you again soon... I think around the fifteenth. I sincerely hope that Ranma and Genma will be at your place this time! I do so miss them... and I've even gotten them something special this time! I'll be staying for a week at your place, so I hope you don't mind. -Wishing you good health and a long life, Nodoka Saotome." Soun bigsweats after reading it again, as he realizes that the fifteenth is today. He turns to Genma, and looks very worried. Soun : "What am I going to do? If Nodoka finds Shiyoru here, she might assume HE'S Ranma.... or worse, if she discovers his curse... he might..... no, Genma, don't even say it!" Genma (C) : "Who's going to say it? I'm using sign language! I know, she might find out that Ranma is similarly cursed... or she's going to make SHIYORU commit seppuku." Soun : "What am I going to do? I don't want to harm Ranma OR Shiyoru!" Genma (C) : "I don't know either." Soun : "We've got to try to get Shiyoru to leave!" Genma (C) : "For his own good." Soun : "Come on." The two walk off, grim determination on their faces. Taking purposeful strides towards the Dojo, Soun and Genma advance. {Things to do when you're too late.} Back in the household, Ranma and Shiyoru have finished their snacks. Dusting his hands off, Ranma gestures to Shiyoru. Ranma : "Hey, Shiyoru. Wanna go a round now? I've been itching for one for quite a while." Shiyoru : "Come on then! We'll see who's gonna get it this time!" The two walk towards the dojo, trading old challenges at each other. Akane and Porcelain look at the two boys, and with a smile, shake their heads in amusement. Akane : "Well, time to see what those two'll do to the dojo this time." Porcelain : "Time to see what those two will come up with this time TO destroy the dojo." Giggling to each other, Porcelain and Akane get up to follow to two towards the dojo, to watch the show. As the two boys slide the door to the dojo open, they see Genma and Soun, sitting in the middle of the dojo, grim looks on their faces. Shiyoru and Ranma look surprised. Shiyoru : "Oh, er... Mr Tendou! Mr Saotome! What are you two doing here?" Soun looks up at Shiyoru, the severity of the situation showing on his face. Then he gets up and walks towards Ranma. Soun : "Ranma, I have something to say." Ranma : "Soun, can't it wait until I've gone a round with Shiyoru? Surely it can't be THAT important!" Genma takes a kettle of steaming water out and douses himself to speak. He walks up besides Soun and stares down Ranma and Shiyoru. Genma : "Ranma, this is more than important. This is a matter of life and death. Don't question us." Ranma : "Pops, cut the crap. If you have something to say, say it. Otherwise...." As Ranma says this, he picks up a bucket of water. Ranma : "You can stay as a mute panda!" *Slosh!* Soun leaps aside to avoid the deluge of water cascading over Genma. Then, looking back to the two, Soun prepares himself for what he's about to say. He takes a deep breath and steadies himself. Soun : "Ranma....." Then he bursts out crying, Tears streaming down his face, he gets to his knees and starts kowtowing to Ranma, pleading and sweating. After three kowtows to Ranma, Soun looks up at Ranma, stands up to face him, and starts to talk, a little loudly, in his face. Soun : "Ranma! Don't be frightened by what I'm about to say! I know this may shock you, and I'm sorry, but I want your friend out of my house, as soon as possible! It's for his own good!" *silence*.... a cricket chirps. Shiyoru is the first to wake up from this stupor. Looking at Soun, he points, unsure. Ranma, Akane and Kasumi look aghast. Shiyoru : "Y...y... you want me out of your house!? Why?" Soun walks over to Shiyoru. He puts a hand on his shoulder, and shakes his head sadly. Soun : "You wouldn't know even if I told you." Shiyoru : "Try me." Soun : "If you say so..... Ranma, this involves you too. This may be shocking, but.... Ranma, Nodoka is coming. Today." Ranma : "IIIEEEEEEE!!!" *clunk!*. Ranma falls onto the floor, jerking spasmodically. Soun looks at Ranma sadly, while Shiyoru looks at Akane with a questioning glance. Shiyoru : "You're right, Soun. I don't know. Who IS Nodoka, and why did Ranma react so strongly to her name?" To answer his question, Akane steps forward. Akane : "Well, Shiyoru..... I'll tell you this. If Nodoka finds out about Ranma's curse, she'll make him do something really bad." Shiyoru : "And....?" Akane : "Erm.... Well, Nodoka is Ranma's......" Voice outside the gate : "Excuse me, is anybody home?" Ranma immediately gets up, and Genma's furry face reveals an expression described only as pure fear. Both Ranma and Genma blanch at the voice outside the gate, while Shiyoru looks around, confusedly. Akane, Kasumi and Soun look at each other nervously. The voice calls out once more. Voice outside the gate : "Excuse me, is anyone home?" Immediately, Soun starts gesturing to Ranma to take a swim in his pond before he opens the gate. Ranma nods in understanding. Soun then goes to get the gate, his two daughters trailing behind. Immediately, without conscious thought, Ranma grabs Shiyoru by the neck and leaps towards the pond. Soun : "Coming, Nodoka!" Ranma : "Damn damn damn damn damn! Not now! Not so suddenly!" Shiyoru : "WHOAH, Ranma! Let me go! What are you doing!!!!!?????" Ranma flies towards the pond while Soun is *slowly* taking his time to walk to the gate. Ranma : "Geronimo!" Shiyoru : "Ahhhh!" Landing in the pond with a colossal splash, both he and Shiyoru disappear into the water, while Porcelain, who is still following the two, gets a faceful of the spray from the dive. The result is Porcelain turning into a handsome guy sporting a classy ponytail, a muscular build, with pale, cream coloured skin and pure, silverish, mirrorlike hair, which flashes in the sunlight. As "Ranko" and "Shiyona" climb out of the pool, Shiyona, the light-chocolate brown haired, hazel-brown eyed, tall, beautiful, pretty and buxom girl grabs Ranko by the collar and starts shaking her, almost shouting in her face. Shiyona : "..... Ranma! What's going on!? Answer me!" Ranko : "Sorry, Shiyoru! But I'll explain it to you later! Just play along for now! There's no time now!" Shiyona grumbles a little, but says nothing else as Soun opens the gates, where Nodoka is indeed waiting. Soun is grinning nervously and sweating as he and Nodoka greet each other. Soun : "Ah, Nodoka-san! Konnichiwa!" Nodoka : "Konnichiwa to you too, Soun Tendou. May I come in?" Soun : "Sure! Come on in!" Nodoka : "Thank you." As Nodoka walks through the gates to the Tendou Household, Soun quickly gestures to Ranma and the other two to get back into the house. Nodding in acknowledgement, Ranko grabs Shiyona by her gi's collar and runs back into the Dojo, Glass trailing. Inside the Dojo, Shiyona is glaring at Ranko. Shiyona : "Ranma, if this is some joke.... and who was that lady outside just now?" Ranko : "Shiyoru, let me explain!" Shiyona : "Starting now." Ranko : "Shiyoru, 'that lady' outside is my mom! She's always coming to visit this place, hoping I'll have arrived." Shiyona : "So? Aren't you here? Why so scared? Why'd you change?" Ranko : "Because of my idiotic dad over here." *Bonk* "He made some stupid promise to raise me as a 'Man amongst Men', and look what one trip to Jusenkyo did to me." Shiyona looks Ranko over, then grins and chuckles a little. Then she bursts into straight out laughing, rolling on the floor a little. Getting up, she wipes the tears from her eyes and grins idiotically. Shiyona : "You mean to tell me, just because of a curse, you are afraid to let your mother see you?" Ranko : "There's more....." Just before she speaks however, the door behind them opens up, and Nodoka's head pops in. Ranko nearly leaps out of her skin. Nodoka : "Ranko! Are you there? Mr. Tendou here said you were in the Dojo." Ranko : "Oh, hi aunty! Nice to see you again!" Nodoka : "Oh, I'm sorry! I hope I haven't bothered you three." Turning around to look at the pretty woman who is Ranma's mother, Shiyona stands up. Glass, however, is standing right besides Ranko, and as Nodoka walks into the dojo, Akane and Kasumi following, she looks at the trio. She walks into the dojo, and sits down. Motioning to the rest to sit, she places the cloth bundle besides her, in which Ranko is eyeing very fearfully. Ranko faces Nodoka and smiles, albeit nervously. Ranko : "Oh, no! You weren't bothering us at all!" Nodoka : "Oh, good! I hope Mr. Tendou told you I was coming. I hate to surprise people so suddenly." Ranko : "Yes, aunty. He told us three days ago. We were waiting for you!" Nodoka : "That's nice! And I see you've got some friends here..." She spots Porcelain sitting right besides Ranko, and smiles. Nodoka : "My, what a nice boyfriend you have, Ranko!" Ranko : "Huh? Boyfriend?" Ranko turns to look at Porcelain, who is now a male, after being splashed with the pond water. Unfortunately, as he is sitting very close to Ranko, Nodoka misinterpretets it. Ranko turns back to Nodoka, looking nervous. Ranko : "Oh, yeah, my boyfriend! Yeah! Aunty, meet....." Glass : "Glass. Pleased to meet you, aunty." Nodoka : "My, what a handsome boy! And so well mannered too! And I see you've got another friend here too! It looks like we've never met before, have we?" She gestures towards "Shiyona", who looks a little confused. Ranko gives her a little prod. She nods in understanding. Ranko : "No, I don't believe you two have met! Aunty, meet Shiyona, a transfer student from Kyoto! Shiyona, meet Nodoka, Ranma's mother." Shiyona : "Er... pleased to meet you, aunty." Nodoka : "Pleasure's all mine! My, Ranko! You do have a good taste for friends, don't you? Why not go into the living room? We can talk about your friends there, Ranko! Come on! Bring your pet panda too!" Ranko : "Coming, aunty!" Standing up, Nodoka walks out of the dojo, Kasumi following, leaving behind a confused Shiyona and Glass. Akane walks over to the group, as Shiyona is asking Ranko. Shiyona : "Ranma! What's going on!? Why'd you call me Shiyona!?" Ranko : "Shiyoru, let me explain. I was about to tell you that my dad had made a promise," Shiyona : "I know, Man amongst Men, so?" Ranko : "Er... he said that if we couldn't accomplish this task.... we'd commit seppuku." Ranko expects the worst from Shiyona, like maybe an explosive laugh or something. Instead, what she recieves is just an understanding look. Shiyona : "Uh huh. So now, you're trying to hide that fact from her, because you're afraid to die?" Ranko : "Says who!? I just don't want to scare her, that's all!" Shiyona : "Sure sure, well, I can't blame you. I'd be afraid of death too. Which, by the way, reminds me. Did Nodoka just refer to MY girlfriend as YOUR boyfriend!?" Ranko, Shiyona, Akane and Porcelain look worried. Akane speaks first. Akane : "You know.... I think she did say that....." Shiyona : "Oh, great! So what now? We masquarade until she leaves!?" Ranko : "Looks that way... unless you two are willing to tell her otherwise." Glass : "Like me being 'Shiyona's' boyfriend? Ah well, I'm used to saying this kind of thing...." Shiyona : "Same here." Akane : "Maybe you two shouldn't tell her that. It'd break her heart that she'd actually guessed wrong." She gives all of them a mischevious smile. Akane : "Besides, Porcelain and Ranko look so cute together!" Shiyona gives Akane a jealous look, while Porcelain and Ranko blush deeply. Nodoka : (From somewhere outside) "Hello? Are you people coming?" Ranko : (Shouting to the voice) "Yes, aunty! Coming!" Ranko : (To the group.) "Come on, we'd better go. Don't want to keep her waiting. Oh, one more thing, Shiyona. I'm currently acting as Akane's cousin, so remember that." Shiyona : "Sure..." Ranko : "Ranko." Shiyona : "Sure, Ranko." {A day out with Nodoka.} The group of five walk towards the living room, with Ranko in the lead, holding Glass's arm. Akane is walking besides Shiyona, chatting. Genma panda follows behind, on all fours, acting the role of pet giant panda. They see that Nodoka has already seated herself at the table, along with Kasumi, and is drinking tea with her. Hearing the footsteps behind her, Nodoka turns around to face the group. She smiles sweetly at Ranko and the rest, then pats the cushions besides her, gesturing to them to sit down. Nodoka : "Ah! Glad you came. Come on then, sit down! I haven't had a nice girl to girl talk with you in a long time, Ranko. And you too, Akane!" Ranko & Akane : "Yes, aunty." Walking around the table, they take their places on the cushions and start sipping the tea Kasumi has poured for them. Ranko is sitting besides Nodoka, eyeing her cloth wrapped katana warily, while Akane talks with her sister. Glass and Shiyona sit on opposite sides of the table, both looking nonchalant, playing their roles. Once in a while, Porcelain and Ranko share looks, just to keep up a facade, and Nodoka notices this. Nodoka : "Ranko dear, looks like you and your boyfriend are really hitting it off, eh?" Ranko blushes deep red at this comment, both in embarassement and in annoyance that she actually has a "boy" friend. She, herself a boy! (Ok, not now, but originally.) But, ignoring all this, she just looks up to Nodoka and smiles. Ranko : "Yes, aunty! He's been really nice to me!" Nodoka : "Now, I know he's nice to you, but I want to make sure you treat him the same. I don't like naughty little girls who take advantage of their boyfriends, all right?" Ranko : "Yes, aunty." Turning her attention to Shiyona, who is just sitting there, all alone, she smiles. Nodoka : "And I see your other friend is a little lonely there?" Shiyona : (Looking up.) "Huh? Yes, aunty?" Nodoka : "Poor girl. Are you sure you're all right? You look so sad. Is something wrong?" Ranko : "No, aunty. Don't worry, she's always like that. Or at least, that's what she said." Nodoka obviously doesn't buy this, and she looks at Shiyona, who is looking a little sad and bored. She stands up and walks over to her side, and sits down besides her. Shiyona looks at Nodoka, who smiles and puts a hand on her shoulder. Nodoka : "There, Shiyona. Why're you so upset?" Shiyona : "Nothing, aunty. There's nothing wrong with me!" Nodoka : "Now, don't lie! I know something's wrong with you! Call it a woman's intuition. Come on, you can tell me! We're all girls here, except Glass." Shiyona : "........ erm......" Shiyona obviously looks stressed, as Nodoka mentioned that "we're all girls here...." when the only girls there were Akane, Kasumi, Porcelain her/himself, and Nodoka. Of course, Nodoka doesn't know this, and is still smiling when she suddenly speaks, a thought coming into her mind. Nodoka : "Oh! I know! Ranko said you were a transfer student, right?" Shiyona : "....yes....." Nodoka : "You must be terribly shy then, meeting people you don't know! Of course! You're too shy to ask people to be your friends!" Shiyona smiles sweetly at Nodoka's revelation, nodding. Blushing a little, Shiyona looks around nervously, as she agrees with Nodoka's answer. Shiyona : "Yes... aunty! I think that's it! I guess I'm too shy to ask people to be my friends...." Nodoka : "There, now. I think Ranko's done a good thing then, inviting you to come to her house. At least she's trying to be nice. Right, Ranko?" Nodoka turns to look at Ranko, smiling. Ranko bigsweats nervously, and stammers a little, but puts on a brilliant smile all the same. Ranko : "Eh heh heh.... er.... yes, aunty!" Nodoka looks pleased with this. Then, looking back at Shiyona, she contemplates what to do. Nodoka : "Well then, Shiyona, we'll just have to think of something for you so you won't feel so alienated here in Tokyo then? I do so dislike seeing people being lonely and sad just because they didn't dare to ask." Shiyona and the rest of the group share nervous glances. Suddenly, Nodoka snaps her fingers. Everyone turns to look at her. Nodoka : "I've got it! I think I'll take you all out to go shopping! It'll help you get better accquainted with Ranko and Akane, won't it? And if Glass doesn't mind, he can help out with carrying our purchases?" Glass : "No problem, ma'am." Nodoka : "Oh, I'm so happy! Come on, you all. Get changed! You'll have to look nice and pretty if you want to go shopping with me! Glass... stay here. I have something I want to talk to you about." Ranko : "Alright, aunty! Come on, Shiyona, Akane. Let's get changed!" Akane & Shiyona : "Coming." As the three get up to leave, Nodoka looks at Glass, sitting there. Glass catches her glance, and smiles. Nodoka : "Well, boy, looks like you've picked the right girl to go steady with. I'm so glad Ranko's gotten a boyfriend at last! I was beginning to worry for her. She's not my Ranma, but she's certainly like a daughter to me!" Glass : "Thanks, aunty." Nodoka : "But, you know what I'm going to say. You'd better treat Ranko well, all right? She's a nice girl, and I'd hate to see her being ill-treated or jilted by a boy, especially one as handsome as you." Glass looks a little surprised at this, but quickly wipes the face off. Nodoka notes the expression and takes it to be a sign that has Glass never considered one of those choices against Ranko, and smiles happily. Looking at Nodoka's blissfully happy face, Glass considers "hate" one of her most rarely used words, and thus, her words should be taken seriously if she ever used a sentence with that word. Glass : "Don't worry, aunty. I won't jilt Ranko. She's a nice girl anyway, and I think I'm seriously in love with her." Nodoka : "Glad to hear that then. Oh, I do so hope Shiyona's going to be all right in Nerima. I know how being a transfer student feels like, and I don't want Shiyona to go through the same experiences I did!" Glass : "Don't worry, aunty. I'm sure you'll do a fine job of making her feel at home." Nodoka : "I just hope you people can help her too. After all, I'll only be here a week!" Glass realizes that a week is going to be the entire length of their stay here. He nods nervously, then gets up, excusing himself politely. Glass : "If you don't mind, aunty, I'll be off. I have to get changed into something more suitable." Nodoka : "Go ahead then. I'll be waiting here." Glass runs off towards their usual guest room, already thinking about what to tell the rest of them. He makes a sharp turn in the corridor and stumbles into their room, where Shiyona, Ranma and Akane have gathered. Three heads turn to look at the newcomer, and all three throw questioning glances. Shiyona : "Yeah, Porcelain? What is it? You look surprised." Glass : "I am! Nodoka said she's going to be staying the entire week here! We can't change back into our original forms UNTIL she's gone!" Ranko : "Oh, great. I expected she'd go home instead after today." Akane : "Maybe she's staying in hopes of seeing you return, Ranma. After all, we've been fibbing to her that you and uncle have been leaving on training trips the past... oh, 48 visits. Maybe she's decided that she'll stay a while to see if she can catch you when you 'come' back." Ranko : "Oh, great. Well, she's my mom! I can't disappoint her THAT much during her stay here...." Akane : "Yeah, well, you already are. In the meanwhile, we'd better get changed." Ranko : "Yucks. I hate dressing like a girl, you know that, Akane!" (Sticks a tongue out.) Akane : "Yes, but you'd better do so for your mother, or she's going to be very upset. Besides, you really look cute in girls' clothes." Ranko : "And you don't look cute ANYTIME!" Akane : "RANMA no BAKA!" Shiyona : "Hey hey hey! Break it up, will you? We've still got to meet Nodoka later! Arguing can come after she leaves, all right!?" Ranko : "Ah well, I guess you're right, Shiyoru. Oh, by the way, what about you two? I didn't see your backpacks when you came. How're you going to get changed?" Shiyona : "Oh, geez! Porcelain, where did we leave our packs?" Glass : "I think we left them at the lot." Shiyona : "Wait here, will you? Hold Nodoka off if you need. I'll be back." With that, Shiyona closes her eyes in concentration, and her form starts to waver. Ranma and Akane look on, awed. Glass just stands there, nonchalant, and looking out for Nodoka. In a few seconds, Shiyona has completely disappeared from sight, while Ranma and Akane are looking at the empty spot of air which Shiyona was in a few seconds ago. Then they look back to Glass, keeping an eye out for Nodoka. They walk to Glass, and tap his shoulder. He turns. Glass : "Hm?" Akane : "Porcelain, we'll be leaving now to get changed. Tell Shiyoru where we've gone, alright?" Glass : "Right." Akane and Ranko run out the room to get changed. As soon as they leave, however, a wavering is seen in the air behind Glass, and the form of Shiyona carrying two equally large and heavy backpacks in each hand materialises. Glass turns around and closes the doors. Shiyona : "Well, here they are." Glass : "Come on, get changed. Nodoka's waiting." Shiyona : "Right." The two start opening their backpacks and searching through their individual compartments, searching for the portions on their bags labelled "onna" and "otoko" for clothes of the appropiate sex. Finding what they want, the two start stripping in front of each other, very much used to seeing each other naked after so many months together, although the two still blush a little. They throw on some clothes and underwear very quickly, neither side having any qualms about wearing clothes belonging to the opposite sex, unlike Ranma. Glass changes into a pair of smart looking black jeans, a tight white t-shirt showing off a well-muscled chest, and a cool orange vest. Adjusting his ponytail to make sure he looks good, Glass nods at Shiyona, who is wearing some pantyhose, a short black skirt reaching above her knees, a form fitting, sleeveless black turtleneck-T covered by a white jacket, a choker, (those collars you see some people wear.), a bracelet on one wrist, some earrings, and a beautiful, thin gold necklace. The two then look at each other, appraising each other. Glass : "See? You look so nice in that outfit. Especially that necklace I told you to buy." Shiyona : ".... you don't look so bad yourself! That outfit fits your ponytail! Real chic, if you ask me." Glass : "I can see your legs have been shaping up, Honey." Shiyona : "And your body's been shaping up too, Handsome." Both share a short giggle, and then go out to meet Nodoka and get her approval. Meanwhile, Akane and Ranko are still in their respective rooms getting changed. Ranko rummages through his drawers for articles of girls' clothing to wear for this outing, and finds what she's looking for, a fairly old outfit Nodoka bought for her once on another shopping trip. A long sleeved blouse with laced collar and a flower on it, a mini skirt, a pair of pantyhose, and a little hat to top it off. Akane meets Ranko in the corridor, and Ranko can see that Akane is wearing a mini-skirt, some low-cut boots, a striped turtleneck sweater, as well as a long sleeved jacket and a cute little hat. Ranko : "Hey, Akane, looking good, eh?" Akane : "You're not so bad looking yourself, Kawaii Iinazuke." Ranko : "Imagine that! Me, a boy, a cute girl! And you, a real tomboy of a girl, looking cute! Hah!" Akane pulls out a massive mallet from her jacket, and waves it in Ranko's face. Akane : "Ranma, if you don't stop that now, I won't mind getting myself another iinazuke better than you. No one's going to miss a jerk like you." Ranko : "No one's going to miss a tomboy either." A thunderbolt runs through her head as she catches the hidden meaning of Ranko's message. She drags the mallet on the floor, as she thinks about what she just said. Akane : (Thinking) "Wait a minute..... he DID say no one's going to miss a tomboy.... maybe.... he's telling me something.... or maybe not." *Bonk* The blow nearly knocks the hat off Ranko's head, but somehow misses flattening it. Ranko : "Hey! What'd you do that for!?" Akane : "The next time you call me a tomboy, I won't let you off so easily!" Ranko : (Aside, under her breath.) "Uncute." Akane : "Ano ne?" (What was that?) The two clamber down the stairs to meet up with the others, already gathered at the table. Shiyona and Nodoka are happily chatting away, while Glass is busy straightening out his jacket and checking his ponytail over and over. Akane and Ranko whistle at the two's sense of fashion. Akane : "Nice outfit!" Ranko : "Nice dress!" The two look at each other, realizing that they just commented on the dress code of members of the "same" sex, and laugh out loud, incidentally getting the attention of the three downstairs. They look up to see the happy couple walking down the stairs, and Nodoka claps her hands once, smiling. Nodoka : "So nice to see that the Tendou cousins are having such a good time together! Come on, hurry up! We'll be leaving soon!" The two "cousins" trot down the staircase and reach the bottom quickly. Nodoka looks the two over, evaluating their appearance, and nods, satisfied. Nodoka : "Well, looks like you two are wearing the things I bought for you the last time. That's nice!" Glass walks over to Ranko's side, and the two share a little look. Nodoka smiles, and nods. Nodoka : "Mm! Right, we're all ready, aren't we? Come on then, let's go. Kasumi said she'll take care of the house- hold duties here. Come here, Shiyona. I'll hold your hand. Akane, would you rather walk with me or with your cousin?" Akane : "I think I'll walk with you, aunty." Nodoka : "Ii (good), let's go. Sayoonara, Kasumi-san." Kasumi : "Farewell, Nodoka-san. Sayoonara." The group consisting of Nodoka, Akane, Shiyona, Ranko and Glass walk out of the outer gates of the Tendou household, all the while chatting and smiling at the prospect of having a good time shopping. Nodoka is holding Shiyona's hand, talking to her about her own experiences as a transfer student, to get her to gain confidence to ask others to become her friends so she won't feel so left out. Akane just looks on at the two, at a blushing Shiyona and an enthusiastic Nodoka, and smiles, grinning at the humour of the situation. Meanwhile, Ranko and Glass are discussing their plans to continue fooling Nodoka, while Ranko holds onto Glass' arm. Glass : "So, how do you intend to keep fooling her?" Ranko : "Act as we are now." Glass : "What about school? She's more than likely guessing that we're going to school, not that we need to. But, even if we go to school, it'll be in our cursed forms. I know the others at school know who we are, but what are they going to think when we go.... like this?" Ranko : "I have no idea. I guess you two can come to school in the things you two normally wear.... but as for an explanation, it's going to get out as gossip, you know." Glass : "So? How do you propose? We go there like this and get changed later?" Ranko : "Why didn't I think of that? It'll be only for a week after all. She won't be at school to see us anyway." Glass : "Apart from that, remember the last time we went to school?" Ranko : "Oh yeah." Ranko thinks back to the time when the principal tried cutting off Porcelain's hair when she was a guy, or when Kuno chased after the two when they were girls in addition to herself and Akane, as well as all the other problems they had with Gosunkugi and the rest of the gang when they went to school. Ranko : "Guess you'll have to put up with it then. I don't want to die, you know." Glass : "Don't worry, we'll do our best to put up with those jerks." Ranko : "Thanks." The group keeps walking, and soon enough, they reach the bus stop. Much to their dismay, however, it is packed to full as several dozen students in uniform have gathered at the bus stop to take a bus to their school's annual sports event. In fact, there are so many students, that the other commuters are all standing around OUTSIDE the stop, waiting for their rides. Nodoka and the rest start to worry, as they realize that it'll take more than one bus to carry all the students. However, they needn't have done so, actually. The group reaches the bus stop, and, like the other commuters, wait outside the stop. The group takes a seat on a flower bed's edge, placed near the bus stop for decorative purposes. But, as soon as they sit, a few chattering boys turn around to look at the new arrivals. Their jaws drop, as they look at the group of pretty girls sitting there. Boy's Voice #1 : "Hey, look over there." Boy's Voice #2 : "Huh? Oh my......" Boy's Voice #3 : "Those are the cutest babes I've ever laid eyes on!" Boy's Voice #4 : "Yeah, wipe up your drool. We've still got our girlfriends to worry about." Boy's Voice #2 : "Who cares about them? If we can get those girls....." And this chatter has gotten the attention of the other students as well. One head, then another, and soon, the whole stopload of heads have turned to look at the original group's point of discussion. Jaws drop, both boys' and girls', as they spot the group gathered there. Girl's Voice #1 : "My goodness! He is SOOOO cute!" Girl's Voice #2 : "I think I'm going to drool now." Girl's Voice #3 : "Isn't he handsome! That ponytail... wow! He looks like Steven Segall!" Girl's Voice #4 : "Better looking, if you ask me!" And so the entire group of students start changing their topics of conversation from their school's sporting event to the group gathered besides the stop, sitting on the flower-bed's edge, with a nice bush of roses growing in it. As it is, Nodoka and the rest just can't help but notice that they are recieving many, many stares from the group of students, and they turn to look at the students gathered. Shiyona, particularly, acting the role of a shy and reserved girl, forgets to rub that look off her face and as she looks, many mouths drip saliva, although Shiyona is beginning to feel a little annoyed. The same reactions towards Glass from the girls, who are just ogling at him, and his features. Just then, Nodoka spots a bus coming. Nodoka : "Oh, my! A bus is coming." Ranko : "Come on then, aunty! Why not take it?" Nodoka : "I'm afraid we'll have to let the students on first. They did arrive first, didn't they?" Catching the snippets of conversation between Nodoka and the unbelievably cute Ranko, the entire male population at the bus stop nod at each other, knowingly. Then they start to pile out of the stop, and a representative comes forwards towards the group. He walks up to Shiyona, and does a rather sloppy bow to her. Boy's Voice #2 : "Excuse me? We've decided to let you on first, if you don't mind." Unsure, Shiyona looks at Nodoka, who smiles and nods. Nodoka : "Go ahead, this'll help your social skills a little, Shiyona dear." Blushing, Shiyona looks up at the boy, who is staring at more than just her face. She smiles. Shiyona : "Why... yes, thank you! We don't mind!" Boy's Voice #2 : "Be our guest." And then the bus pulls up to the stop, dropping off passengers. The female population of the student group is beginning to board the bus, but then all of them stop when they see Glass walking up to them, ahead of the rest of the group. He walks up to the girl nearest to the bus' entrance, and bows almost perfectly. Glass : "Would the ladies mind letting us on board first?" The girls nearest to him swoon over in absolute ecstasy. Glass looks at them, confusedly, not knowing that he had such a powerful effect on girls before. Then he knocks his head, reminding himself that he *is* a girl, at least in his original form. Glass : (Thinking) "Stupid stupid stupid! Don't forget, you're a girl! And you love Shiyoru! You're just keeping this up because you need to fool Nodoka! Ach, who're you kidding?" Assisting the other girls in carrying away the unconscious forms of the first few girls, Glass bows to the rest as the group boards the bus. He quickly turns around and hops onto the bus, as the door closes. The group then goes to the window of the bus and waves a farewell to the absolutely smitten group of students, giggling or just grinning. They wave back, screaming : "Goodbye!" The bus starts its long journey to Ginza, Tokyo's biggest commercial center. Meanwhile, the group has taken its place on the bus. Nodoka is still sitting besides Shiyona, Glass besides Ranko, while poor Akane is sitting besides a snoring, drooling, sleeping man. Akane : "Yucks. Why me?" Nodoka is still giving Shiyona some words of encouragement, much like any other concerned mother would do for their own children. Shiyona nods now and then, giggles once in a while, and smiles every so often, as Nodoka gives her a lecture on how she herself coped with transfer student life. Nodoka : "Well, Shiyona darling, when I first came to Tokyo, I was so scared, because of all the unfamiliar faces that'd I seen. I was always by myself in the classroom, and always avoiding my other classmates, simply because I didn't dare to talk to one of them." Shiyona : "Well.... that's what I've been feeling lately...." Nodoka : "Now, don't you worry. Sooner or later, a boy is going to take that extra step and actually walk up to you. I know that boy will be the first person to help you break your reclusiveness, because that's what happened to me....." Shiyona : "Really?" Nodoka : "Yes! That boy was named Genma Saotome.... I haven't told you about him, have I?" Shiyona : ".....No, aunty!" Nodoka : "Would you like to hear my story? It might help you in the future!" (Giggles) Shiyona : "Ok, aunty!" Of course, Shiyona already knows who Genma is, although she HAS to keep Nodoka from knowing. At any rate, after hearing so many negative things about Genma from her friend Ranko, Shiyona is willing to listen to anything positive Nodoka might have about Genma. While the two chat and giggle, smile and trade little 'girl talk' back and forth, Ranko and Glass are looking with interest at the exchange. Ranko prods Glass' ribs. Glass : "Yes, 'Ranko'?" Ranko : "Say, er... 'Glass'..... does your.... 'boyfriend' always act like a girl? Does he even like being one? He seems to be enjoying his role, you know...." Glass catches Ranko's gist, as RanMA would never act so girlishly unless ABOSLUTELY forced to. Looking at Shiyona acting like this so easily makes her uncomfortable. Glass laughs a little. Glass : "Oh, that! Don't worry, 'Shiyona' isn't a pervert. Sure, she acts like a girl, and even on occasion likes being one, although he still prefers to be a boy, but I don't love Shiyoru any less. Even I am not spared...." Ranko : "You? A tomboy?" Glass : "Don't start with that." Ranko : "Right. Anyway, I just didn't think Shiyoru could so convincingly as a girl! I mean, giggles and all the little girl talk! He does quite an impression of a girl!" Glass : "Believe me, we've had some pretty hairy times together when our cursed forms were involved. We've had a LOT of practice at this, although we don't have to like it. Trust me, you won't want to know what kind of an act we can put up. Ranko : "Top scores in Literature plays, then, eh?" Glass : "Only the best." The bus continues, undaunted, towards its destination, at Ginza. By the time the bus reaches the commercial centre of Tokyo, it is nearly mid afternoon, and the merciless sun beats down on the group when they alight. Shielding her eyes, Nodoka looks up at the sky. Nodoka : "My, it is a hot day today! We'd better get under some shade fast!" Looking around at the surrounding area, Nodoka sees a ladies' lingerine and garments shop just nearby their unsheltered bus stop. She gets the groups' attention and points towards the store, Ranko sweating when she realizes what store it is. Nodoka : "Say, Ranko, Akane, Shiyona, it's been a while since we did this kind of shopping, why not go inside and see what we can buy?" Ranko sweats nervously at this, along with Shiyona, although they are fairly used to this. Akane just nods happily. Akane : "Sure, aunty! Why not?" Ranko : "Er.... yes, aunty! But, what about... Glass?" Nodoka looks at Glass, and puts a finger to her lip, wondering what to do about him. Nodoka : "My, I hadn't thought of your boyfriend, Ranko. I don't think they'd like him inside the shop, even if he's allowed in. What do we do?" Ranko, seizing this opportunity to not enter the shop, speaks up before Glass can respond. Ranko : "Oh, It's all right aunty! I can stay outside with him!": "Oh no no no, this won't do! It's so hot out here, your sweat might ruin your dress! Oh, no matter! Come on in with us, Glass. We could always use an extra hand. I'm sure the ladies won't mind." Glass : "If you wish." Of course, Nodoka doesn't know that Glass is really a girl, so he has absolutely NO qualms about going in. Ranko and Shiyona on the other hand... well, Shiyona isn't too objective to it, neither is Ranko, although they have their reservations.As the group just piles into the store, Glass can see 'he' isn't the only man in the store, as other girls have their boyfriends trailing them around, carrying huge bags and packages. However, he does realize that he is the most attractive 'male' in the shop, and all eyes are on him. He sweats profusely, and loosens his T-Shirt's collar a little, gulping. Shiyona and the other two girls notice this and giggle. They converge in a small group while Nodoka tries to calm Glass down. Shiyona : "Hee... never thought I'd see my own girlfriend nervous because of the attention from other girls!" Ranko : "Yeah, never thought a girl could act like that....." Akane : "Don't start Ranma. Call me a tomboy, I don't care, but call me something else...." And to emphasize her point, Akane pulls a giant mallet from inside the space formed by the ring, and waves it menacingly in Ranko's face. She gulps, and nods, getting the idea. Akane smiles, and shoves the mallet behind her, causing it to disappear. Meanwhile, Nodoka has succeeded in calming Glass down, and a red-faced Glass is now standing besides the sales counter, upon Nodoka's instructions. Ranko quickly walks up to Glass on the pretence of wanting a final word between boyfriend/girlfriend. Ranko nudges Glass as he looks around the shop. Whispering in Glass' ears, Ranko asks. Ranko : "Hey, Porcelain, what's your bra size/shape?" Glass looks wonderingly at Ranko, as his brain suddenly works out his female measurements. He looks unsure as he answers Ranko. Glass : "Er...... 'D' cup, size 30 at largest." (Hey, it's manga. What did you expect? I'm sorry.) Ranko : "Right." Glass : "Wait a minute, you aren't thinking of......" Ranko : "You guessed it. I'm gonna get you something. Besides, I have *enough* of my own." Glass : "But it's Nodoka's gift...." Ranko : "Well..... I still can't stand wearing it." Glass : (Raising his voice a little) "Well, I strongly suggest you buy a little less then. I have enough of my own." Ranko : (Following as well) "I guess so, but you'd better keep some of them!" This little bickering catches the attention of Nodoka, who walks over to the two "lovers". She seperates the two with a stern look. They look up at her, then hang their heads in shame, faces burning red. She looks at the two sternly for a while, then smiles. Nodoka : "There now, don't fight. Lovers shouldn't bicker like that! Whatever it is, I'm sure it can be settled peacefully!" The two look up at her shamefacedly, then smile a little. They nod. Ranko & Glass : "Sorry, Nodoka-san." Then they look at each other. Ranko & Glass : "Sorry, Ranko/Glass." Nodoka : "There, that was so much better, wasn't it? Come on, Ranko! We're about to start shopping." Ranko : "Coming, aunty!" Ranko turns to leave, and gives Glass a "well, there's nothing better to do" look and shrugs. They both laugh a short while before Ranko bounds after Nodoka. Glass chuckles a little and just sits there, staring dreamily at the underwear, wondering what 'he' would look like wearing those underwear in his original girl form. Meanwhile, the four girls are in the underwears department, taking a look around. While Akane and Nodoka look perfectly comfortable around the underwear, as they go through what they want to buy, Shiyona and Ranko look at each other rather uncomfortably, both still unused to the idea of actually choosing some really lacy underwear to buy. While Akane and Nodoka go through some bras, Shiyona nudges Ranko. Shiyona : (To Ranko) "Psst! Hey, Ranma!" Ranko : "Yeah?" Shiyona : "You don't look so well." Ranko : "Of course I don't look well! I'm a guy for goodness' sakes! Oh, sure, I won't mind buying them, but I won't be wearing them either! At least, not unless I absolutely need them!" Shiyona : "Ah, but remember your promise...." Ranko : "It wasn't my promise! It was my greedy slob of a father's!" Shiyona : "Either way, you've got to play along, don't you?" Ranko : "Yeah, well.... Shiyoru, just how often do you wear girls' underwear?" Shiyona : "Believe me, travelling around the world gives me time to get used to this kind of thing, considering the fact that I stay rather wet most of the time. Weather and all that." Ranko : "Uh huh. So you're really wearing a bra now?! And panties?!" Shiyona : "Simple cloth ones. Don't get your hair in a mess. I know the last time you saw me, I still hated this stuff. Now I've gotten rather used to it. Kinda like you." (Grins maliciously.) Ranko : "Ych, for your sake, I hope you don't actually *enjoy* being a girl. But you're right. I like to look good, boy OR girl." Shiyona : "I hope not either. Come on, Nodoka's calling us. Don't want to keep out favorite aunty waiting, eh?" Ranko : "Yeah yeah." (In a very deadpanned voice.) The two 'girls' walk over to Nodoka, who is holding up a small pile of fancy bras and panties. Akane has a cute pair of bras she wants to try out. The two girls look at Nodoka happily. Shiyona : "Yes, aunty Nodoka? You called?" Nodoka : "Yes, I just picked out some of these, I thought that you might want to try them out and see which ones you liked." Ranko : (Aside) "Just like the last time.... just hope she doesn't give me a hot bath again!" Nodoka : "Yes, Ranko? Did you say something?" Ranko : "Huh!? Oh, no! I didn't say anything important!" (Very flusteredly.) Nodoka : "Oh, good! Well, here you go. Try these on and tell me which ones you like, OK? My treat! Get Shiyona to help, all right?" She holds out the small pile to the two girls, offering it to them. Ranko and Shiyona look at each other, unsure, before Shiyona reaches out and tentatively grabs the pile out of Nodoka's hands. Nodoka : "Good. Now, since Shiyona here needs a little social help, why not you two girls share a dressing room and get a little better introduced?" The two look at each other, faces turning a pure, beet red. Their eyes grow wide, and they begin to sweat. But, having no better choice, they quickly put on a false front. Smiling sweetly, the two look at Nodoka, giggling. Ranko : "Ok, aunty! I'll do my best!" Nodoka : "I know you will, Ranko dear. Go on, I still have to help Akane with hers. Meet me at the cashiers', ok?" Shiyona & Ranko : "Yes aunty." Nodoka gives them a last smile, then turns around to help Akane. Shiyona and Ranko make their way towards a fairly large changing room, and once inside, they lock the door behind them. However, neither one of them makes a move. Ranko : ".... er.... what do we do now?" Shiyona : "Guess we have to get undressed and try these on." Ranko : "You know.... I've never seen....." Shiyona : "Don't worry! We're still boys at heart, right!?" Ranko : "Yeah...." Shiyona : "Come on, where's that brotherly spirit then?" Ranko : "Oh, all right. But only because of Nodoka!" Shiyona : "Sure... whatever you say." Dumping the pile on the ground, the two proceed to take off their blouses and skirts to try on the individual articles, although a little hesitantly. Turning around so they don't have to look at each other, they try each one on and appraise each other. Ranko : "Not bad.... rather pretty. Nice hips." Shiyona : "You're not bad yourself. Guess you never thought about looking at yourself in the mirror?" Ranko : "Not yet...." Shiyona : "Why not look? We've seen enough of ourselves anyway." Ranko : "Whatever. I still think I hate wearing girls' underwear." Shiyona : "Get used to it. Besides, you said you wanted to look good?" The two girls continue assessing themselves, both by the mirror and each other. Through a little coaxing by Shiyona, Ranko finally gets a few articles out, although they are simple by comparison to Shiyona's. Looking at her markedly larger collection, Ranko is a little unnerved. Ranko : "Say, Shiyoru, isn't that a little large for your collection?" Shiyona : "Not all of this are for me, you know." Ranko : "For Porcelain?" Shiyona : "Yep. Can't let her suffer as a guy all the time. She deserves a little something special too, for her role." Ranko : "Well, guess we've gotten all we need. Let's return the rest and meet mom at the cashiers'." Then she keeps some of the underwear away, for returning. Ranko : "Won't need these then. Hope mom doesn't mind paying." Shiyona : "Just don't let her hear that." The two then walk out of the changing room, dressed again, carrying two piles of underwear. Ranko goes to return the unwanted ones, while Shiyona goes to the cashiers', where Akane and Nodoka are already waiting. Akane spots Shiyona first, and waves. Akane : "Hey, Shiyona! Over here!" Shiyona : "Coming." Ranko comes running up behind Shiyona as she dumps a small pile of underwear on the counter. While the cashier at the counter tallies up the total, the three girls hold a small conference. Akane : "Gee, Ranma, I didn't know you would actually buy some of this stuff!" Ranko : "No more surprised that you have any feminine tastes at all!" Akane : "Grr....." (She's getting angry.) Shiyona : (Very hurriedly) "Akane, calm down! We don't want to fight in front of Ranma's mom!" Akane : "You're right, Shiyona. Anyway, I didn't think you two boys'd buy so many!" Shiyona : "Well, some of it's for Porcelain anyway." Akane : "Oh, yeah. What about yourself?" Shiyona : "Only what I need." Akane : "And you, Ranma?" Ranko : "As many as Shiyoru could coerce me into buying." Shiyona : "Tsk tsk, 'coerce' is such a harsh word." Ranko : "Any better suggestions?" Shiyona : "Convince with difficulty maybe." Just then, Glass walks over and taps the three on their shoulders. Nodoka is still haggling over the price with the cashier though, and this gives them enough privacy to talk. Glass joins the mini-conference in a small corner. Glass : "Shiyoru-kun, you got any for me? Hee." Shiyona : "Of course I did. You're the real girl here anyway!" Glass : "And you two are the real boys around here." Ranko : "Or as far as we can become anyway." Meanwhile, the bargaining battle between Nodoka and the cashier has been won, Nodoka pulling out a wad of cash, slightly smaller than what it would've been originally. Carrying three bags of purchases, she calls out to Glass to help carry the purchases. He does so quickly, without delay. Each bag has a small label, each label has a name written on it. Shiyona's bag is the thickest, Ranko's the thinnest. Returning to the group, Nodoka looks at Shiyona's bag and grins. Nodoka : "Well, Shiyona, looks like you've got some tastes!" Shiyona : "Nah.... not really." Nodoka : "Well, that's that! Come on, I know a great boutique where we can get some nice clothes! I hope Ranko and Shiyona are bonding well!" Ranko and Shiyona look at each other, and grin sheepishly, blushing. Nodoka takes this as a good sign that Shiyona is finally warming up. She smiles and gestures to the rest to follow her out of the shop. They nod, and follow her out. Nodoka : "All right, where was that shop....?" As Nodoka looks around, finger on lip, thinking where the shop should be, Shiyona and Ranko start to shift uncomfortably, still a little unused to their clothes. Akane and Glass see this and grin at each other, knowing what the two must be feeling. The two nudge Ranko and Shiyona in the ribs. They turn around, looking at the two. Ranko & Shiyona : "Yes?" Glass : "Shiyoru, are you.... uncomfortable in that?" Akane : "Ranma, you must be uncomfortable in that!" They start to grin uncontrollably. Shiyona and Ranko look hurt. Then the two burst into straight out laughter. Talking in low enough voices so Nodoka won't hear, Shiyona and Ranko ask in a hurt tone. Shiyona & Ranko : "What's so funny? It's not that comfortable, you know." Glass : (Between chuckles.) "S..sorry... we just thought.... maybe you two... might be unaccustomed to wearing girl's clothes...!" Shiyona : "Lucky you, girls. You two can still wear jeans and Ts and not feel out of place. You don't know how hard it is on us GUYS to wear this and feel normal!" Akane : "D..don't worry... *hee*.... at least.... we're getting a kick out of this! So it isn't so bad....!" The two nearly roll on the floor laughing, while Shiyona and Ranko look deeply hurt. Shiyona : "Bah, girls will be girls, and you two hardly fit the list." Akane : "Much like father like son?" Ranko : "Hey! That wasn't nice!" Akane : "So? You aren't nice to me!" Ranko : "Akane...." However, common sense wins Shiyona and Glass over, as they see Akane and Ranko about to get into a fight. They quickly step between the two and try their best to calm the two down. Glass : "Calm down, Akane.... this was just a jest.... don't get angry!" Shiyona : "Ranma, remember yourself now.... you don't want Nodoka to think...." This appears to work, as the two quickly cool down, although not completely. Shiyona brings Ranko over to one side to talk with her privately while Glass brings Akane over to the other side. Shiyona : "Ranma, don't get angry. We both aren't used to this. You're not alone." Ranko : "Well, easy for YOU to say! Your mom doesn't want you dead if you can't be a real man! And I feel so.... not myself wearing girls' clothes! I don't feel like a man!" Shiyona : "You're a girl now, so don't forget that. You'll have to put up with this. I'm not complaining." Ranko : "Hmph, if you aren't complaining, then I won't. Can't lose out to my junior!" Shiyona : "That's my..... Ranko!" (Grins evilly.) On Glass' side.... Glass : "Akane, calm down! I know you and Ranma bicker a lot, but at least try to put up with this! Besides, you two are fiancees! You can't get angry at your own husband-to-be!" Akane : "Who cares about that pervert! All he does is insult me at the drop of a hat!" Glass : "You must remember, you do the same thing." Akane "Et tu, Porcelain?" Glass : "No! I'll admit it's our fault this time too!" Akane : "Why's that!?" Glass : "You know that boys' clothes are mostly unisexual clothes! Girls' clothes aren't! We've got to understand that those two are BOYS wearing girls' clothes now! They've gotta be at least a LITTLE unused to them!" Akane : "Yeah... well... I guess you're right. We've gotta think about how uncomfortable they are...." Glass : "Least we can laugh, but not in their faces. Agreed?" Akane : ":-). Agreed." Just as the two finish their talks and get back together, Nodoka snaps her fingers as she remembers where the shop is. Turning around, she finds the group as if they had never moved, grinning at each other. She smiles. Nodoka : "Ok... I remember now! Come on! We'll have some ice cream after this!" Ranko, Akane & Shiyona : "Hooray!" Nodoka : "Come on... this way!" Nodoka brings the small group towards a large shopping complex where the human traffic is the densest. Waiting for the crowd to thin out a little before entering, Nodoka and the rest take an eyeful of the MASSIVE shopping complex, full of people going about their business, and begin to chatter excitedly about what they're going to buy. Of course, Shiyona and Ranko take very little part in this, and Nodoka constantly asks Glass what he thinks Ranko would look nice in. Glass : "Erm..... I don't really know...." Nodoka : "Come on, at least try! You've got a good sense of dressing, as far as I can see... Come on, just give a brief description." Glass looks a little uncomfortable for this request, but nods his head, reluctantly. Looking over Ranko, his mind goes over a schematic of her body, and runs a possible list of clothes to put on it. Using something like a jackpot system in his head, he slowly stops and fits matching clothes on Ranko's schematic in his mind, and comes up with a perfect answer. Glass : "You know.... I think Ranko'd look nice in a mini-skirt, thigh length boots, long sleeved jacket, singlet blouse, and pantyhose. And maybe a matching hat and her hair let loose." Ranko blanches at the thought of losing her pigtail. Then starts to think about how unlike 'him' she'd look like and shudders uncomfortably. Shiyona and Akane catch a glimpse of this and sympathises with Ranko, knowing how bad it'd be for him/her. However, Nodoka doesn't notice Ranko's reaction, and simply nods. Then she flashes the group a malicious smile. Nodoka : "Maybe I'll follow Glass' advice... let's see, the boutique's this way." She gestures to them to follow, smiling all the while. They follow her up multiple levels, in elevators and escalators, and finally reach the boutique. Nodoka : "Here we are!" It is, fortunately, fairly empty. Nodoka nods to the group. Nodoka : "Come on, then. Let's get some good things before they're all gone! Glass... if you don't mind?" Glass : "No. I'll stay out here." (With a tinge of disappointment.) The group follows her in. Shiyona looks at Ranko, whose face is pale. Shiyona : "Ranma? Are you all right? You don't look so well. You look like it's the end of the world." Ranko : "Yeah, of course I don't! I sometimes really wished that my mom didn't come looking for me at all. I can't stand being in this boutique, I can't stand wearing these degrading clothes, and I can't stand my girl body!" Shiyona shares the same feelings, but deadpans her voice, trying to lighten the situation up. Shiyona : "Uh huh, and what do you want to do? Tell Nodoka? Why not? Then at least you won't have to suffer as a girl anymore." Her voice is misinterpreted by Ranko. Ranko : "Yeah, right! Maybe you're fool enough to want to die, but I don't! Maybe you're too used to being a girl! Maybe Jusenkyo's taking its toll on you! Maybe you're turning into a real girl! Maybe you ARE a real girl! Maybe you're losing your manhood!" Ranko looks like the world revolves around her as she loses her temper all of a sudden, and starts telling Shiyona off. Shiyona looks at her seriously, and glares at her angrily, and very hurt. Shiyona : "What did you just say?" Ranko : "You're losing your manhood, GIRL!" Ranko's lose her temper completely, and begins calling Shiyona all sorts of insulting names. Shiyona : "You..... just.... called me.... complete girl...!?" Shiyona repeats Ranko's most recent insult in total and absolute seriousness. Ranko notices her dark expression. Suddenly, her little world that has been revolving around her shatters and snaps her back to reality. Ranko : (Thinking) "Oh no. What did I just do?" {What happens when you pinch a nerve.} Shiyoru looks very angry now, and the small arguing match has drawn a small crowd. A large crowd of women and girls are staring at her, pointing and making comment. Shiyona bursts her bubble. Shiyona : "What the *^#%!@*are you jerks looking at!? Never seen a girl angry, is it? GET LOST, busybodies!" After this outburst, she suddenly notices the entire shopping complex deadly silent, as everyone stares at her, dumbfounded. She suddenly realizes she's the centre of attention, and realizes what she's just said. Looking at Glass, outside the shop, and the rest, she realizes that they are staring at her, shocked. At a loss for what to do, she just blushes furiously, then in another burst of emotion, she starts to cry. Tears streaming out of her face, she runs out of shop, leaps down to the first level of the mall, out the main entrance and down the street. Nodoka and the rest start to run after her, down stairs and out the door, calling her name. Nodoka, Akane, Ranko & Glass : "Shiyona...!" As they run out of the mall, they spot her turning a round at the bend in the street. Moving at full pace now, the group runs towards her, deftly and effectively avoiding, leaping, shoving and tackling anyone who gets in their way. As they run, Ranko suddenly feels a pang of guilt go through her heart. Ranko : (Thinking) "Shimatta! I shouldn't have said those things! Why did I lose my temper!?" They turn a corner, and spot Shiyona just standing there, crying, people passing her looking concernedly. Nodoka calls out loudly. Nodoka : "Shiyona! There you are! What's wrong?" Shiyona spots Nodoka, and Ranko behind her. She remembers Ranko's words, and Ranko's words come back to her head. "You GIRL!" "You're not a boy anymore!" "Losing your manhood!" She starts running across the road, simply to avoid Ranko and her words. As she runs, she crosses a bus stop, with a bus leaving. Right in front of her. Glass : "Look OUT!!!" Akane : "Danger!!!" Ranko : "Oh....." Shiyona turns her head only in time to see the bus converge on her. *BOOOOHHHNNNNN!* *BLAM!* Shiyona : "...ah!..." All : "NO!" They watch in horrid fascination as the bus slams full force into Shiyona's seemingly frail form, sending her flying a small distance away, and landing on the street, shredding her sleeve as she slides on the road, arm first. Then, she just lays there, still and bleeding, from her mouth and her entire side. The group and onlookers look on, aghast at what had just happened. Then, springing into action, Glass runs over to Shiyona's side. He cradles her head in his hands, calling her real name, wiping the blood off her face. Glass : "Shiyoru! Shiyoru....! Are you all right!? Please, speak to me! Come on, you're stronger than that! I know you are! Say something!" Then Nodoka and the rest come running over, concern painted on their faces. Ranko looks VERY, VERY guilty at what she has inevitably done, while Akane and Nodoka simply look shocked. A group of onlookers are gathering around the accident site, looking and mumbling amongst themselves. Suddenly, one person takes out a mobile phone and dials the emergency number. Glass continues to cradle Shiyona's head, sniffing and holding it close to his own. Nodoka looks on, wondering why Ranko's boyfriend would show this much concern for this girl. She looks at Ranko, who is tearing up at the eyes, with a guilty look. Nodoka : "Ranko, what happened? Why... is Glass so.... concerned..... with Shiyona?" Ranko looks up at Nodoka, shamefacedly. She hugs her, crying, as she explains between sobs. Ranko : "M...Aunty..... Glass isn't my boyfriend. He.... he's Shiyona's!" Stroking her hair, trying to comfort her, Nodoka nods solemnly. Nodoka : "Was it because of that that she ran off like that...? Was it because I mistakenly assumed he was your boyfriend that you two and Glass argued earlier on? Was it why she ran off?" Not wanting to lie to Nodoka, but not wanting to risk her own life telling her the truth, Ranko tells her mother a mostly-truth reply. Ranko : "A...aunty.... yes..... we didn't want to.... break your heart.... so.... we agreed on this." Nodoka : "Now, now, you silly girl! Why didn't you tell me? Even I make mistakes sometimes too, you know!" Ranko : "Well... I thought that... maybe you'd like me to have a boyfriend at last.... you always were pestering me to get one.... we thought that it would be the perfect chance to change roles when you.... came...." In a way, this is a double meaning. Changing roles would be the change of roles.... of sexes and identities, the roles of being new friends, as well as roles of being a son , not just changing the roles of boyfriend alone. Ranko/Ranma reflects on this, and cries even more loudly than before, at this lie of a life she's leading. Nodoka, however, simply takes this to be a sign of Ranko's guilt at having lied to her. Akane has gone over to try tending to Shiyona's wounds, trying to see what injuries Shiyona's sustained. But, it isn't long before a siren is heard. Then several sirens, as an ambulance and a patrol car arrive at the scene. *wee oo wee oo wee oo* *screeeeech!* *clank!* *clonk!* *rrpprrprrrp* The crowd of people at the back are parting like a wave as the paramedics arrive with a stretcher. Paramedic #1 : "Move it, move it please, come on, we've got an emergency here!" They comply quickly, not wanting any part of this young girl's death. Looking at the *bloody* scene, the paramedics shake their heads. Paramedic #2 : "She's not going to make it." Paramedic #1 : "Shut your gap and get her to the hospital. There's hope yet." Asking Glass and Akane to move away, the group watches as the paramedics carry Shiyona onto the stretcher and and carry her into the ambulance. Another person, a police officer, walks towards the group and asks around as to who is related to the girl. Nodoka hears this and calls the officer over to her. The officer's partner appeals to the crowd for any witnessess to the accident, and while the witnessess are led off to another side, the rest of the group disperses to continue on their business. A tear filled eye group consisting of Akane, Ranko, Glass and Nodoka follow the police officer to the car, to conduct a questioning. Officer : "Well, miss, you are related to the victim?" Nodoka : "I don't know much, sir. Ask her friends, if they don't mind." The officer looks at the three young teenagers, and takes out a notebook and pen. He begins his investigation with the three, with a concerned Nodoka looking on. Starting with Ranko, he asks some questions. Officer : "All right, miss, what's your name?" Ranko : (Thinking) "Oh ****! I'll be in it deep if I lie! But I can't give my name in front of the officer!" Officer : "Well?" Ranko : "It's.... Ran...." Akane : "Ko. She's Ranko." Officer : "Well, can I see some I.D, or do your parents keep them?" As Ranko is about to answer : "Our parents keep them.", she feels something being pushed into her hands. She puts her hand to her face and sees her I.D card in it. However, instead of an image of her male form in the photo, an image of her female form is on it. The sex has been change to F instead of M, and only her address remains the same. Looking back at Akane, she sees her similarly confused, Glass with the same face. Looking back at the waiting man, she hands the fake I.D over. He records the particulars down, and begins his investigation. Ranko dives into a story of how Shiyona comes from another province, and how she is a transfer student, plus everything she's formulated in her head, some truths, some lies. Akane and Glass continue the same story, catching up on Ranko's story. The officer just nods and scribbles everything down on his notebook. After they give a final statement, the police man nods and turns to Nodoka. Officer : "Madam, I'm sorry, but we'll have to take you and the children to the police station for a formal statement as well as an account on what happened. You can see your friend later." Nodoka : "Well.... all right then, we'll go. Come on." (In a very serious tone.) The four board the cruiser, and the two policemen get in, letting others take over as they arrive. {To the hospital. The wait....} I'm sure anybody seeing a crying man and a giant panda walking on two feet towards the police station would've been surprised beyond words, but then again, the residents of Nerima, Tokyo, and in fact the whole of Tokyo, have pretty much seen a lot of weird things in their life, and this is nothing special to them. So when Soun and Genma panda come bursting into the police station, Soun is already wet with tears. He had expected the worst, maybe jail or detention, but when he arrives at the station, he quickly hugs Akane when he sees her sitting at a chair, waiting glumly. Soun : "Oh, Akane-chan! I thought you'd be in trouble!!! I was so worried!" Akane : "Dad! I'm all right! I'm not the one who needs the attention now, you know!" Ranko and Nodoka, who were sitting nearby on other chairs waiting for the police's chief superintendent to authorize their stories and let them go, get up and walk over to Soun and the giant panda. Ranko : "Hey, Soun." Soun stops hugging Akane, and looks at Ranko, still crying. Soun : "What happened? Why was I called to the station? Where's Shiyo...." Ranko : "Na." Soun : "Shiyona?" Nodoka looks very guilty after hearing this question, and she walks up to Soun. She hangs her head in shame, apparently taking the blame for what happened to Shiyona. Nodoka : "Sorry, Mr. Tendou. I am to blame." Soun : "Mrs. Saotome! What are you talking about?" Nodoka : "I was the one... who caused Shiyona's accident." Soun : "Accident!? What accident!? Shiyona was in it!?" Genma (C) : "Bwooaaak!?" Nodoka looks like she's on the verge of tears. Ranko pats her shoulder reassuringly. Nodoka : "It was all because of my stupid assumption that Glass... (pointing to a crying, silver haired boy) was Ranko's boyfriend, and because of that, Shiyona.... got....." Nodoka shudders as she tries to produce the word from her mouth. Soun looks worried and flustered. Soun : "What? Hurt? Wounded? Injured? Paralyzed? Kill..." As Soun is about to say 'killed', Nodoka, Ranko, Akane and especially Glass give him an incredible fist to the head. All : "DON'T SAY THAT! DON'T EVER SAY THAT WORD!" A certain Soun Tendou shaped carpet is now quite visible on the cracked concrete floor, and seems to fill the space in the ground quite nicely. As he peels himself off the ground and searches for missing teeth, the police superintendent, a medium aged, well-built man with an air of confidence, walks out from his office, papers in hand, Nodoka and the rest rush towards him and start asking questions. Waving his hand, he silences them. Taking a deep breath, he tells them what they need to know. Superintendent : "Well, all of your stories check out.... as far as I'm concerned. You can go." Nodoka : "What about Shiyona? That girl who was knocked down?" Superintendent : "By a bus? Oh, she's alive. Barely. She's in the operating room now, undergoing major surgery." Nodoka looks EXTREMELY upset at this, and so does the rest of the group, especially Glass. Glass : "Will... she be all right?" Superintendent : "I don't know. Why not go and find out? She's been warded at the Tokyo University Hospital." (Note : I don't know what hospitals there are in Japan, so I'm guessing here. This is purely fictional as far as I am concerned.) Immediately, the group turns around to leave. Sighing in relief, the Superintendent wipes the bigsweat off his brow. Returning to his office, he taps his left ear twice. Superintendent : "Lion-Nihon 4 to Lion team... we have a situation on our hands." Voice : "Explain." Superintendent : "You're not going to like this." As the group runs out towards the nearest street, dragging a still delirious Soun with them, they spot a taxicab. Waving frantically at it and jumping up and down while screaming at the top of their voices, they get the taxicab to stop. As it does, an extremely annoyed driver sticks his head out the window. He is definitely NOT Japanese. In an extremely offensive voice, the driver starts shouting. Driver : "Hey, whaddaya want, man? I'm off my shift here! I don't want no group of chicks bothering my rest!" He then proceeds to emphasize the point by hacking and coughing, throwing a wad of phglem at Nodoka's feet. This is the last straw for Nodoka, who takes the cloth wrapped bundle she's been carrying on her back for so long and unties the strings. A flash of light, and a glint, the cab driver looks nervously at the well polished and extremely sharp katana which Nodoka is holding, menacingly, at his face. Nodoka : "Now, young man, I don't want to listen to your garbage! Off shift or not, I demand you take us to the Tokyo University Hospital, NOW, or else...." Driver : "Ok ok lady! I get your... 'point'. Hop on! But the panda goes running!" Genma is rather upset at this prospect, but seeing he has no other choice, shrugs and resigns himself to his fate. Everyone quickly piles into the cab, Nodoka going in last, after wrapping her katana, much to the driver's relief. As soon as the door closes, the taxi burns rubber and leaves a smoke trail behind, as well as tire tracks in its wake. Minutes later, the taxi pulls up at the entrance to the hospital, where everyone piles out, and Akane, in compensation for the inconvenience, gives the driver a 400 yen tip. Simply wanting to be out of the place and away from the nut with the blade, the driver stuffs it into his pocket and drives off, post haste. As soon as they manage to slap Soun awake, the group immediately makes their way towards the reception desk to inquire about a certain patient. At the counter, Nodoka walks up to an apparently available nurse and asks her where to find a certain Shiyona. Nodoka : "Excuse me, miss, but may I know... Shiyona-san wa dochira desu ka?" (Where's Shiyona?) Nurse : "Chotto matte kudasai...." (Please hold on.) The nurse swings in her chair and types in the name on her computer. In seconds, the computer monitor spits out a ward and number, and she hands a printout to Nodoka, who is glad Shiyona isn't dead yet. As she turns around to leave however, the nurse warns them. Nurse : "You'll want to go to operating room 3-C first. That's where they're still operating on her. She isn't in the clear yet." Nodoka : "Doomo arigatoo." They start walking towards the nearest available lift, where a nurse pushing an empty wheelchair has just gotten into. As they pile in, the poor nurse is forced into a corner, squeezed tight. When the doors close and begins its ascent to level 3, where the room is located (I already mention I have no idea what the hospital might be like.), the nurse turns to look at who is besides her, and is shocked by a badly bruised and battered Soun Tendou. She taps him on the shoulder, bringing a visible wince to his face and a gasp of pain. Nurse : "Excuse me, mister, but shouldn't you....?" Soun : "No need, I'll be fine." Nurse : "If you say so...." As the lift reaches level 3, everyone piles out again. The group, led by Nodoka and Glass, run down a corridor, counting the numbers. Glass : "3-A.... 3-B.... 3-E..... DAMN IT! Where's 3-C!?" Finally stopping for a while to catch their breaths, everyone looks around. Then, Soun, spotting a nurse, walks over to her. She looks up at him, and at his wounds. Nurse : "Sir? Do you need any... help?" Soun : "Yes. I need to know where operating room 3-C is." Nurse : "Sorry, sir, but you can't go in without proper authorisation, even for wounds as serious as that." Soun : *ACK*. "I didn't mean myself, young lady! We have a friend in there, she's undergoing surgery! We need to wait outside!" Nurse : "All right... but I still think you should go get those tended to." The nurse then leads the group down a corridor, twist around a corner, navigate a bend, and finally come to a small, obscure corner of the level, before returning to her duties. There, Nodoka sits down, head low, as she blames herself for what happened. Glass paces in circles endlessly, saying silent prayers for Shiyona's safety. Akane just sits by her father's side and the two comfort each other. Ranko notes Nodoka's distress, and sits down besides her. She hands her a tissue to wipe her tears away, and puts a hand on her shoulder. Nodoka accepts it with an unsteady hand, and smiles unsurely at Ranko. Nodoka : "Thank you, Ranko." Ranko : "Aunty... I know you blame yourself. Please don't.... it was our fault to begin with. If we had told you the truth, this would've been avoided." Which was an absolute, blatant and all out lie. But of course, since this is Nodoka's reasoning that because of her assumption of Glass being Ranko's boyfriend and all that the accident had happened, this cheers her up somewhat. She looks up at Ranko, who looks so much like her Ranma in her dreams, and smiles, wiping tears from her reddish eyes. Nodoka : "I know.... but, I shouldn't have...." Ranko : "Look, aunty, there's nothing we can do now." Glass walks over to them and sits down besides Nodoka on the other side. Glass : "Except pray and hope she's all right." Nodoka looks at Glass' tear reddened face, and looks angry at herself again. Nodoka : "Sorry, Glass.... I...." Glass : "Please, aunty, don't say it. It's our fault, true enough. We should've plucked up enough courage to tell you...." Nodoka : "But you knew it would break my heart that I'd guessed wrongly?" Ranko : "....." Nodoka : "No... I guess you're right. We can't do much now. Except wait." So, the waiting begins. Kasumi arrives soon after, having cleaned up the house, and starts to comfort her father. The entire group just sits there, comforting Nodoka and Glass, while waiting for results. *tick* *tock* *tick* *tock* Time passes...... {Shiyona's condition. The discovery.} Ranko : "Baka na Ranma! Baka na Ranma! Baka na Ranma.... oh, what am I thinking!?" The thoughts go through her head as Ranko paces back and forth in circles on the floor, wearing the carpet's fabric very thin. Still wearing the black dress she wore for the outing today, Ranko is shaking her head, muttering to herself, walking in endless circles after over three hours of waiting. It is already evening now, and while every one is tired, they decide to stay on a while longer, to wait for their "baby" adopted family member. Nobody is crying now. Everyone is simply in a numbed state of depression and boredom, as they wait for results, and hope for the best. *clink* *clank* *broop* *krck* *krck* The doors open, and all heads look up. Then turn towards the source of the sound. They see the surgeon, still dressed in his bloody apron and mouth cover, but without the gloves. Immediately, Ranko, Akane, Glass and Nodoka run up to him and swamp him with questions. Nodoka : "How is she, doctor?" Glass : "Is she all right!?" Akane : "Is she alive?" Ranko : "What's her condition!?" The doctor raises his hands to get the group to calm down. When everyone does, he looks at Nodoka and nods. Surgeon : "Are you her mother?" Nodoka : "I'm not related to her. But she is her cousin's friend." (Pointing to Ranko.) Surgeon : "Doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm glad to say that your friend is out of danger, but is still in critical condition and has to stay in the intensive care ward for a few days of observation. You can visit her, but only for short whiles. We still have to do our job, you know." Nodoka and the rest all sigh in relief that Shiyona is still all right, and alive. They silently thank whatever god is out there listening for this piece of good luck, and then look on into the operating theatre, waiting for Shiyona to come out. As the surgeon walks off to make his report. Soon after, a bed carrying a blanketed Shiyona trundles out, pushed by two nurses. As the bed passes by the group, the nurses pause a while to let the group look at Shiyona's condition. Nurse #1 : "Not a pretty sight, is she?" Nurse #2 : "But the surgeon did said her scars'd heal soon enough." True, the Shiyona on the bed is a horrible sight. Bandaged in one eye, a bloody bandage covering half her head and her arm in a cast, and nearly three-quarters of her body is wrapped in bandages, while her face is still covered in some caked blood. IVs and monitors on another, smaller cart, have tubes leading into various parts of her arms and body, while electrodes plastered all over her body. Her E.K.G shows a weak heartbeat, and various other weaker readings. The rest of the group look horrified at what has become of her, especially Glass, who simply walks off, around a corner. Nodoka : "Oh my God! She's almost...." Nurse #1 : "Now, ma'am, we have to get her to the intensive care ward. She'll get better treatment there than anything we can provide here. Please make way...." Everybody parts like a sea's wave as the nurses continue to push the bed away. Looking at the departing cart, Akane, Ranko and Nodoka looks relieved and worried at the same time. Then, Kasumi looks around. Kasumi : "Dear me, where's Glass gone off to?" Ranko : "Eh? Where IS Glass? Hey, you guys hold on! I'll go find him!" And Ranko begins her run to find Glass. After a few minutes of running she hears some crying around a corner. Turning on the third turn to the left, Ranko spots Glass, huddled in a corner of the wall, squatting with his knees up at eye level, crying into them. Ranko walks up to Glass, and squats down besides him. Ranko : "Porcelain? You all right, gal? Come on, stop crying now.... Shiyoru's all right, isn't he?" Glass looks up at Ranko, his usually composed and pale face flushed red and swollen, choked with emotion, now. Between sobs, he speaks. Glass : "R...Ranma.... what'll... happen to him..... now....?" Ranko pats him on the shoulder, a sympathetic look on her face. Ranko : "There now.... we all know how you feel.... almost. Oh, don't worry so much! If he said you were as tough as nails, he must've been tougher! He's certainly as tough as I am." Glass looks up at Ranko, and smiles, but it is a forced one. Ranko winces at his attempt to become cheerful, if not for himself, then for others. Glass : "Yeah.... well....." Then his false composure breaks down. Hugging Ranko, still squatting, he begins a new bout of crying. Ranko slowly brings both of them to a standing position, gently patting him on his back. Ranko : "There now.... Shiyona's gotta be ok!" As she says this, Glass stops hugging her for a while, and hangs his head low. Composing himself somewhat, he wipes his tears away and looks at Ranko sternly. He speaks in a more confident and steady tone now. Glass : "Ranma, I never told you this before.... this may shock you." Ranko : "Yes?" Glass : "We know that while you're almost as tough as your guy form as a girl, Shiyoru's..... always been prone." Ranko : "Prone...?" Glass : "How... do I put this? Oh, straight. Ranko, we never told you this.. but... Shiyoru, in his girl form... has always been VERY much weaker. In fact... without her manifest aura.... Akane could knock her straight out with her weakest punch." Ranko : "........... N... NANI!?" (What!?) Glass : "We... discovered this during a spar...." Ranko : "Then... how come we didn't know this before....?" Glass : "Remember the Essence?" Ranko thinks back to the time when they had some pretty hairy times with that Yin-Yang Essence. She winces at the time they had been 'seperated' in the truest sense. Ranko : ".... yes...." Glass : "It... came to us after a spar... in a dream. Shiyoru was still recovering from my punch... we didn't know." Ranko : ".... what did it tell you?" Glass : "It seemed that.... Shiyoru's..... female form was.... well...." Ranko : "What? What?" Glass : "Truly cursed." Ranko : "???" Glass : "It told us that Shiyoru was.... supposed to be born a girl.... but something went wrong somewhere. A... changed destiny, you could say. It told us this much : If Shiyoru had been a girl, she would've never taken up martial arts. At all. Jusenkyo completed that destiny. That's why she.... ended up so weak in her cursed form...." Ranko : "..... oh...." Ranko looks absolutely shocked at this revelation, never expecting Jusenkyo to actually change anyone's other attributes outside of form. Then, remembering what the Essence told them once, Ranko looks at Glass. Ranko : "Then... when that Essence told us... WE had a part to play...." Glass : "Believe me, if Shiyoru'd been born a girl, he'd have Nannichuan all over him." Ranko : "I see. I would've preferred that." This talk has loosened up the two a little, releasing a little of their stress. No longer feeling a need to cry, Ranko taps Glass on the shoulder and tells him that the rest are waiting for him. Ranko : "Come on, before they form a search party." Glass : "All right...." As the two walk back to the group, horrid thoughts of what could happen to 'Shiyona' spring up in their minds. However, banishing such thoughts from their heads, the two find their way back towards the rest. Nodoka looks relieved that Glass has returned. She runs up to him, and hugs him for a while. Nodoka : "I'm so sorry.... Glass.... I...." Glass : "No, aunty. Didn't we go through this before?" Nodoka : "But that was before...." Glass : "Come on, please. We've all had enough for one day. Let's go back first. I'm tired." Akane : "So are we all. Ee, kaeru ne?" (Good, let's go back, shall we?) Soun : "Sounds good to me." The group tiredly and quietly returns back to the dojo, slowly and solemnly. A sense of quietness surrounds them, and everyone nearby quietens down as they pass, not knowing what happened to them, but respecting them all the same. Eventually, they reach home, where Kasumi has prepared dinner. However, no one is in the mood to eat. Well.... almost no one. Genma just stuffs the uneaten food down his gullet and burps loudly. No one pays him any mind, except Nabiki, who just returned from the convention and is absolutely stumped by what has happened to the family. Still wearing her tight jeans but with a tube, Nabiki crawls over to Kasumi at the table. Nabiki : "Hey, Kasumi, sis." Kasumi : "Yes, Nabiki?" Nabiki : "What's up? Why all the glum faces?" Kasumi : "Oh. I think that's because was knocked down today and seriously hurt." Nabiki : "Shiyona? Who's...." Kasumi quickly puts a finger to her lips. Nabiki gets the message, and shuts up. Instead, she looks at the group of sullen faced people in the household, just sitting there and doing nothing. She looks up at the clock, and notes that it's time for the news. Nabiki : "Hey, guys, cheer up! The new's on now. Maybe there'll be something on T.V about Shiyor...Shiyona." Heads perk up at this. Quickly, Soun grabs a remote from beneath his cushion and clicks the button. The T.V comes to life, tuned in on the news channel. As the T.V warms up, the T.V newscaster's voice heard, blaring through the speakers. ".... and now, the day's special report. A girl, known as Shiyona Wong of Kyoto, was knocked down today at 4:25 PM Tokyo time, and is now in the Tokyo University Hospital, recieving intensive treatment. Doctors say that her conditions are weak, but stable, and will have to go through several days of observation. Our other sources in the police quote....." Hearing the things that they've all heard before, Soun just switches off the set again, and goes back to his depressive slum. While Shiyoru isn't related to Soun in any way, his demeanor did set him apart from the others, and his oft times cheerfulness reminded everyone of Kasumi. They all loved him very much, and all are wondering what will happen now. Silence reigns in the Tenoud Household that night. *chirrrp* *chirrrp* Bored of this waiting game, Nabiki stands up, and stretches. Nabiki : "Oh sheesh! This is boring! That's it! I'm going to take me bath and go up to my room. You people can stay here if you want. Oyasumi Nasai!" (Good night!) Nabiki walks off towards the bathroom, humming some DoCo tune to herself. When she's gone, everyone starts to show signs of activity again. Dust pours off everyone while grumbling spiders vacate their newly built webs. Soun speaks up first. Soun : "Sigh. Nabiki's right. We can't sit here and stagnate. Let's get whatever we need to do done first, and get some sleep. We can visit Shiyona after these tw.. three finish school tomorrow." Nodoka looks at Glass, the only other likely candidate to be called the third person. STILL FEELING GUILTY after so many hours, Nodoka doesn't dare to look at him directly, instead opting to look down at her own feet. Nodoka : "Glass, are you also from outside too? The same town as Shiyona....?" Glass nods solemnly. Then, realizing she can't see it, he puts his fingers under her chin, and brings her face up to face him. She averts her eyes. Glass frowns a little. He finally decides to take stern action. Genma looks a little jealous that Nodoka would treat him with more respect than he himself. Glass : "Look, aunty. I know you hold yourself solely responsible for what happened to my girlfriend today, but... it's not your fault. Really. I swear it. By my life if necessary. It isn't your fault." This snaps Nodoka back into complete reality. She and the rest of the group look at him, disbelievingly. Nodoka is stammering. Nodoka : "Y... you.... are willing to actually stake your life just to.... take the blame off my shoulders?" Glass : "Look, aunty, You are not responsible. You never were. If there is someone to blame, it is me." He says this in his most authorative and commanding voice. Nodoka looks at him with a profound sadness. She turns around and kneels down, burying her face in her hands, weeping. Nodoka : "... I... know... you don't.... want me to take... the blame.... but.... if I had never come...." Glass : (Thinking) "Sheesh! What's it take to make her understand!? It's all.... Ranma's fault!" Finally, unable to take more, Glass just slams the floor of the living room with his fist, making a massive hole. He screams. Glass : "Fine! Be that way! Cry all you like, take all the blame! But, remember! I am the one who suffers the most! I am the one who feels the loss the most! I am the one who was supposed to protect her! I am the one who was supposed to speak up for myself! So go ahead! Cry! Take the blame! I don't care anymore!" And with this massive outburst, Glass just runs off towards the bathroom before anyone can see his tears. As luck would have it, Nabiki has already vacated the bathroom. Running into the room and slamming the door behind him, Glass just sits down and tries to calm himself down. After a few deep breaths, Glass calms down enough to think rationally. His first thought : A bath. He immediately proceeds to undress and get into the bathroom. Spotting an empty bathtub, Glass plugs back the sinkhole and begins to fill it with piping hot water. While waiting for it, he takes a cold bath and soaping. Finally, the tub is full, and Glass relishes the thought of changing back into his original form. Stepping into the water, Porcelain quickly reverts back to her original form and sinks into the lovely hot water. She sighs in relief. But then, she feels lonely all of a sudden. Porcelain : (Thinking) ".... why is Shiyoru suffering when I'm here relaxing?" Deciding that she should pay Shiyona/ru an impromptu visit, Porcelain quickly gets out of the bath and towels off. However, she realizes that she has no spare girls' clothes to change into. Porcelain : (Thinking) "Crap! I left them in our room! Only one way to go!" Closing her eyes, she thinks about her room, and feels a slight buzzing, like static going through your body. Opening her eyes again, she finds herself in a dark, unlit room. But, she finds what she's looking for. Her backpack. Opening it and rummaging through it quickly, she finds a set of shorts and clothes quickly enough, even in the dark. But, thinking about some modesty as a girl, she puts on a bra as well. Porcelain : (Thinking) "Darn.... where were those purchases? Must've left them at the accident site." She quickly dresses in a pair of comfortable pants and shirt, and is about to open the door when she realizes that she is known as the male, Glass, to Nodoka. Porcelain : (Thinking) "Oh no... I can't go out like this! I'll be spotted! Ah well.... out the window. I don't think I can hazard a guess as to what Shiyoru's room looks like.... I might end up lost. Like Ryoga." *chuckle* But, as she's about to open the window and climb out, it opens by itself, and a small, tiny shadow comes in. Shadow : "Hah hah! What a haul! What a haul!" Immediately, Porcelain engages her invisibility magic, picked up from that crazy old coot on a deserted island. Standing in a corner, Porcelain watches in the darkness as Happosai starts pulling out his stash of goods. Then, the crinkling of three plastic bags can be heard. As well as Happosai's muttering. Happosai : "Hee! What good luck I picked these three bags up! If I'm correct, these belong to Ranko.... Shiyona.... and... AKANE! Wow! I've got Akane's underwear! It's gotta be the one and only Akane! Well, too bad. They belong to me now!" *BLAM* *POW* *SMASH* *SMACK* *SQUISH* *PUNCH* *BIFF* *BOP* *CRUNCH* *CRASH* Happosai is suddenly flattened, smacked, kicked, punched, blasted, and basically attacked from all directions by invisible forces, and how rightly so. Happosai : "Aiee! OUCH! AH! EEeee!! Ack! HELP! I'M BEING ASSAULTED! AAAHHH!" Porcelain : (Thinking) "Take that! And THAT! And THAT! Andthatandthatandthatandthat, you dirty old @*$&! perverted, jerk, jacka$$, filthy, underhanded hentai! You deserve this, And THIS, and THIS, andthisand thisandthisandthatandthat....." Porcelain relentlessly attacks Happosai, both because she hates his guts and also because he stole their all the underwear Nodoka so willingly paid for them. She gives him a taste of her modified Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken, picked up from Ranma, using her unusually sharp nails to put a thousand bleeding wounds on him, as well as everything from a basic stomp to high speed, instant effect acupressure attacks. Of course, the old coot's so tough that these don't really have THAT much effect on him. However, the group hears the commotion going on inside "Glass'" and "Shiyona's" room and rush towards it. Nodoka : "My! Who could that be!?" Immediately remembering what Happosai might do to Nodoka, Genma quickly grabs her arm. He puts up a sign, written in bold and underlined in red. "Let the kids handle this. You need a break for today." Nodoka stops, reluctantly, and nods, tiredly. Nodoka : "I guess if that's a burglar, whoever's doing him in is doing a good job." Better than a good job, as soon as Soun opens the door and peers in with Ranko and Akane, they spot a badly battered, bruised, flattened, deformed, bleeding and toothless Happosai lying in a crater in the floor, totally and completely unconscious. But, looking around, they cannot spot who did this to him. Then something in Ranko's mind pops. Ranko : "Porcelain? You there? Show yourself. Nodoka ain't here." Soun looks at Ranko/ma strangely, thinking her crazy for talking to the air. Then he himself thinks he's crazy, when a shimmering is seen in the air, like heat waves wavering in the air. Suddenly, Porcelain appears in front of them, red, sweaty and panting from her recently expended energy. She looks at Akane and grins, holding up a plastic bag with her name on it. She tosses it to Akane. Porcelain : "Here, Akane. That old hentai had your bag." Then, grinning maliciously, she hands Ranko's one over to her. Porcelain : "Here, Ranma. Keep it." Ranko : ".... Moi!?" Porcelain : "Come on, it's not like you don't wear bras and panties!" Ranko : "Doesn't mean I have to like it. Oh, but you're right. Pass it here." Porcelain : "Here's Shiyoru's.... wonder what's inside?" She holds up a plastic bag with "Shiyona" written on the label on the bag. Porcelain : "Well, at least half of it's mine, anyway. I'm going to visit him tonight." Soun : "What about.... him? What're we going to do?" (Pointing at Happosai, the bloody mess.) Ranko, Akane, Soun and Porcelain look at Happosai, then at each other, evilly. They smile. Outside an empty pit far, far, farfarfarfarfar away, Porcelain is carrying a keg wrapped in chains and seals, and tosses it way, way, way down below into the abyss, watching as it disappears into the darkness. No sound is heard, even after a few minutes. Then, shoving an ENORMOUS boulder covered in seals along the ground, she stuffs it into the pit's entrance, and jumps on it, stomping it down. After that, she uses a toned down version of Shiyoru's KajiShoten Dan to melt and seal the rock to the pit, incidentally inside a mountain made of all sorts of hardened rock with no other way in than the one Porcelain just sealed. Dusting her hands and nodding in satisfaction, she closes her eyes and teleports back into the Tendou Dojo, several thousand miles away. Soun and the rest are all waiting, expectantly, for results, when Porcelain phases in. Porcelain : "Well, that old coot's going to be locked up in there for a LONG time to come!" Soun offers a prayer to his God, and silently thanks Him for giving him such a happy existence once more. Then, looking back to Porcelain, he smiles. Soun : "Well, you wanted to visit Shiyoru tonight to see how he is...." Porcelain puts on a pained expression after thinking about what had happened earlier on in the afternoon, Porcelain looks at the ground, not wanting others to see her face. Porcelain : "Yeah.... at least to see what his condition is." Soun : "Go ahead. We'll tell Nodoka you've followed the thief out, ok? We're sure she won't question your disappearance like that. Just remember to come back as a guy." Porcelain : "Thanks...." Akane quickly runs back into the room, speaking as loudly as she can without Nodoka hearing her. Akane : "Here she comes! Hurry!" Porcelain : "See you in the morning." Soun : "Go!" (Stuffing a pair of rubber sandals into her hands.) Porcelain quickly nods, and teleports into the hospital's elevator, one of the places she can remember and visualize. She only hopes that there isn't anybody else in the elevator. At this moment, Nodoka is about to enter "Glass'" room, when Akane, Ranko and Soun walk out of a darkened room, door closed behind them. Grinning nervously, Soun tries his best to smile at Nodoka. Soun : "Oh... er... hi, Mrs. Saotome!" Nodoka : "Oh, Mr. Tendou! How is it? Has the thief been....?" Soun : "Oh, he's been dealt with. He did get out the window though...." Nodoka : "Oh my...." Soun : "Don't worry! Glass chased him out the window. We should get results in the morning! In the meanwhile, just go to sleep, ok? We're all tired." Nodoka : ".... all right." The entire family prepares for the next day, getting changed, taking baths in order, and finishing up everything that needs to be done. However, in Ranma's bedroom, Ranko is unable to sleep, and is tossing and turning. Ranko : "Damn! What did I do? Shiyoru suffered because of me! How could I have just LOST my temper like that!? And now, I find out he could've died! Lucky Porcelain said 'slightly' tougher... I.... wouldn't want to be responsible for his death.... I.... can't think about this anymore! ARgh!" In Akane's bedroom, Akane too, is unable to sleep. Akane : "I sure hope Shiyoru's all right..... he is so much more sensitive..... I.... hope he's all right." {The first visit....} Back in the lift, Porcelain is sighing in relief as no one is in the elevator. She quickly puts on her pair of rubber sandals and presses the button on level 5, labelled "Intensive Care", easily read under the bright lights of the lift. However, to be safe, Porcelain engages her invisibility in case some one sees her. As the lift reaches the 5th level, Porcelain holds her breath. *ding* *kerlomp..rrr.....* *Whew* "No one there." Carefully sneaking on tip toes, the rubber soles of her sandals squishing softly, Porcelain suddenly realises something, in the middle of the corridor at an intersection. A messenger box moves overhead. *slap* Porcelain : "I AM SUCH A FOOL!" (As softly as possible.) "I don't know where Shiyoru is!" *squeeeaaakkk....* *chatter* *chatter* Porcelain : "oh no! Someone's coming!" Porcelain quickly cloaks and finds a place where nobody will accidentally bump into her. She looks intently as two nurses walk down the corridor, a poorly oiled door closing behind them. As the nurses pass her by, she overhears snippets of conversations. Finding the topic interesting, Porcelain follows them. Nurse #1 : "Did you hear about that new patient?" Nurse #2 : "The bussie?" Nurse #1 : "Yeah, the 'bussie', I didn't think anyone could survive a direct collision with a speeding bus!" Nurse #2 : "Well, she did. Amazing though, anyone with her wounds would've died." Nurse #1 : "She's probably another one of those crazy martial artists. Tough as diamond and then some." Nurse #2 : "Like the one who keeps coming in here with a bleeding nose and keeps asking where he is?" Nurse #1 : "Yep. Oh! Don't forget where the 'bussie' is. We've still got to check her vital signs." Nurse #2 : "Ward 5-A. Anyway, we can check her later. We've got an alarm anyway. I gotta get a coffee!" Nurse #1 : "Same here." Porcelain stops as she hears the nurses mention the ward number and the description of the accident victim. Porcelain : (Thinking) "That's gotta be him! Better check up on him!" Porcelain remembers seeing the sign "5-A" on the way to this corridor, and quickly teleports over. Grateful for that strange storm to have wrecked them on that island, Porcelain opens the door to the ward, *very silently*. Stepping in, she notices that there are only four beds, three of which are empty. Porcelain : (Thinking) "That makes my job much easier." She flicks on the dimmer lights of the ward, just enough to see properly by, and sneaks over to the bed of her beloved. She sees a blanketed figure covered in IV wires, electrode wires, and bandages. She stifles her gasp as she sees how bad a condition Shiyoru must've been in if they had an entire ward dedicated to him/her. Looking at the EKGs and other monitors around Shiyoru/na, Porcelain takes in each reading and assesess her boyfriend's status. Porcelain : (Whispering) "Hm.... right.... 74..... 10?..... 38....." She watches as the numbers raise and lower occasionally. She then slowly sneaks over to the bed, careful not to disturb any wiring, and looks down at the half bandaged face of her currently 'female' boyfriend. The sight brings tears to her eyes, but she quickly rubs them away before they drip onto her face. Gently, she sniffs and looks at her lover's face. She softly strokes her hair, and caresses her cheeks, silently crying. She feels the skin on her lover's face, thinking what Shiyoru/na must be feeling now, and how she would think of her face if the scars remained. Thinking about what she would feel and caring very, very much for Shiyoru/na's feelings, Porcelain and cries softly, and lovingly, this time the tears rolling down her cheeks, dripping one by one onto Shiyoru/na's face, uninhibited. Porcelain lovingly plants a kiss on her cheeks before moving away without disturbing her. Porcelain : "I love you, Shiyoru. Please, for my sake, live." Then she leaves the room to find a bucket of cold water. Shiyona smiles, even while unconscious. *bleep!* {Making breakfast. A day at school.} The next morning, Nodoka wakes up inside her guest room at the Tendous', and stretches at such a beautiful morning. She looks at her clock and realizes that it's still too early for anyone else to be up. Nodoka : *yawn* "Ahhh well.... guess I could make breakfast for them...." Nodoka yawns again and gets off her bed, grabbing her cloth wrapped bundle on the way out. Sliding the door open, she walks down the corridor and begins down the stairs towards the kitchen. However, as she steps onto the first step to begin her descent, she hears a slight noise. *squeak* *squeak* *shhhrriipp* *squeak* *shrriippp* *squeak* *squeak* *fluff* *fluff* Spooked by the strange noises downstairs, she immediately unwraps her katana and slowly, stealthily, steps down the stairs, her sword's blade glinting dangerously. As she reaches the final step, she turns and spots a shadowy figure in the living room. It is a little small bundle, lying on some cushions normally used for seating around the table, snoring lightly. Nodoka braces herself as she sneaks over to the snoring figure, curled up on the cushions. *creeaaaakkk....* "Huh! Ahhh!" "Eeee!" The shadowy figure leaps up immediately, and jumps backwards, as Nodoka holds her sword menacingly in front of her. She brandishes it cautiously in front of her, as the figure assumes a combat ready stance. Figure : "Who are you?!" Nodoka : "Who are you!?" The figure quickly looks around, nervously, and as it does, Nodoka quickly spots a long thing flinging around on his head. She thinks it looks suspiciously like a ponytail. Then, she thinks hard where she saw somebody with a ponytail. It flashes in the dim light. Nodoka : "Glass!?" Glass : "Nodoka!? What are you doing here so early in the morning? With that sword!?" The figure we now know as Glass, relaxes immediately, as he recognizes the other person to be Nodoka. Lowering her sword, Nodoka walks up to him, noticing massive black rings under his eyes and his sagging posture, in an obvious show of tiredness. Nodoka : "Sorry. I thought you were a thief." Glass : "Didn't Soun tell you anything last night?" Nodoka : "He told me you went out to catch a thief." Glass : "Yes... can you let me sleep now? I've got only until 7 AM to sleep. I still got to go to school, you know!" Nodoka : "Er.... did you catch the thief?" Glass : "Got this back from him." Glass holds up a bra. (Which is actually Porcelain's....) Nodoka looks at it and nods. Nodoka : "Must've been some perverted panty thief. Oh, sorry then. I'll let you sleep." Glass : "Thanks. Oh, and sorry for the outburst last night." Nodoka : "Oh, that! I'm sorry. I was to blame. Don't worry.... I think.... I've forgiven myself and...." Glass : "Shhh. I know. You carry as much guilt as we do. Don't let it bother you, all right?" Nodoka : "Ok. :-)" As Nodoka walks off towards the kitchen to make some breakfast, she hears Glass snoring again. She shakes her head in slight humour at the fact that he can actually sleep in a flash. She prepares a splendid breakfast of ramen in soup with soup, and at 7 AM on the dot, Nodoka is halfway done when Glass walks into the kitchen, apparently quite refreshed. Nodoka turns and looks in surprise as Glass walks into the kitchen, full of energy. Nodoka : "My, you're an energetic one! Not even four hours of sleep and you're already full of energy!" Glass : "Thanks. I'm used to this. Hey, want me to help you?" Nodoka : "Sure. Thanks, dear. Here... help me with this soup will you? It doesn't taste quite right yet...." And Glass moves in to help. Donning an apron, in which he is apparently quite comfortable with, he tastes the soup and runs the flavour over his tongue. The face he makes shows the soup's incompleteness. Nodoka wonders what went wrong. But before she can try, Glass stops her. Glass : "Hold on... I think I know what's missing here." Nodoka watching, Glass rummages around the cabinets for something. Finally pulling out a small box labelled "Corn Flour", Glass takes a pinch of it and dumps it into the soup. Stirring it for a few minutes, Glass uses the ladle and sips it. Smiling now, he passes the ladle over to Nodoka, who tastes it. Nodoka : "Mmmm! Delicious! My, Glass, you're such a wonderful cook!" Glass blushes and shuffles his feet uncomfortably. Glass : "Naah.... my mom taught me.... so did my girlfriend." At the mention of 'girlfriend', both of them flinch. But then, something catches Nodoka's attention before the guilt spell can take full effect. She turns around and sees the ramen pot boiling over. Nodoka : "Oh no! The noodles!" She quickly rushes over to switch off the stove's fire, and lifts the lid off the pot to let the foam subside. Panting heavily, she breaths a sigh of relief. Nodoka : "Whew. That was close! Nearly ruined the ramen!" Glass walks over to the pot, and looks inside the pot. Ramen with various other ingredients and sauces still bubble inside, and amidst the steam, Glass takes a deep sniff. He quickly analyzes the flavours which are produced in his brain, and notices something wrong. Nodoka looks at his dissatisfied face and her mouth 'o's in wonder. Nodoka : "Glass? What's wrong?" Glass : "Hmm... not bad.... but there's something which I can add to make it peerrrfect!" Quickly stuffing the flour box back into the cabinet, Glass rummages around again, opening shelves left and right, and every other possible container. Finally, he finds what he wants, in the fridge. He drops a small, yellow piece into the soup. Glass : "Ah! Here we are! Just a LITTLE butter to make it just that little bit thick!" Nodoka : "Are you sure....?" Glass : "Trust me. Just the tiniest bit though." Nodoka : "I thought the book said.....?" Glass : "Oh, THAT book!? Ha! When they said enough to make it a little thick, they didn't put down a specified amount, right?" Nodoka : "True.... but, how did you know about...." Glass : "The Ramen's Real Guide Cookbook? I read the same thing, or... at least once anyway." Nodoka : "You do? My, you'll make a perfect husband in the future!" Glass : "............." Glass : "Nevermind that.... erm.... you were asking about the butter...?" Nodoka : "Oh yes! How did you know how much to use?" Glass : "Oh... I just plopped in a tiny bit when I was cutting the butter. I realized the ramen looked and smelled perfect, so I guessed the tiniest bit was enough." Nodoka : "No wonder.... normally a tiny bit of butter wouldn't be much...." Glass shrugs nonchalantly. Nodoka smiles at Glass' culinary genius. Nodoka : "If you were a girl, you'd make the perfect wife too!" Glass : "......thanks......" Just then, the two hear footsteps thundering outside the kitchen, and the screaming of Ranko and her panda. Ranko : "Stop. That. You. Jerk. !!!" Genma (C) : "Bwoaark!" Ranko : "Take. That. You. Greedy. Pig!" Sounds of combat can be heard outside the kitchen, and Nodoka tells Glass to get the servings ready as she goes out to see what is going on. Popping her head out the kitchen, she spots Ranko and Panda fighting with each other, while Akane, Kasumi and Nabiki are ignoring the commotion. As Ranko and Panda start trading fists, Nodoka decides to step in to stop the fight. She taps Ranko, wearing her original chinese clothes, on the shoulder. Nodoka : "Stop it, you two! This isn't the way girls should behave!" Ranko turns around angrily, almost shouting in Nodoka's face. Ranko : "Who.....!? oh. Hi, aunty." Ranko immediately turns red from embarassment, as she realizes that she's just shouted at her own mother and aunty. She immediately stops fighting and turns to face her, head down, cheeks red, and twiddling fingers. She quickly apologizes. Ranko : "S...sorry." Nodoka smiles, and pats her on her shoulder. Nodoka : "Now, now. Glad to see you're trying to learn. You really shouldn't fight with your pet, you know." Ranko : "Yes, aunty." Ranko turns around and sticks her tongue out at the panda, taking smug satisfaction at that jibe. Ranko : "Be nice now, 'Mr. Panda'. Ngaaah!" Nodoka : "Come on now, breakfast's ready. Glass helped me." Ranko : "Oh wow! Breakfast!" And as the two take their seats, Glass carries a stack of precauriously balanced bowls in one hand, a bunch of chopsticks in another, soup spoons balanced on the chopsticks, a soup bowl of steaming soup on his head, and a pot of steaming ramen on the outstretched arm carrying the chopsticks. Clapping at the show, Nodoka and Ranko wait for Glass to set down each dish carefully with a little flair, and takes a humble bow. Glass : "Thank you, thank you all! Come on now. Eat up! We've still gotta get to school!" Ranko : "Yummy!" The group digs in, and Soun Tendou, who is late in waking up this morning, comes down a tad too late. Looking forlornly at the now empty table, and empty bowls, he cries. Soun : "Oh no! I've got no breakfast now!" Glass looks up at Soun, and smiles at him. Glass : "Come on, Soun. Don't cry... here. I have an extra bowl!" Glass grabs a bowl out from under the table, which he had saved for someone else. Soun : "Thanks! I didn't know you saved one for me!" Glass : "Well...... I didn't really save it for you...." And everyone who was at the accident site that day suddenly remember Shiyona, still in an intensive care ward somewhere out there, and are touched at Glass' devotion to his girlfriend. Nodoka claps her hands for attention. Nodoka : "Say... why not try to visit Shiyona today? At the least... I could try to apologise." Soun : "I did say that last night." Nodoka : "But... I want to make something special for her..." Nabiki : "Aunty Nodoka, not to be disrespectful to you all or anything, but... you don't think Shiyona's going to be able to see what you made for her...?" Nodoka : ".....yes. Maybe I can just pray for her." Nabiki : "That would be perfect." Nodoka : "Then it's settled. I'll walk these children to school first, then I'll visit the local temple. It's the least I can do." Glass : "Thanks for your concern, aunty." After breakfast, the three teenagers go to pack their books, very hastily, and with Nodoka following, rush off to school. Glass is wearing more or less the same style of clothes as he was wearing yesterday. Vest, T-shirt, jeans. Walking on the fence with Ranko, Glass decides how to handle a day at school, and indeed, an entire week at school. Glass : (Thinking) "Ah well! One thing at a time!" As the group walks towards the school, Nodoka chats happily with Akane, while Ranko and Glass converse on how to cope with a day at school like this. Ranko : "So? We change back once we hit school?" Glass : "Definitely. Otherwise, we'll draw more unwanted attention than necessary...." Ranko : "Granted, but you'd draw quite a lot of unwanted attention. You know how Kuno keeps commenting on your 'fair, pure, clean and demure skin of purity, which he will free from the staining touch of Shiyoru's'". Glass : "Yech, anymore of that kind of thing and I'll retch!" Ranko : "Do it down his collar, will ya?" Glass : "I'm not THAT disgusting!" Meanwhile, Nodoka is talking with Akane. Nodoka : "Akane-san.... I was wondering...." Akane knows what Nodoka is thinking of. Akane : "Aunty! Stop blaming yourself!" Nodoka : "I'm not blaming myself. I just want to know how to make amends." Akane : "Well... enough of that! If you want to make it up to him, stop blaming yourself. Forgiveness is better than forgetting, and I'm sure we won't be forgetting this anytime soon." Nodoka : "Well, I already have Glass' forgiveness. I've forgiven myself for this too." Akane : "So?" Nodoka : "What about Shiyona? Of all the people I need forgiveness for, it's Shiyona. For inflicting this on her." Akane : "Oh, I'm sure she forgave you already." Nodoka's face brightens up and she looks at Akane with renewed hope. Nodoka : "Really?" Akane : "I know it. Now, come on, aunty. I think Shiyona's going to be all right today... I can feel it." Nodoka : "I can just feel it too." (Smiling.) Akane : (Thinking) "Boy, she's sure a guilt pot! I just hope for her sake this doesn't get her into trouble." After Nodoka sees the group off to school, they immediately rush off, saying their farewells to Nodoka. As soon as her back is turned, however, two steaming kettles pop up and douse their contents on Glass and Ranko. Porcelain : "Whew! I couldn't stand being a guy much longer!" Ranma : "I couldn't stand being a girl longer either!" School goes off without a hitch, and even as Kuno is delighted to see the third love of his life appear once more after so many months of absence. He comes running over to Porcelain. Kuno : "Oh! It is the essence of pureness, both heart and mind! But, worry not! I will not let you be stained by either that despicable cur Ranma or that wretched.... wretch Shiyoru!" Porcelain : "Shut up." *Kapow* Kuno goes flying into the sun, disappearing in a star. They continue on their way. However, something nags at their heads the whole school day... In class, where Ranma and Akane are sitting, waiting for Miss Hinako, Ranma isn't busy doing the usual monkey business Akane is used to, like insulting her, eating, or reading some junk magazines. Instead, she spots him busy scribbling something on a piece of white cardboard. Soon, EVERYONE notices that Ranma isn't his usual self. *poc!* A small wad of paper hits him in the head. He ignores it. A small hailstorm follows soon after. *poc!* *poc!* *pic!* *poc!* *pic!* *poc!* Flying up, his pigtail flopping around for a while, Ranma raises his head from what he was doing and looks around. Ranma : "Huh? Who did that?" Then he notices Akane with a small pile of paper wads on her desk. He realizes who tossed the wad at him and looks at her, rather depressed. Akane : "Ranma!" Ranma : "What is it, Akane! I'm busy!" Akane is surprised that Ranma didn't call her names for once. Everyone notices too, and as Ranma and Akane look up at one such student, they see his head turned to another guy, talking. Looking around, they notice everyone doing the same thing. They bigsweat. Voice #1 : "Hey, heard that? Ranma didn't call Akane names!" Voice #2 : "Looks like they're getting on better terms!" Voice #3 : "Looks that way! Too bad. I was hoping...." Voice #4 : "This is a miracle!" And soon, the entire class is filled gossiping students commenting on how Akane and Ranma are actually getting along, even before they know that Akane was going to start calling Ranma names. However, that chance is dashed as the students start talking. Dismissing the commotion, Ranma just goes back to his work. Akane simply turns red from fury, as the gossip grows more and more flamboyant. Voice #1 : "Maybe.... Akane and Ranma..... kissed!" Voice #4 : "Maybe, they.... even....." Voice #2 : "Perhaps worse! Maybe they already agreed to marry today or tomorrow!" Voice #3 : "Should we ask them for invitations?" Voice #4 : "Sounds good to me." And all at once, Akane stands up, slowly, unable to stand it anymore. Everyone notices her rather dark features and quickly quitens down. A reddish blue aura is surrounding her, signifying her seething rage. She slowly opens her mouth to speak, and everyone takes a step back. WAY back. Akane : "For ONCE in my life, I would PREFER it if you BIGMOUTHS DIDN'T start GOSSIPING and SPREADING rumours about Ranma and ME around! It's BAD enough living with Kuno and being called names, but having untrue SLANDER about me and Ranma is..... INTOLERABLE!" As she shouts, everyone starts hanging on to anything they can find for dear life. Papers, pens, chalk, erasers, and even tables and chairs are sent flying around the room in Akane's particularly vicious telling-off. However, only one table remains untouched, both by the flying debris and by Akane's voice. Ranma continues scribbling his mysterious intentions on the piece of white cardboard, oblivious to the commotion. Kind of like the eye of a storm. Somebody flies towards his table, but slams into an invisible "calm barrier" around Ranma, and as Ranma looks up to see who it is, he sees a pair of dark-ringed eyes staring back at him, albeit rather blank. Ranma : "Oh, hi, Gosunkugi." Hinako : "All right, class! Settle down! We've got a lesson to do here!" Child-Hinako comes into the class moments after Akane finishes shouting, and the moment she does, Akane quickly shuts her mouth up and sits down, quietly. The class is completely quiet for a moment, and sounds can be heard, both inside and outside the glass. *criccckkk* *rustle* *scribble* *scribble* It seems only Akane and Ranma are the only ones sitting, or , at least, the only ones still conscious and well after that outburst. As Hinako surveys the damage caused, she shakes her head and sighs. Hinako : "Oh, but before that, I want you people to get off that wall, and start rearranging the classroom's furniture. I hate teaching in a messy class. Come on, get to work, before I you delinquents!" This is enough for most of the students, as they start regaining consciousness and disentagling themselves from the pile of tables, chairs, paper, pens, and other students to get out and start rearranging the furniture. The idea of being drained dry of life-energy is more terrifying than feeling Akane's wrath, and only the truly out-cold studentsunable to regain enough consciousness to help out. Working at top speed, everyone starts rearranging the furniture to begin classes. The only person not taking part, however, is Ranma. He is still calmly scribbling something on that piece of cardboard, but with a coloured pencil now. After the hasty rearrangement, the place looks as it was before a few minutes ago, although the imprints of certain students are unceremoniously marked on the walls and pillars of the classroom, along with a few scraps of junk as well as a few dirt marks and scuffs here and there. Hinako looks at the condition, and apparently satisfied, begins her lesson. Hinako : "And now.... we shall begin. Turn to page 42 of your reading books....." Teaching for a little less than an hour into the lesson though, a candy and comic laden Child-Hinako notices that Ranma hasn't been paying any attention to class at all. At first, she disregarded it, thinking he was writing notes in his book, a first for him. However, as the class wore on, she noticed that he didn't even respond to his name being called, and that he didn't have his book on his desk. Finally, she decides to give him some first-hand waking up. She walks up to his table, pulling out a fifty yen coin while she's at it. Everyone notes this and retreats as far back as possible from this chi-sucking monster. Hinako : "Happo Gojuu en Satsu!" Watching as Miss Hinako sucks up Ranma's chi, Akane blanches with horror. She nearly runs up to stop Miss Hinako from doing so, only to be restrained by a dozen hands. Akane : "Let.... me.... go!" Voice #1 : "Akane! You don't want to end up drained too, do you!?" Voice #2 : "Yeah! Think about what is worse! Just Ranma alone, or BOTH of you!?" Seeing the point, and unable to break free of the now more than three dozen hands holding her back, Akane stops struggling and sighs, resigned to see Ranma end up heavily drained of chi. However, as Hinako continues to use her ability, everyone notices something, Hinako herself included. Frost is seen forming on her, and her breath condenses in the air, as she turns into an icicle. A pretty one, but a very solid one too. Hinako : "Brrr.... what's.... happening?" She immediately stops sucking his chi, and turns back into child-Hinako, as well as causing the ice to melt. All the students are looking at Hinako, chattering. Boy #1 : "It... didn't work! Hinako's Happo Gojuu-en Satsu has something wrong with it!" Boy #2 : "...W... what? Wow! It must've fizzed out or something!" Boy #3 : "Hey.... do you guys know what this means....?" Boy #1 : "Do we! She can't harm us anymore! Whoppee!" Hinako : "Says who!? Happo Gojuu-en satsu!" Akane and some of the more sensible students quickly leap out of the way as Hinako turns on the group of chattering students, and immediately, her skill works again. As the pile of weakened students fall to the floor, a full figured Miss Hinako looks at them angrily. Hinako : "Tsk tsk. Stupid delinquents! They don't know what's going on, do they?" Getting up from her spot on the floor, Akane looks at Ranma, still calmly scribbling away, and at Miss Hinako, whose chi-sucking skill didn't seem to affect him. As Miss Hinako walks back to her spot at her table, she looks at the current conscious-student count, and only spots Akane, Ranma and several others, all girls. Hinako : "Hmm... looks like we've got a class of only 10. I can't teach like this, it'd be a waste of time! I guess I should wake them up, shouldn't I? Happo Tsurisen Gaeshi!" *blam!* Hinako releases her massive chi-fireball, blasting the small pile of students in the corner, and burning them. As a bonus effect, it wakes them up, and they quickly scramble back to their places, blackened and burned. Hinako : "Hm... looks like Ranma's in some sort of trance. Nevermind.... I'll deal with him later. For now, let's continue our classes, shall we?" Hinako continues teaching her class to a group of mostly black students, and is totally oblivious to the fact that they are charred and in need of some first aid attention. Then again, neither are the students. As she teaches class, Akane is looking at Ranma, STILL scribbling on his piece of cardboard. Akane : (Thinking) "What's going on, Ranma? Why're you so.... unresponsive today?" *riiinnnngg* The bell goes, and everyone cheers and tosses books into the air as Hinako's lesson is over. Actually, today, they have P.T, and they are having swimming lessons, which is why the europhic cheer comes more from the boys than the girls, the girls-on-their-minds-only boys particularly loud at the chance to see Akane and especially Ranma wearing swimsuits. Everyone grabs their stuff and walks off to their respective changing rooms. Akane lags a little, as she notices Ranma didn't seem to hear the bell. But, as she is about to smack him on the head with a mallet, he suddenly stops scribbling, and with a bang, slams down his pencil onto the table. Most of the people still in class look at Ranma, in amazement, as he actually snaps out of his strange trancelike state. Ranma : "There! All done!" He turns to look at Akane, who quickly hides the mallet behind her, and tilts his head at a strange angle. Ranma : "Akane? What lesson is it now?" Akane : "..... you didn't hear the bell!?" Ranma : "Er.... I.... don't think I was here much." Akane : "It's P.T. We have swimming today." Ranma sniggers as he hears the word, 'swimming'. Ranma : "You mean, everyone BUT yourself has swimming today. You? Moves like a hammer in the water. Head first!" *laugh* Akane : "Well then.... lucky I saved this then!" *BLAM!* *groan* Akane brings her mallet flying full force into Ranma's head, who is too busy laughing to notice the mallet until it's too late. Head breaking the table, Ranma is knocked out cold, and incidentally causes the cardboard card to fly into the air, and into Akane's hands. She snatches it out of the air as the students walk over to Ranma, and begin to pick him off and out of the ground. As they drag Ranma off to wake him, Akane looks at the card. Akane's Friend : "Hey, Akane! It's P.T now! Hurry! You don't want to miss it!" Akane : "Later... I'm coming later.... don't wait for me. You know what to do when that old hentai comes though, don't you? " Akane's Friend : "Yes, ma'am! We know and are preparing it even as I speak!" Akane : "Good good.... go on now... I'll join you ASAP." As Akane's friend runs off to the changing room, Akane is left alone in the classroom, looking at the card. She reads the words, (actually neatly written, for once!), slowly reads them out aloud. Akane : "To.... Shiyona..... (flipping the page over) Get well soon...... forgive me....... love you....... my fault....... From.... Ranko!" "So that's what Ranma was doing! He was making a get well and apology card to Shiyoru! No wonder he was unaffected! His chi must've been so low along with his spirits, no wonder he was so icy to Hinako! And look at his sketches!" Akane muses as she appreciates the sketches that Ranma drew. Akane : (Thinking) "Didn't think he could draw flowers so well... here's a gardenia... a rose.... a lily.... wow! Some bouquet! I didn't know he could draw at all!" Then Akane looks at her watch. She sweats. Akane : "Oh no! I've got 3 minutes to get to class before it starts! Hurry!" Akane quickly stuffs the card into her bag, and runs off with it towards the changing room. Nearing it, she hears nothing. She smiles, as she is finally convinced that Happosai is firmly trapped in that mountain. Akane : (Thinking) "That Old Hentai's not getting out anytime soon!" She quickly rushes in, and changes. Actually, most of the girls are still there though, waiting in their swimming costumes, Ranma included. Although she's in a corner, back facing them all, changing into her costume. Akane giggles a little. Akane : (Thinking) "Poor Ranma, all part of the agreement though. He can't change in the guy's room, that's for sure! They'd start drooling and trying to fondle him like that! He can't look at us too, though. Poor sot." Then, one of her friends walk up to her, broomstick in hand. She salutes to Akane, albeit a little sloppily, and in jest, Akane returns the salute equally sloppy. Akane's Friend : "Status report, sir! Nothing to report, sir!" Akane : "Don't worry.... I just wanted to confirm something. Looks like it's been confirmed." Akane's Friend : "Huh? What's that?" Akane : "That old pervert won't be coming back here for a *very* long time. I'm sure. Now, come on! Go! Tell the instructor I'll be a little late!" They all nod, and drop their weapons, running out the room, leaving onna-Ranma and Akane. As Akane changes, she decides to get Ranma to talk, although why she's still staying in the room is beyond Akane. Akane : "Ranma.... nice card." Ranma quickly turns around, wiping tears from her eyes. Akane cringes in disgust. Ranma (C) : "T...thanks..." Akane : "Oh, come on now! Why're YOU crying!? You aren't blaming yourself too, are you!?" Ranma (C) : "But I must! I was the one who stung Shiyoru's nerve!" Akane : "Huh? What? You what?" Ranma (C) : "I said... I...." (Obviously getting a little of herself back together.) Instructor : "Oi! Ranma! Akane! Hurry up! The rest are waiting for you two slowpokes!" Akane : (To the door.) "Coming, instructor!" (To Ranma-chan) "You'd better explain to me later after school!" Finishing up, Ranma-chan and Akane open the door and head towards the swimming pool, in which Akane looks at with only partial disdain. Akane : "Will I remember my lessons...?" A bolt runs through Ranma-chan's head and narrowly misses the water. Ranma (C) : " Akane, don't tell me you forgot Shiyoru's lessons already!? It's only been, what? Four months? admittedly, we've not seen you swim in a month, and none of them have at all!" Well... yeah. Shiyoru's been giving Akane MANY, MANY stressful hours of special training on HOW to swim, during his last few visits. It goes something like this : Spending more time on teaching Akane than breathing, Shiyoru took many painstaking days actually correcting Akane's most basic mistakes, correcting her misinformed preconceptions. Then, after teaching her the actual theories of swimming, he, against all hopes, brought Akane to the swimming pool to be tested. Akane still remembers Ranma smirking at her and telling Shiyoru that "That hammerhead isn't going to be able to move an inch, and if she does, I'll wear girls' clothing for an entire week!" while smashing Happosai into orbit at the same time after he heard that. Akane grins evilly at Ranma's face after being actually able to move.... two inches! Of course, at some expense of the swimming pool, Shiyoru spent many more hours telling her, guiding her, screaming at her, and prompting her to try harder and correcting even more mistakes which she didn't know she had. She remembers Shiyoru's ragged , hagged and wretched appearance after so many weeks of painful torture, teaching her to swim. Then she thinks of all the trouble he went through to teach her, and remembers him now, in the hospital, probably covered in wires of all sorts. However, this thought sends a shiver through her spine and she quickly disintergrates the thought from her mind before anymore feelings can be brought to bear. Akane : "Well, I'll show you, little miss one-incher!" Akane grins as Ranma-chan remembers the nickname Akane gave to her when she lost the bet. She hated each and every minute of her torture, having to wear girls' clothes for an entire week (of course as a girl), and was nearly insane by the time it ended. Ranma (C) : "For all our sakes, I hope you do." Just as they walk towards the rest of the class, some of the guys run up to Ranma. One of them claps Ranma on the shoulder, turning her head. Guy : "Hey! Ranma! I heard Akane.... could swim!" Ranma (C) : "Where'd you hear it from?" Guy : "From him....." (Points to Gosunkugi.) Ranma (C) : (Thinking) "Oh yucks! Akane's achievement was seen by that jerk? What a black mark!" But the guy isn't finished yet. Guy : "Who heard it from him..... who heard it from him..... who heard it from.... HIM!" Ranma looks at where the finger is pointing, and comes up to see.... a disguised principal Kuno. Poorly disguised as a beach parasol, the Principal's dark glasses and oversized body shape can be distinguished underneath that poor metal alternative which he's using. He's shuffling up towards the class, and before Ranma can give him a good kick to the butt, the principal pops up. Principal : "Hello hello hello! Ha ha! Glad to see all my fit and trim students here for today's swimming lessons!" He recieves a very dead response. Undeterred, he continues. Principal : "Yes, you heard right! Akane can swim now!" Murmurs from the crowd, mostly disbelieving. The principal goes on. Principal : "All thanks to... ME! I taught her for....." *B.L.A.M.!.!.!* Principal Kuno is sent flying far, far, far into the sky, disappearing as a bright star in the daylight as Ranma and Akane give him a hard uppercut and super split kick, respectively. Ranma (C) : "You jerk! You didn't teach her! Shiyoru did! Now shut up and burn up on reentry! Better yet, don't come back!" People start applauding Ranma's and Akane's actions, but the instructor quietens the class down as he looks at his watch. The students sit down, cross legged. Instructor : "OK class! We're almost going to be late if we delay any longer! Now, I just heard that Akane could swim? Is that true, Akane?" Akane doesn't dare answer, as all her friends start poking her and jabbering to her. Then, Ranma decides to help her along. Ranma (C) : (Whispering into Akane's ear) "Hey, Akane! What's the matter, hammerhead? Scared you'll forget your training and embarrass yourself in front of all of us?" Akane gives Ranma an elbow to the head, then stands up. Akane : "Don't call me that! Yes, coach! I can swim now!" Gasps from the crowd. Akane's instructor looks skeptical. Murmuring follows. Instructor : "If you don't mind, would you show us then? Any style, as long as you move without destroying the pool. We don't want to skip swimming lessons for another two months." Akane : "Gladly." Akane bravely walks over to the pool's edge, a nervous and excited class watching. Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, Akane thinks. Akane : (Thinking) "Calm down, relax. Deep breath, DIVE!" Akane leaps into the pool gracefully. Or at least, as gracefully as a cannonball dive will allow. Splashing water all over the class, everyone watches as Akane sinks beneath the water, surfacing bubbles the only thing that showed she was ever there. Everyone expects her to at least come up, screaming and gasping for breath, and for Ranma to save her. No such luck. In fact, as they look on, some of the boys start to chatter about how long Akane's been staying underwater, while some of the girls start to look on concernedly. They turn to Ranma, sitting there, looking on nonchalantly. Girl #1 : "Ranma... isn't Akane going to come up? She's gotta breath, you know." Girl #2 : "Ranma... can Akane really swim?" Girl #3 : "She's going to be all right, isn't she? Even she has some common sense...." Akane : "Oi! Over here!" Akane's voice is heard far away, and everyone immediately turns their attention from amongst themselves to the source of the voice, far on the other side of the pool. They see Akane... floating, not thrashing, and actually shouting more or less normally, except for a hint of excitement. Guy #1 : "Look! It's Akane!" Girl #1 : "She hasn't drowned yet!" Guy #2 : "She's actually managed to swim to the other side!" Girl #2 : "Underwater!" Only Ranma is silent, silently grinning and thanking Shiyoru for his expended effort, while everyone holds a mini- celebration in Akane's honour. Ranma (C) : "Thanks, Shiyoru." Back in the hospital, a doctor is examining Shiyona's unconscious form, looking at the monitors. *bleep!* Nurse : "Doctor! The patient's vital signs show a marked improvement!" Doctor : "Like last night?" Nurse : "As good." {Visiting Hours... the announcement.} Soon after P.T, an amazed and bewildered class along with a jubilant Akane and glad Ranma finish their last classes for the day, surprisingly without a hitch, and are unpacking their lunch boxes after school in their class, when they hear a commotion outside. Voice : "Er... looking for Ranko and Akane?" Female Voice : "Yes. I know they study here." Voice : "Akane does.... but we don't know of any Ranko!" Female Voice : "But I'm sure she studies here! I even saw her to school today! She MUST be here somewhere!" Ranma and Akane bigsweat after realizing that the voice belongs to Nodoka. Akane : "Quickly, Ranma! Change!" Ranko : "Already done." They turn their attentions back to the voices outside. Voice : "Yes, madam. I can show you where Akane studies though. Here, this is her class. Maybe you can find out about this 'Ranko' from her." Female Voice : "Thank you." Voice : "Er... anytime." "Ranko" and Akane are happily eating lunch together as Nodoka walks into the class, carrying her cloth bundle. Ranko sweats nervously as she spots the cloth wrapping... when she realizes that it isn't the correct shape. She smiles pleasantly as she spots Nodoka walk towards them, incidentally drawing the stares of many other students in the class. Then Ranko becomes the centre of attention. As Nodoka reaches the table where Ranko and Akane are sitting, takes a seat besides their desk, setting down the cloth-wrapped bundle on the desk in front of her, and turns the chair to face the two and is about to speak, one of boys comes up behind Ranko and speaks into her ear. Student : "Hey, Ranma! Since when'd you become Ranko?" Ranko turns red from embarassment, then viciously shoots back at him. Ranko : "None of your business! Bug off!" The students listens to her and bugs off, returning to the group of friends much embarassed and much to the teasing of his friends. Regaining her composure, she looks back at Nodoka, who has been watching the short exchange between the two very attentively. She grins at Nodoka nervously, and quickly speaks to allay any fears or suspicions before they surface to Nodoka's mind. Ranko : "Heh heh.... er.... those boys are always a flirt, aren't they...?" Nodoka : "Oh... yes. Oh, by the way, Ranko, Akane, we're going to see Shiyona today at the hospital, aren't we?" Akane : "Yes, aunty." However, before Nodoka can continue with the details into the visit, something is heard outside. *pat* *pat* *pit* *pit* *SCREEEECCCHHH!!* *Bam!* *angry shouting* "Sorry! In a rush! Sumimasen! Gomen nasai!" "Whoah! Am I in the right class?" yells a silvery haired teenage boy as he runs into the room, a small bundle of books and a lunchbox in his hands. Nodoka turns to see who it is, and is pleasantly surprised. Nodoka : "Oh! Glass! How nice! Looks like we won't have to look for you!" Glass walks over to the group and takes a seat, sitting on the table instead, dumping his books on the chair. He grabs his lunchbox and opens it, grabbing a sandwich out of it. Nodoka looks at the assembled group, and nods. She talks while the other three are wolfing down lunch with lightning speed. Nodoka : "Well... since you're all here, I guess I can give you the details of our visit today. I called the hospital today, and they said Shiyona was doing fine. She should be out of the intensive care ward by the time visiting hours start. We can visit her at ward 2-D." Everyone lets out a collective sigh of relief after swallowing their food, especially Glass. Nodoka nods in understanding at his concern for Shiyona, and lifts her cloth bundle. Nodoka : "I got Shiyona some fruits and charms in here. I bought them at the temple.... I hope she really gets well soon." The other three : "We do too." Nodoka looks at the clock on the classroom wall. Nodoka : "Oh! It's nearly opening hours! Hurry up and finish. I'm really anxious to see if Shiyona's all right." Everyone picks up the pace, and in a few short minutes, their lunchboxes are empty. Packing their stuff, the three leave the classroom with Nodoka, leaving behind a group of very confused students, wondering just who Glass, Ranko and Shiyona are. *BLAM!* Ryoga : "Koko wa... doko desu ka!?" Within the school yard, Ryoga yells after he pops his way out of the ground, having being lost in some under- ground cavern for half a week and burrowing his way through it, incidentally scaring a whole bunch of people who then stare at the person who is pulling himself out of the concrete ground, and then looks around. He spots a few familiar landmarks, not that they helped much in his navigation at any rate. Ryoga : "Hmm... looks like... I'm in Nerima? Tokyo? Then....." His eyes well up with tears, and his face turns into a mushy, soft face of love. Ryoga : "I must be near Akane....." *slosh!* P-Chan : "Pquwweek!" P-Chan looks around at what soaked him, and spots a pair of girls in the building at the window above him with an empty bucket. He starts walking around, lost. P-Chan : "Pquek!" Akane : "P-Chan!" P-Chan : "Qwuee? Squeee!" Akane, walking out of the main building, spots P-Chan by the building, a giant backpack, umbrella and a small pile of clothes which look familiar besides him. She asks the others to wait, and kneels down, hands open. Akane : "Come on, P-Chan! We're going to visit Shiyona today! Maybe she can take a look at you too!" Akane holds out her hands happily, P-Chan only too obliging to be held by Akane again. Ranko looks on, angry and jealous. Ranko : "Wonder what Ryoga is doing now...? Oh, there he is, silly me! Hi, P-Chan!" Akane, carrying P-Chan in her hands, stands up and looks around, wonderingly. Akane : "Huh? Ryoga? Where?" Ranko : "Oh, nevermind." Glass just snickers, and goes to the front gate to help Nodoka to flag down a taxicab that happens to be crossing by. He opens the front door for Nodoka, and closes it after her. Then Ranko, Akane with P-Chan run out and pile in. "Here we are!" Nodoka exclaims as they reach the hospital. Paying the cabby, who incidentally was the one who drove them to the hospital the first time, Glass apologizes for any past grievances and tells him to keep the change. Complying only too eagerly, the cabby drives off quickly. Walking into the hospital, Nodoka leads the group towards the elevator, and up to level 2. Everyone is excited at the prospect of visiting Shiyona again, especially with the heartening news that she's doing fine. As the lift opens, the group quickly piles out of the elevator, and Nodoka leads them towards ward 2-D, where the rest of the household are waiting. Kasumi, Nabiki, Soun and Genma panda are all standing there, or sitting down, waiting for them to arrive. Soun is the first to see them coming, and quickly stands up. Soun : "Ahh, there they are! Good! Visiting time's just started, and they only allow four people in at a time! So I think you four should go in! We'll be out here waiting for the news! Just don't take too long...." Soun looks nervously at Nabiki, whose internal and external timers are running up numbers multiplied by yen. Nodoka : "Don't worry! We won't be in there long!" Soun : "Go on, the doctors said she showed signs of waking up." Glass : "Then? What are we waiting for? Let's go in!" The group of four enter a neat, white and sterile ward. While the whole room smells of disinfectants, like the rest of the hospital, the atmosphere here is... sweeter, warmer. Nodoka and the rest notice that apart from Shiyona, the entire ward is empty, save for a single doctor, apparently waiting for them Ranko : "Some VIP." Glass : (Whispering into Ranko's ear.) "She got an entire intensive care ward to herself last night, for goodness' sakes!" Ranko looks amazed as Glass tells her this, but quickly wipes it off her face. The doctor beckons to them to come over. They walk, eagerly but not too quickly, towards the bed. A hazy viewpoint, some pain. Half the vision is obscured, and some muffled sounds can be heard. Trying to get up, feels stiff. Looks down, realises that body is in bandage. Stops moving, and simply listens for the source of the sounds, eye(s) closed, managing to catch the gist of it. "....she is!" "Let's go see how she is!" "Qwuee? Pokok!" *pat* *pat* *pat* *pat* "My God! She's in a horrible state!" "Don't say that aunty! At least she's alive!" "Doctor? How is she?" "She'll be all right, she's the toughest girl I've ever treated before! Her internals, despites the estimated damage due to that bus, were only damaged 57% below our estimated mark." "Then... is there anything that we should know about?" "She's making a full recovery, I'm glad to say. She can be discharged soon, but she'll have to watch herself." *uuunnnnhhhh* "Look! She's conscious!" "Or at least, enough to make some noise." "Qwueee?" Shiyona manages to utter out another sound before shaking herself completely awake. As she opens her eyes completely, she spots a whole group of unfamiliar people surrounding her. They mob her with questions. Woman : "Are you all right, Shiyona?" Pigtailed Girl : "Shiyona? You there?" Ponytailed Boy : "Glad to see you're all right!" Short Haired Girl : "How're you feeling?" Herself : "Huh? What's going on? Where am I?" Woman : "You're in the hospital, Shiyona." Herself : "Hos..pital?" Pigtailed Girl : "Yeah, you got hit with that bus with bad." Herself : "Bus?" Short Haired Girl : "Yeah! After you went crying off that day..." Herself : "Wha...? Who are you people anyway? Who's Shiyona? Who am I?" As soon as she asks this question, a pang of fear shoots through everyone, as they suddenly suspect something seriously wrong. Ranko bends over the bed to stare into Shiyona's eyes. She looks at him quizzically. She waves a hand in her face, checking for a response. She blinks. Or at least, her one visible eye blinks. Ranko proceeds to try something else. Holding her unbandaged hand in her own, she looks at her closely and asks. Ranko : "Girl.... do you know who you are?" Shiyona : "I.... I.... er.... let me think....." Shiyona starts racking her brains, lying on her bed as everyone looks on, the doctor scribbling notes on his clipboard. She looks at the red haired pigtailed girl. She shakes her head as far as she can. Shiyona : "! I... don't remember....!" Ranko lets go of her hand and turns around, to look at the rest of the group. She shakes his head sadly, and closes her eyes for a while. Finally, she looks up and walks towards the group. Their worst fear is confirmed, and they all know it even before she announces it. Ranko : "Shiyona has amnesia." {A fight between friends.} "No...." "Afraid so." "What can we do now?" As the group leaves the bed and walks over to a corner to discuss this, Glass remains behind, to stay with Shiyona, testing her. Glass : "Shiyona! Do you know who I am!?" Shiyona : "Shiyona? Who's that?" Glass : "...You're Shiyona! Don't you remember ANYTHING!?" Shiyona : " I... can't remember a thing!" Glass : "Let me try something." He gently taps Shiyona's lower lip twice, then on her philtrum (which is that small depression under your nose and above your upper lip.), on her nose and finally on her forehead. She blinks in surprise, once, twice, thrice, then sneezes in the cutest way. *achee!* *sniffle* Glass grins and smiles, looking at Shiyona fondly. Everyone turns around as they hear her sneeze, and at a grinning Glass. Glass : "Looks like she hasn't forgotten everything... at least, not subconsciously." The doctor walks up to Glass and asks. Doctor : "Excuse me, mister..." Glass : "Glass." Doctor : "Mr. Glass, but what was it you did?" Glass : "Oh... that... it's a little game we used to play.... for some reason, she'll sneeze when I do this...." He repeats the motion of tapping her lower lip twice, her philtrum, her nose and then on her forehead. She blinks three times again and sneezes, just as cutely as the first time. She looks annoyed. *achee!* *sniffle* The doctor removes his spectacles, wiping the mucus off it. While wiping with his handkerchief, he asks Glass to accompany him to a corner. He tells the rest to leave. They leave. Making sure that everyone's gone, the doctor talks privately to Glass. Doctor : "You're her boyfriend, right?" Glass : "Yes." Doctor : "Good. From what I diagnosed, she's got quite a severe case of amnesia...." Glass : "How bad is it?" Doctor : "I don't know. Anyway, that game you played proves that she hasn't forgotten EVERYTHING.... at least, not unconsciously. You may be that driving force who can help her on the road to recovery...." Glass : "Anything for my darling Shiyona." Doctor : "Your devotion is touching. All right... I'll see what I can do. Hang around, I'll have something within the hour. If I can get her out, she'll be your responsibility, both in getting her memory back and her physical recovery." Glass : "All right." Doctor : "Now, you'll have to leave. I have some things to attend to, and the patient needs her rest." Glass : "Yes, doctor." With a reassuring clap to his shoulder from the doctor, Glass walks out, face elated but determined. As he leaves, the doctor pulls a earset out of his coat pocket and fits it into his ear. He taps it two times, and speaks into a mini microphone built into it. Doctor : "Lion 2, this is Lion 1.... we have help on the way." Voice : "Roger that, Lion 1. We'll get her out tonight." Doctor : "Change that order, Lion 2, make it within the hour, over." Voice : "As good as done. Over and out." Doctor : "Roger wilco." (This means acknowledged and out. Not that *sick* game from Sierra.) Quickly stuffing his earpiece back into his coat pocket, the doctor walks out of the ward like as if nothing ever happened. Telling the rest to go back, Glass asks Akane and Ranko to stay behind. Nodoka insists on staying, but he tells her that he has some very private business to talk to them about, and that she'll see Shiyona soon enough. Reluctantly, Nodoka agrees and walks off, thinking about what to do for the rest of the afternoon. At the cafeteria, Porcelain orders some real coffee for the three of them, telling the vendor that if he serves that car lubricant of theirs, he'll sue for food poisoning. He quickly gets three cups of the real stuff, piping hot, and pays the cashier. He walks over to the table where Ranma and Akane are sitting, waiting for him. He sets the tray down, and over a cup of steaming hot coffee, Akane sets P-Chan down on the table and asks Porcelain. Akane : "Porcelain, why'd you call us here? It's not like we couldn't talk in the hallway. We could still have hot coffee there." Ranma (C) : "Maybe the vending machines are afraid of you, Akane. That's why the one upstairs wouldn't work." Akane : "...." *bop*. Akane knocks Ranma with a small mallet. Porcelain looks at Ranma while she recovers. Then, he coughs and clears his throat to get their attention. They look at him, expectantly. Porcelain (C) : "I've got good news. The doctor said we might be able to bring Shiyoru home today." Ranma (C) : "That's great! But..." Porcelain (C) : "He said he'd get results within the hour. To get her out." Akane : "Results?" Porcelain (C) : "Clearance orders, wheelchairs, all that stuff I guess. And we're to help with her therapy, both physically and mentally." Ranma (C) : "I guess... I'll have to make up for what I did to him... it's the least I could do." The two glare at her, and she withers under their stare. Ranma (C) : "W... what?" Akane : "Ranma, you said something about stinging Shiyoru's nerve earlier on....?" Porcelain (C) : "Uh huh.... and what was that about doing something to him?" They stare intensely at her, and she can feel the mini-Moko Takabishas emitted by their eyes on her. She looks at the two, and hangs her head. Ranma (C) : "Guess now's a time as good as any to tell you guys." Ranma visibly braces herself for what she's about to say. Ranma (C) : "You know that day we went to that mall?" Both nod. Ranma (C) : "Well.... you two know how much I hate dressing as a girl... so... I started complaining." Akane and Porcelain nod in understanding. "Uh huh. And, one of which had to do with your curses...." Akane starts, "Which stung Shiyoru's nerve." Porcelain ends. Both : "And because of that, he ran out on to the street to be slammed by a bus." Ranma (C) : "Unfortunately so.... also because I lost my temper... and.... jibed him." Akane slams his head with a fist, while Porcelain steps on it. Akane : "Ranma no baka! You know Shiyoru's still young and sensitive about this!" Porcelain (C) : "Ranma! Didn't we agree not to bring that topic up in front of Shiyoru!?" Ranma-chan, barely coherent now, struggles up onto the chair, using the table for support. Ranma (C) : "Y...yeah...." Akane : "Then why'd you bring it up?" Ranma (C) : "Er......" Porcelain (C) : "Forgot yourself? Typical. All you guys are the same! Stupid, pigheaded egotistical jerks." Ranma (C) : "Hey! Who's a boy here now!?" Porcelain (C) : "At least I'm still the same in here!" (Clutching his chest.) Ranma feels another temper surge rising through her, although she doesn't notice it. Ranma (C) : "So what!? If you two hadn't come, we wouldn't have had this problem!" Porcelain (C) : "And if you'd been a little more tolerant, we could've been all right now!" The two begin an arguing match, their voices growing increasingly louder. They begin to attract the attention of the everyone nearby, who actually hears them over the general din of the cafeteria. Akane backs off to let the two argue, as their fight grows increasingly more intense. Porcelain (C) : "And if you weren't so SCARED, you would've told Nodoka! Chicken! Pwoark pwoark!" Ranma (C) : "Chicken what!? You sickening a$$! If only you'd plucked up the courage to tell Nodoka that we weren't close to each other!" Porcelain (C) : "What's that supposed to show!? Why did you toss Shiyoru into the pool in the first place then!?" Ranma (C) : "What, and let Nodoka find out his secret if it rained!?" Porcelain (C) : "At least he didn't promise to kill himself if discovered!" Ranma (C) : "That was my lousy dad!" Porcelain (C) : "Then you are ALL to blame, lousy male Saotomes! Chauvanist pigs!" Ranma (C) : "Pigs!? Me!? Why not look at Ryoga!? Maybe you should've been HIS girlfriend! You don't deserve Shiyoru at ALL!" Porcelain (C) : "What did you say....? You....." *S.L.A.P.!* Porcelain gives Ranma-chan the tightest slap anyone's ever seen, felt, or heard. Ranma reels back from the blow, clutching her red and quickly swelling cheek. Porcelain glares darkly at Ranma. A shadow falls across his eyes, even though the cafeteria lights are shining straight onto his face. Akane knows that look, and she knows it means that anyone caught in his wrath now had better be as good as Ranma or else expect a serious crimp in their life-expectancy. Ranma notes the look too, and is desperately now thinking about what to say. Porcelain (C) : "You....." Ranma (C) : "Porcelain! Calm down! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" P-Chan jumps off the table and leaps into Akane's arms, shivering. Everyone backs off. Way off. Some even run out of the cafeteria to warn of an impending disaster. Porcelain : "Yoru. Na. Shoten. No. Gawa. CHIKARA!!!" A gigantic column of black chi bursts forth, flattening the area around her. The aura her equivalent of Shiyoru's "Shotenno gawa Chikara", a powerful manifest of Chi energy which covers its user in a chi aura, with the power of a dragon. However, her normal aura's colour would've been silver. Ranma and Akane know it, and begin to sweat. Porcelain (C) : "You..... shall.... regret that...." Ranma (C) : (Thinking) "OH ****! I Shouldn't have said that...! She loves him more than anything else in the world!" Akane quickly calls out to everyone to leave the scene immediately. They comply only to eagerly. Piling out all available exits, they leave the cafeteria empty, save Akane, Ranma-chan, P-Chan and a very angry Porcelain. Porcelain (C) : "DIE!" He screams and leaps over to the small partition where Ranma is lying on after that blow. He extends his fist, and the combat aura manifests itself at that point to resemble a dragon's talon coming down for the kill. Ranma manages to roll away just before Porcelain's fist contacts with the partition, the force of the blow and effects of the aura turning it to flaming dust. She quickly skips and hops away, thinking of something to say to calm him down, while preserving her own life. Akane runs off to a corner, watching the fight with concern. Meanwhile, Porcelain has turned around and spotted Ranma again. His eyes are glowing an unearthly black, darker than the aura itself, darker than night. He leaps over to Ranma's current position, almost striking her down with his enhanced, faster than light speed. Ranma manages to parry the blow, but the effort blows her back, and she slams into a wall, breaking it and causing it to dislodge some loose bricks. Dragging herself out of the pile of debris, Ranma's mind works frantically. Ranma (C) : (Thinking) "Better call up some defenses first! No use thinking of the perfect apology only to be killed before I can say it!" Onna-Ranma calls up her own aura, a skill taught to her by Shiyoru, a red-gold aura which really resembles a fire. Now, ready to face Porcelain, she begins running through a list of things she really wants to say. Porcelain doesn't let up, however, and leaps over to turn Ranma's face into part of the wall. She parries the fist cum flaming dragon jaw, with her own arm cum flaming dragon leg. Equally matched now, Ranma with her skill and Porcelain with his rage, the two begin a running battle around the cafeteria. Akane sees only two coloured blurs, one black, one orange, flying around the cafeteria, while hearing sounds of combat where none was visible. Suddenly, the two auras pause, and the red-gold one flies towards Akane. *blam!* Ranma-chan slams into the floor in front of Akane, scaring her and a small scream escapes her lips. Ranma gets up again, wiping a trace of blood from her mouth, clothes dirtied and tattered, and looks at Porcelain's black aura. Ranma (C) : "Porcelain! Look! I don't want to fight you! Please, calm down!" Porcelain (C) : "Feeling the heat, eh? Don't want to face me? You'll have to do better than that! SAIGONASHOTENNOKEN!" (Final Dragon's Fist.) Porcelain suddenly starts to float, and his aura transforms into a pitch-black dragon, with him in it. Stretching his hand out, the head forms at that point, the tail at his feet. He screams once more, and starts his high-speed death charge towards Ranma. Ranma knows she cannot do anything about stopping or avoiding it, and simply kneels down to shield Akane, who is screaming and whimpering at the same time, in Ranma's embrace. Ranma (C) : "Sorry, Akane. I shouldn't have said that to Porcelain. I brought this upon us. Forgive me." Porcelain is screaming towards the two now, reckless abandon in his eyes. However, he can still hear... "....brought this upon us. Forgive me." Ranma hugs Akane tightly, bracing herself for the darkness that is death to claim both of them. Oops, forgot P-Chan too. They wait. But it never comes. Porcelain (C) : "....Ranma....?" Ranma stops holding Akane, and turns her head around to look at the now auraless person behind her. His eyes are filled with tears, as he drops to his knees, face in hands, Ranma realizes that what she just said to Akane was heard by Porcelain. That brought him back to reason. Ranma thanks whatever gods are out there listening that Porcelain has seen reason at the last moment. Porcelain (C) : "Sorry, Ranma. But... I was just wondering... how do I help Shiyoru...?" Ranma walks over to hold Porcelain's shuddering shoulder, comfortingly. Ranma (C) : "There now, Porcelain. Sorry if I said those mean things to you. I was a fool, and a damned idiot at that. But, we're still friends, aren't we? You aren't alone, you know. We can all help! Won't we, Akane?" Ranma looks over to Akane, now standing up and cooing to P-Chan. She calls out. Ranma (C) : "Akane...?" Akane walks over to Ranma and kicks her. Ranma (C) : "Ow! What'd you do THAT for!?" Akane : "Baka na! If you hadn't said that to Porcelain...." Ranma (C) : "Look, I'm..." Porcelain (C) : "No, it's all right." Porcelain stops crying, and looks up at Ranma, her face filled with serenity and peace. He smiles hopefully, the ugly, red, tear stained face replaced by a handsome, radiant face. Porcelain (C) : "Yeah... guess you're right." Porcelain quickly stands up, and holds Akane's shoulders at arm's length. Porcelain : "Akane, enough is enough. I was wrong to start the argument in the first place. Now, come on, how long has it been? We've got to look for that doctor if it's been an hour. Now come on, stop fighting." Akane looks at her wristwatch, and notes that it's been little over an hour, most of the time having being spent on fighting. Akane : "Yeah, I think we can look for him now." Letting go of Akane's shoulders, Porcelain gives Ranma a helping hand up. Porcelain : "Come on, Ranma. Let's go." He slaps Ranma on the back forcefully, in a final piece of revenge, and the three leave a devastated cafeteria to find the good doctor, leaving the hospital staff to wonder whether they should restrict entrance to non-martial artists only. The three find the doctor soon enough, after asking around, they find him at the reception desk, signing off some forms. He hears the three coming, and looks up, smiling. Doctor : "Ah, there we are! My patient's three fine friends! Come, come! I've gotten all we need ready! I did some physicals on her, and I believe she's well enough again to walk. Now, you only have to concentrate on her amnesia." Glass : "Er.. thanks, doc." Doctor : "She's waiting for you people outside. Go on, I've still got a lot of things to do ahead of me." Glass : "Thank you, doctor." The three walk off, expectantly, towards the hospital's entrance, a nurse leading them. The doctor smiles, and taps his ear, activating the micro earpiece in it. Doctor : "Lion 1 to all Lions, mission objective complete. Let's get out of here." Voices : "Roger that, Lion 1. Clearing the building now." And a dozen nurses, doctors and patients leave their spots in the hospital to make their way to the hospital roof, a pickup stealth helicopter waiting for them. {The first signs. Happosai's vengeance.} Soon enough, the three spot Shiyona, standing alone on the front porch of the vehicles pickup area, looking lost and aimless, her bandages removed and clothed in what she was wearing the other day, right down to the jacket, which has been painstakingly repaired. Glass walks up to her stealthily, and taps her shoulder. She whirls around, shocked, and emits a little squeal of surprise. Then she sees the silver-haired ponytail man. Shiyona : "Oh... er... hi!" Glass : "Hi, Shiyona." Although she doesn't remember meeting him, something in her feels instinctively trusting of him. Glass smiles warmly at this.... innocent young and naive girl, something making him glad that he can actually start over once more, more or less. A clean slate, you might say. She looks surprised. Shiyona : "... I... am Shiyona? I don't see anyone else you're talking to..." Glass : "Yes you are, love." Shiyona : "Love? Love....." As she ponders this word, Akane and Ranko, standing behind Glass all this while, go up to the taxi stand to flag down a taxi for their use. They get one, and Akane fetches Glass and Shiyona. Akane : "Come on, we've got transportation! Let's go! The sooner we get back, the sooner we can start her mind therapy." Shiyona : "Mind... therapy?" Glass : "It's a long story. I'll explain on the way." Shiyona looks at Glass, so loving and caring, that she immediately feels an attraction towards him. She holds his arm tightly, and smiles sweetly, not knowing why, but feeling very comfortable doing so. Shiyona : "Ok." She hangs onto his arm until they get to the taxi, after which they all pile in. The cabby coughs a little, clears his throat, the turns around and asks. Driver : "All right, guys! Where'd ya wanna go..... *gasp*! Not again, mate! Not you buncha weirdoes!" The unlucky cab driver cries mentally as he spots three of the four people as the ones who he's been bumping into recently enter his cab. Especially during that time with the mad woman with a sword. But, consoling himself now that the crazy woman with a sword isn't around, the cabby asks again. Driver : "Where'd ya wanna go, eh?" Glass : "The Tendou Dojo, Nerima." Driver : "That nutty place with Genma and Soun!? Ah, what the heck! It's a long trip. I'll make money!" But, as he's about to start, he adjusts the rear-view mirror and spots Shiyona, looking curiously at everything and anything around her, trying to catch as much in her hungry and empty memories as possible. He gasps at her simple beauty and innocence. Driver : "Nice gal you've got there, silver-tail!" Glass : "Drive on, or do you want to see another katana?" The driver bigsweats, and quickly ignites the engines and roars off. Glass, Akane and Ranko share a laugh, while the cabby mumbles to himself. Driver : (Mumbling) "Geez, is she the one who that crazy woman with a sword was worried about? No wonder, she's such a nice and innocent looking girl. I should've guessed." The driver, being a father with his own daughters who are more like demonessess to him, decides to make some small talk with his passengers. Driver : "So, mates, that gal the one you guys were so worried about that day?" Akane : "Yes." Driver : "Lucky you, you know that?" Ranko : "Why's that?" Driver : "Oh, I'm a daddy myself, and I've got daughters who could belong in the traids and become bosses if they were given the chance. Not everyday I see such a pretty *and* innocent looking girl." Shiyona realizes that the strange taxi driver is talking about her. She blushes furiously. Shiyona : "...thank... you." Glass : "Well, guess you aren't such a bad spot after all...." Driver : "Thomas. From Australia, mates." Akane : "You can speak Japanese quite well." Thomas : "Ahh, that. Guess I've been living here too long. Born here, actually. Me mom couldn't hold me in on her tour. Couldn't hold me back after that." *hack* *snicker* Akane : "Interesting. " Thomas : "But enough about me, what about ya gal? What she got into that day?" Glass, Ranko and Akane share a look, wondering whether they should tell him. But, the memories are not as painful as before, partially because they've all forgiven and forgotten, but mainly because Shiyona is all right. They nod, guessing that telling him wouldn't be so bad. Glass : "Well... she... my girlfriend, Shiyona, was knocked down by a bus." Thomas : "A BUS!? Ye gods, she's lucky to be even alive, let alone unscarred!" Akane : "The doctors there were good, I'll say. They patched her up real good." Shiyona catches the words, "girlfriend" and "bus". Something begins to surface in her head. He tugs on Glass's shirt sleeve, and looks at him with puppy-dog eyes. Shiyona : "You... me.... boyfriend and girlfriend?" Glass : "Yes, love." (Thinking) "This is working out better than expected! She's remembering something else!" Shiyona slowly taps her lower lip, thinking hard, while mumbling to herself. Shiyona : "Bus... I remember some bus.... then.... oh, I can't remember." Akane and Ranko look at each other, nodding as Shiyona's memory returns faster than they expect. Glass is busy cooing and stroking Shiyona, while she enjoys the attention. Thomas looks in the rear view mirror. He grins, showing a few missing teeth, and then coughs a little. Thomas : "Hey, you people not gonna do that mushy stuff here, are you?" Glass : "Why not? You're married, aren't you? You said you had daughters." Thomas : "Yeah... well.... those younger years are beyond me now. I guess I'm just a salty old coot! Can't even stand some youngsters doing that sort of thing in my cab when I used to do so meself!" Laughter breaks out, with Shiyona's laughter a cross between a girlish giggle and all out laughter. Quickly calming down, the cabby wipes a tear of humour out of his eye. Thomas : "Heck... she's got amnesia or something? She keeps asking questions!" The three look at him, and he can feel lasers penetrating his back. Loosening his collar, the cabby sweats a little. Thomas : "Ah... forget I ever said that. Oh, say, there's the dojo, right mates?" Spotting the Dojo appear in the very nearby tar horizon, the cabby pulls up in front of it. Thomas : "There ya go, mates!" Glass : "Thanks! Here, your fare." Thomas : "Ach, forget it! I've not had such a good talk with you youngsters in such a long time, I guess that's payment enough!" Shiyona smiles at his generosity, the sight just melting everyone's hearts. She bends over to him from behind the cab and gives him a quick peck on his cheek. His face turns a lobster red under all that beard and tanned skin. Shiyona : "You're so nice, uncle!" *giggle* "Thank you!" Everyone piles out of the taxi, and wave goodbye to the cabby, who drives off. They watch him drive, then turn around and look at the gates. Shiyona : "We... stay here?" Glass : "Yes, Shiyoru, darling." Shiyona : "Who's Shiyoru? Why'd you call me Shiyoru?" Glass : "Explain to you later. Come on." They open the gates and walk in, hand in hand. Meanwhile, in the cab, the cabby is tapping his left ear. Thomas : "Hey, you guys listening? Right, ya heard what they said. Now, where's my reward? Mission objective accomplished, right?" Voice : "Stop at the corner around the street you're driving around at. A brown briefcase awaits you. The combinations are 8-2-1-5 and 2-8-3-5. You'll find your 1,000,000 yen reward inside. You are to lose the earpiece permanently as well. Failure to do so....." Thomas : "Ach, shaddup." As the cab turns a corner, a small white thing is seen flying out the window, ending up under a truck's tyres. Meanwhile, back in the Dojo, it is already evening. Kasumi is busy cooking the dishes, while Ranko and Akane explain everything to Nodoka and Soun. Akane : "...and it seems that Shiyona's recovering quite nicely. She's remembered two things so far." Nodoka : "That's good." Just then, Shiyona comes skipping along into the living room, wearing a turtleneck sweater with a small heart shaped hole near the top, exposing some cleavage, and a sky-blue frock that reaches down to her ankles. She skips up to Soun and smiles sweetly. Shiyona : "Hi, uncle!" The smile looks so cute, sweet and innocent that Soun's heart melts, even Kasumi's smile has never been able to do that. Ranko looks at Soun's reaction to Shiyona, and grins at Akane, still holding P-Chan. Ranko : "Looks like even he...she can be cuter than you, Akane!" That 'slipped' reference to Shiyona's sex is picked up by Akane, who decides that Ranma can die when Nodoka is not looking. But now, she is looking straight at the two. Nodoka : "Ranko? What did you just say? I thought I heard you say something about being cute...?" Ranko : "Yes, aunty. I was referring to Akane...." Nodoka : "About Shiyona being cuter? My, Ranko, you really should watch your manners. How can you say such things about your own cousin? You want to get into another argument?" Then she turns to look at Shiyona, still blissfully happy, and sitting at her spot at the table, chatting with Soun in a cute, girl's voice. Soun is obviously enjoying the company, and Nodoka smiles, while shaking her head in good humour. Nodoka : "Well.... maybe you're correct to a degree, Ranko. No offense, Akane. But, Shiyona seems greatly changed after the accident... she... seems to have completely recovered physically... and then some." Studying the features of Shiyona, the two others are forced to agree that Shiyona somehow looks.... totally changed. Just then, Shiyona smells something from the kitchen. Shiyona : "mmm! What's that? I smell.... eggs, some veggies, spring onions, a little milk powder, and...." She takes a long whiff. Shiyona : "Ginger? You don't put ginger in an omelette, do you?" Nodoka, Akane, Soun, Ranko and Nabiki look at each other skeptically. Nodoka : "She's definitely got a strong sense of smell, that's for sure." True, Shiyona is the only person who actually smells anything from the kitchen. She feels her shapely stomach, and can detect slight vibrations from a hungry stomach. She 'o's her mouth in thought, making her irresistable to any boy who would've been looking at that time. Shiyona : "Gee, I'm hungry." Kasumi : "Dinner's ready!" Ranko & Shiyona : "Yipee!" While Kasumi is serving the food and everyone is tucking in happily, something sinister is going on inside the school compound, where Ryoga blasted a hole in. *scrabble* *scrape* *scritch* *gasp* A small, withered hand works its way up from the massive hole in the ground, pulling up a shadow with glowing red eyes. It is Happosai. He looks very angry. Happosai : "I'll get you...! I'll get you all! Wa haa haa haa! I'm coming, my beauties! My darling beauties!" After dinner, Kasumi goes to clean up the dishes, but Shiyona tails behind Kasumi. Helping her pick up the dishes, Shiyona looks longingly at Kasumi. Shiyona : "Can I help you, huh? Please?" Kasumi looks surprised at Shiyona's request, but smiles and nods. Kasumi : "Why of course, you may, Shiyona. Thank you." While Kasumi and Shiyona go into the kitchen to clean up, Nabiki excuses herself to return to her room, thoughts of the money she can make snapping photos of Shiyona already coursing through her mind. Somewhere in the corridor out of earshot, Nabiki tells herself. Nabiki : "If this goes on for a while longer... I could make a bundle... a very big bundle." Meanwhile, Akane and Ranma have excused themselves to go back to their rooms to do their homework, while Soun, claiming that "the panda needs a bath", drags Genma off and leaves Nodoka all alone in the living room. Watching T.V by herself, Nodoka feels uncomfortable. She clutches her cloth-wrapped katana tightly, feeling an impending sense of dread. *scrabble* *pit* *pat* *puff* *scrick* Nodoka's tense ears pick the noises up from outside, and she switches the T.V off. She nervously opens the paper door to the living room and looks out. *SCREAM!* From inside his room, Ranma is enjoying the freedom of being a man again, when he hears his mother's scream. Ranma : "MOM!" Akane, in her room, is scribbling a few words and figures down on her homework assignment, when she hears the scream. Akane : "Aunty Nodoka!" Throughout the household, the entire household hears Nodoka's scream of terror. In the kitchen.... *crash* *tinkle* Shiyona : "Aunty!" Nodoka : "G..g..get away from me... you.... old pervert! Who are you...?" Happosai : "Haa haa! My, you have a nice looking body! Mind if I hug it!?" Nodoka : "YES I MIND!" Ranko : "AUNTY!" In the living room, Nodoka is backed into a corner of the living room, her sword unwrapped and held in front of her in a defensive position, Happosai leering, when Ranko, Akane and the entire household converges in on it. They spot Happosai, a frightened Nodoka, and the living room's condition. Ranko breaks, the sight of an evil pervert about to molest her own mother. Ranko : "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU BIG FREAK!" Ranko leaps forwards with the intention of pounding Happosai into a fleshy pile of quivering goo, but Happosai sends Ranko flying out the roof with his pipe. The rest of the family back off, except of Glass, Akane and Shiyona. Glass : "... so, old pervert. You actually managed to escape!?" Happosai : "It was you who beat me up, wasn't it!?" Glass : "Loved every second of it." Happosai : "Then I won't let you off! Hiyaa!" Happosai quickly leaps forwards to Glass, who tries to beat him out of the air, but isn't fast enough. Happosai slams a finger onto his chest, and he staggers back. Happosai : "Chew on my 'Happokokorokowasu', you arrogant fool! No one beats Master Happosai up like that and dumps him into a mountain and gets away with it! Now, if one of you girls will let me hug you, I'll cure him, if not, he dies!" Akane shudders as she remembers what the effects would be like, and suddenly realizes that Happosai's in one of his insane moods, where he goes as far as actually resorting to killing tactics to get what he wants. She yells out something. Akane : "Happosai! In two hours, Glass' die, won't he!?" Happosai : "Yup! Now, who's going to let me hug her, eh? He dies if you don't...." Akane sighs and slumps her shoulders as she is about to resign herself to a horrible fate. She opens her mouth and begins her first word, when she hears someone else speak. Shiyona : "All right, you bad man, you can hug me. But you must promise to cure Glass, ok?" Happosai : "Sure! Wahaay!" Everyone stares at Shiyona, with an innocently grim look on her face, touched by her sacrifice. Nodoka looks the most shocked, as she realizes what could happen. Nodoka : "Shiyona... you...." Happosai : "Way hay! I'm so happy! Come on! Let me hug you!" Shiyona sighs and resigns herself. Everyone turns away and covers their eyes, as Happosai proceeds to enjoy himself on Shiyona's bust. Happosai : "Ahh! So soft, so warm, so comfortable! I'm in heaven! Ahhh!" Shiyona stoically bears with Happosai's disgusting fondling, clutching her hands and clenching her teeth, doing her level best to stand it. Happosai continues his groping. He hits a sensitive spot now and then, but Shiyona refuses to make a sound, and just stands there, unmoving. "IIIIEEEEAAAAARRRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!" *S.L.A.M.!.!.!* Finally, unable to stand it anymore, Glass snaps, and shatters. He leaps over to Happosai, still hanging onto Shiyona, and grabs his gi. He tosses the pervert into the courtyard, and leaps out, bursting into a silver flame at the same time. Glass : "YOU CANNOT TREAT SHIYORU LIKE THAT!!!!" Happosai is still recovering from the shock of the toss, when he recieves another shock. Glass slams his fist into Happosai's back, full force, his aura resembling a dragon's tail slamming into Happosai. Happosai quickly recovers, and turns to face Glass. Happosai : "Well then, youngster, that means that you'll have to die in... 1 hour 45 minutes! And this attack tears all chances of your cure!" Glass : "TO **** WITH THAT! I'M GOING TO TAKE YOU DOWN WITH ME IF IT COMES TO WORST!" And with that, Glass launches himself into another full-fledged attack against a stunned Happosai, beating the old hentai up with all his might. However, Happosai counters and emits his own battle chi, blasting Glass away. Happosai : "No more childs' play! I'll finish you, then go back to my fondling!" Unfortunately, Glass' aura does not have Shiyoru's leeching effect, and is unable to stand up to Happosai's continuous chi attacks. He is battered mercilessly and savagely, blast after blast slamming into him. The entire household watches, shocked. Shiyona looks the most torn, and she suddenly remembers something. Shiyona : "SHOTENNOGAWACHIKARA!" Leaping with all her might into the battlefield, Shiyona herself bursts into a green fire, and shields Glass as yet another chi blast flies towards him. Happosai looks shocked that he's going to hit his fondling surface, as the chi blast slams into her. Nothing. Nothing happens to Shiyona, as her chi aura absorbs the full power of the blast. She looks up from her cringing position, and notices that she's unharmed. Then, she looks at her own hands, and realize they're on fire. Chi fire. The amnesiac part of her mind starts to think what is going on, when she starts to act on a previous instinct which was buried with her amnesia. Shiyona : "TAKASHOTEN KEN!" She recalls some strange move, which sounds strange in her own mouth, but feels perfectly natural as she stretches a hand out towards Happosai, the aura around her changing into a green dragon, and flies towards Happosai, slamming into him. Happosai flies into the outer wall of the dojo, and stays there, dazed. Filled with a fury she didn't know she had in her, she runs over to him, picks him up, tosses him into the air and blasts him with another move. Shiyona : "KAJISHOTEN DAN!" Her combat aura drains from the rest of body and accumulates at her hands, strangely placed to resemble some sort of elongated mouth, a reddish green orb glowing. Then, in another instant, it is released, firing off a massive chi fireball roughly 30 x 40 m in size. The resulting firey orb is seen flying into the sky from all around Tokyo as a brilliant red skyrocket, moving into the sky and not stopping. Back at the dojo, Shiyona is shuddering weakly from her massive exertion, as she walks slowly back towards Glass, somewhat blackened and injured, looks at her weakly. She kneels down and takes his head in her arms. Glass : "Shiyoru... looks like I'm going to die... soon." Shiyona cradles his head in her arms, sobbing. She looks at his chest as she presses his head into her chest, and something else snaps in her head. She looks at Akane, amongst the group of gathered Tendous, and starts to speak as loudly as her depleted body can cope with. Shiyona : "Akane, help me pull his shirt up." Akane nods dumbly, walking over to Glass and lifting his shirt. Underneath, a nasty red mark can be seen on Glass' chest, directly over his heart. Glass shifts a little, still remembering his female modesty, but stops as soon as Shiyona hugs him tighter. She looks at the slowly growing red mark, and she frees one hand, and flexes her fingers. Looking at them skeptically, she moves her hand over his chest until her hand feels strange. A strange, ticklish tingling sensation in her hand tells her something. Shiyona : "" She applies pressure to three spots on Glass's chest, around the heart, one point with one finger. Suddenly, the red mark starts to recede and fade, and finally, disappears. Glass regains full consciousness, heart working fine now as the Heart Destroyer skill is neutralized. Then, opening his eyes, he realizes he can't see a thing, and feels something soft in his face. He moves a little. The thing moves with his face. He tries to speak. Glass : "Mmffpph ympphh!" Shiyona suddenly realises that she's still hugging Glass' face in her chest, and quickly lets go, dropping his head into her laps. She and Glass' faces turn red from embarassment, then Shiyona looks up, suddenly. Shiyona : "I'm tired." She falls back, still in a kneeling position, towards the hard stone ground surrounding he pond. Glass catches her head before it slams full force into the stone, and cradles it. He smiles and wipes a tear out of his eyes. Glass : "Always the faithful lover and fighter, eh?" Back inside the house, Kasumi is carefully tending to Shiyona's feverish head inside Glass' and her room. Wetting a cloth with some ice cold water, and squeezing it dry, Kasumi applies another cool cloth onto Shiyona's head while Glass, Akane, Soun, Nodoka and Nabiki look around at each other. Nodoka offers to help Kasumi several times, yet is turned down, politely. Finally, Soun looks at Nodoka. Soun : "Mrs. Saotome, why not go to bed first? You must be tired from that shock." Nodoka : "I'm no more tired that poor Shiyona here... where did she learn those moves from? I thought....." Glass : "We're not sure, aunty. But... I did teach her those moves as a form of self-defense...." Nodoka : "Interesting, that she is beginning to remember. Maybe....." Akane : "We know. She might regain her memories soon." Nodoka : "Right. But, Glass, aren't the skills you taught her.... a little violent?" Glass : "Er.... yeah, kind of." Nodoka : "Good work. Nothing gets rid of perverts like those." Glass : "Er... thanks." Soun : "Now, Mrs. Saotome, if you don't mind... we can look after her ourselves. Please. Besides, we need to talk amongst ourselves in private." Nodoka : "Oh, all right. I feel like the little child now." Nodoka gets up and walks out the door, silently closing the door behind her. As soon as she leaves, everyone exchanges hopeful looks. Ranma (C) : "Maybe, Shiyoru IS regaining her memories!" Akane : "Or just parts of them...." Glass : " Whatever it is, I know he still loves me.... even with amnesia...." Ranma (C) : "Say, did you notice something strange....?" Akane : "What?" Glass : "Oh... er... hold on, let me think. The whole day.... Shiyoru.... " Ranma (C) : "Was a perfect girl." Akane : "Oh my..." Glass : "Jusenkyo's fufilled its purpose." Akane : "But how?" Glass : "I... don't know. Maybe this is her female side, unleashed because of that hard knock." Ranma (C) : "I *really* shouldn't have said those things. It...looks like Shiyoru's really going to become Shiyona permanently... " Glass : "Not if we can help it...." Soun : "But what if...." Soun dwells on this most.... unpleasant prospect. Everyone shushes as they get his meaning. Glass breaks the silence first. Glass : "Then I will forsake my original form for him....her, if needed." Meanwhile, in a cavern far, far away.... a throbbing, black and white sphere speaks. Essence : "Jusenkyo has served its purpose indeed." {Shiyona's first day of school.} The next morning, Glass wakes up, still a little sore and tired from the previous night, but otherwise all right. The first thing he does when he wakes up is to check up on Shiyona's condition. He puts a hand on her forehead to check for a temperature. Normal. Then he looks at her peaceful pace, ignorant in sleep. Glass : (Thinking) "I... didn't know my love could be so cute as a girl and asleep!" He shakes his head, thinking he's being too heavily affected by Jusenkyo. Looking at the calender, he remembers that there's still a day of school ahead of him, and shakes his head in annoyance. Glass : "Hate school hate school hate school." (Don't we all?) He walks over to his backpack to get some stuff out of his backpack, when he sees his original form's clothes on one side. He smiles, and decides to do a little repacking, then take a bath. In the bath, Porcelain relaxes for a while in the hot tub, enjoying her original form for as long as possible. She lets out a long, drawn out sigh as she thinks about the day ahead of her, and releasing a fair amount of stress as well. Porcelain : *sigh* "Hm....agenda for today... survive school, get Shiyoru's memories back together, help him... her enjoy school today, have some fun and mind therapy. Simple." Looking at her waterproof wristwatch, Porcelain notes that it's almost time for breakfast. Porcelain : "Time to become Glass again." *slosh* Nodoka : "Ohayo, Glass! Where's Shiyona?" Glass : "I think she's still asleep. Should I wake her?" Nodoka : "No, let her...." Shiyona : "O-----ha-----yo gozai masu!" (very cheerfully.) Everyone at the table is pleasantly surprised as Shiyona comes bouncing out from her room, cheery and full of energy, despite the events the night before. She cheerfully sits down besides Glass, and hangs onto his arm lovingly. Glass seems relieved that at least their affections haven't been forgotten. In a practical joke, he leans his head on hers, while everyone laughs at the comical sight. Shiyona blushes and punches Glass in the arm teasingly. He takes 'revenge' by tapping her lower lip twice, once on her philtrum, and then on her nose, and finally on her forehead in rapid succession, before she can react. She blinks three times and sneezes, really cutely again. *achee!* Kasumi just comes out of the kitchen at that time, carrying a tray with several bowls of steaming rice. She looks at Shiyona with concern. Kasumi : "Are you all right, Shiyona? You must've caught a cold." Glass : "Nah, she's all right. I just did a little trick on her. Ow!" Shiyona teasingly punches him on the arm again. Shiyona : "Mmmngah... you little tease!" *giggle* Kasumi sets down the bowls of rice in front of everyone, then goes in and returns with another tray of soup and other dishes. She sets the bowls down and everyone settles down to eat. While they eat, Glass looks at Shiyona, and notices that his rearranging has landed her in a girls' school uniform of Furinkan High. Then, unexpectedly, he asks her something, in which everyone pays intense interest to. Glass : "Say, Shiyona-chan.... do you remember anything from last night?" She stops eating long enough to look at him quizically. Shiyona : "Hm? Last night? I... only remember some old man hugging me, and then me blasting him away, and doing something about hugging you and pressing your chest. I think." Glass : "Good enough. Your memory's improving." They go back to eating for a while, before Shiyona nudges Glass with her chopsticks. He looks at her, a face full of wonder. Shiyona : "Glass-kun... can you tell me something?" Glass : "Yes?" Shiyona : "Last night... where did I learn those skills from...? I didn't know I had them... but they seemed.... so familiar." Glass : " how do I answer this? Alright, I'll say this. Shiyona-chan... your memory's a bit... clean." Shiyona : "Clean?" Glass : "Erm.... don't take this as a shock or anything... but..... you're suffering from amnesia." Shiyona : "" Shiyona rolls this unfamiliar word around her tongue, wondering what it is. Ranko looks at Akane. Ranko : "Like that accident with 'shampoo'." (Double meaning here.) Akane : "Unfortunately, worse." Shiyona continues to repeat this word as she goes back to her task of finishing breakfast, mulling over it. After a short while, she finishes her rice and vegetables. She smiles sweetly as she stands up. Shiyona : "We... have school today, don't we?" Ranko, Akane and Glass nod, glad that she's remembering a little more. Shiyona : "But... I don't have any books. I only found this..." (tugging at her uniform.) "In my... backpack." Ranko and Akane look at Glass, as they smile behind their bowls, knowing that her memory is very slowly, but surely returning. Glass crams the rest of the food into his mouth and swallows the enourmous pile, then quickly gets up and walks over to Shiyona, taking her hand in his. Glass : "Come on, I'll get you some books. It's your *first* day today anyway." Shiyona : "Okey!" Nodoka smiles as she watches the happy couple trot off towards their room. Ranko and Akane grin at each other. They finish their meals next, and quickly get up to get their books. Nodoka decides to help Kasumi out, while Nabiki finishes her meal next and runs up to get changed. Soon, the group of five students are dressed and ready for school. Ranko and Glass are wearing their usual set of clothes, while Akane, Nabiki and Shiyona are dressed in the school's girls' uniform. Ranko looks nervously at Shiyona, still wondering what caused her to think SO MUCH like a girl. She settles on the fact that Jusenkyo has taken a stronger hold on her than on anybody else so far. Ranko : (Thinking) "Or maybe, just because of that amnesia." Akane : "Come on, or we're going to be late!" Ranko : "Coming." The group walks out the doorway, Nabiki walking ahead, Yen bills floating in her head as thoughts of selling photos to the gullible boys in school cause her to grin in delight. Soon enough, the group enters the school gates some time before the school bell (a first for Ranma), and as Ranma is about to soak herself in some hot water, Glass stops her. Ranko : "What!?" Glass : "You don't want Shiyoru/na....." Ranko : "Hm... right. Guess I'll have to stay as a girl the whole day...." Glass : "Correction. The rest of the week, minus any private time you might have to yourself." Ranko : "Oh, great. I'm going to be chased by that nutcase, Kuno for the rest of the week!" Akane : "Speaking of nutcase...." Kuno : "Oh, my beautiful pig-tailed goddess! How you fair skin glints in the light! How your beautiful hair shimmers in the morning sun! Come, let me show you salvation from that cur Ranma and date me!" Ranko : "In your dreams." *blat* Kuno recieves a shoe in his face as Ranma/ko sticks it in his face and grinds it in. Reeling back, Kuno wipes the dirt off his face, and smirks. Kuno : "I see, you've been possessed by that vile villian Ranma! But no matter! Sooner or later, I shall free you from his curse!" Then, he hears a barely restrained giggle from behind the group. Covering her mouth, Shiyona walks out, tears streaming down her face from too much laughing. Shiyona : "W...w... who is this clown...? Haa haa! His... language is so funny!" Kuno is instantly enchanted by the sight of this beautiful, brown haired, innocent faced lady with the voice and looks that could launch a thousand ships. He stares, unabashed, at her. She notices that he's looking at her, with a strange glint in his eyes, and quickly squeals, runnning behind Glass. Kuno : "The beautiful and exotic lady of my life, the beautiful and unmatchable woman! What an innocent face that thou doth put on, yet behind such a guilty man thou dost hideth behind? Come, let me show you the true meaning of love and freedom! Let me free you from this silver-haired scum....." *KAPOOOOOOWWW!!!!!* Glass gives Kuno a kick so powerful, he is sent whistling through the air and comes down, head first, on the top of the school building. Grabbing the bokken Tatewake dropped on the floor, Glass tightens his grip on the wooden sword until the wood gives way and allows itself to be crushed by Glass' powerful hand, turning into dust beneath his effort. Picking up both halves, Glass tosses them at the shadowed form of Kuno, about nine dozen meters away, up above the school clock, and the two halves strike the building with unnerving accuracy, penetrating the stone and concrete, and sticking up like two tent pegs, through his clothes, effectively trapping him in that position. Glass looks very offended. He snorts in contempt. Glass : "Hmph! Scum indeed!" Shiyona comes out of hiding behind Glass, and looks at his angry face pleadingly. Her sad features melt his heart immediately, as she asks in an innocent and pleading voice. Shiyona : "Please, Glass-kun... don't get angry. I don't blame that funny man. I think he's just retarded." Then she smiles mischeviously, he innocence disappearing for a moment. Shiyona : "Besides, you don't look handsome when you're angry." Glass grins at Shiyona's comments about Kuno and himself, and kisses her forehead, as everyone watches. They begin to murmur, but a glare from him silences them. Glass : "Come on, the bell's about to...." *riiiinnngg!* Glass : "It's gone. Come on, Shiyona-chan, I'll show you to your class. This way." Akane and Ranko watch as Glass holds Shiyona's eager hand and leads her away, smiling the whole way. Akane and Ranko look at each other, and then realize that they'll get it from the teacher if they don't move. They disappear in a dust storm, choking and blinding the other students rushing to class. Two people are walking down the hallways of the school, past lockers and other students packing their books for their lessons, talking. Shiyona : "Where are we going?" Glass : "Your class... er..." Shiyona : "1-F?" Glass : "...yes!" Glass is gratified to hear that Shiyona's remembering even more. Glass : (Thinking) "This is better than I thought! School's bringing something back to her too!" They make a corner, and turn into class 1-F. Walking in, they see that Ranma and Akane have already taken their seats, and proceed to find their own. Shiyona walks over to a desk.... strangely familiar to her. Glass takes a seat besides that desk, and looks at Shiyona as she examines the table, trying to remember something. Everyone else is looking at her too, wondering why all of a sudden, the Shiyoru they know comes to school as a girl, in a girl's uniform. A stern glare from Glass, whom they know as Porcelain, silences them. Quickly. Shiyona : " so familiar.... something... I can't quite recall...." Shiyona prods and examines the table, then knocks on it and the noise produced reminds her of something. She looks under the desk. Glass smiles. Shiyona : "What's this.....?" She pulls something out from under the desk. A small sketching, hand-drawn on a piece of foolscap paper, was stuck to the underneath of the desk with some gum. She looks at the sketching, and giggles. She sits down and leans over to Glass, showing him the picture. Shiyona : "Who're these two? The look so funny!" The picture is that of a male Shiyoru, sticking a tongue out and with a peace sign, as well as a picture bearing a striking resemblance to herself standing behind him, in a similar pose, with some words written at the bottom. "Hey there, gal! Remember me? I'm you! See that gal behind me? That's me when I'm soaked with cold water! Don't forget! -Love and kisses, Shiyoru Wong!" Glass : "... hm... that's you. Or at least, one of them is." Shiyona : "But... it says 'see that gal behind me? That's me when I'm soaked with cold water!'... and that girl... looks like me!" Glass : "Don't worry about it, Shiyona-chan. I'll.... explain it to you after class." Shiyona : "Hmmph.... you didn't keep your promise about yesterday's explanation." Glass : "Oh! Sorry! Er... I'll make it up to you. Remind me after school, ok?" Shiyona : "Ee, ok!" Their form teacher, also their maths teacher, walks into class. Everyone stands up to greet him. They sit down quickly after that, chattering. Teacher : "All right, class, quiten down. I want you all to revise chapter 14 of your textbooks. I'll be posting some questions later. I have something I need to do." Everyone starts grumbling, but do what they're told. Shiyona looks around, confusedly, as she realizes that she isn't carrying anything at all. Glass grins at her as she looks at him. Glass : "Lift your desk cover." She does so, and finds an entire schoolbags' worth of equipment, from pencils and pens to her physics and english texts. Lifting a maths textbook out, she looks at the name. Shiyona : " Who's that? I keep hearing this name!" Glass : "Er.... tell you later too." Shiyona starts to pout, a super cute look which draws the attention of all the guys in class, even Gosunkugi. Shiyona : ".... hmph!" She opens the textbook, and slowly flips through page after page, until she finds chapter 14. She looks at the notes and charts scribbled on the book, and finds them similarly familiar. Glass is looking at her from behind his book, as she starts to mumbles something after closing the book, using her fingers as bookmarks. Shiyona : "And the pi is equals to this..... the angle of this..... radius..... sine equals to this......" Glass grins as he hears Shiyona remembering her lessons, after that crash. He looks at Ranma and Akane, and gives them a thumbs-up signal, they return it, grinning. The teacher looks at the two "newcomers" after letting them go about their business for a while. He stands up. Teacher : "Glass, Shiyona, come with me. I have something to discuss with you two." Shiyona & Glass : "Yes, sir." Students : (Silently thinking) "Glass? Shiyona?" The students start muttering as they expect the teacher to let them 'study' a while longer, and hoping the discussion will last the entire maths period. No such luck. The students groaning and protesting, the teacher writes down a number of questions on the board, and tells the class. Teacher : "Finish these questions by TODAY, and hand them over to Ranma. He will pass them to me. Failure to complete these sums will result in a visit to the principal." Pens, books, and papers start to fly, as everyone starts on their questions immediately. The teacher smiles, and turns to the two students now standing behind him. Teacher : "Follow me." Outside the teacher's lounge, the two students are listening to the teacher speak. Teacher : "All right, you two. I got a special letter from someone higher up today, I'll let you two off school today. However, you two must revise whatever will be taught today. Ask your friends if you need to, alright?" Both : "Yes sir." Teacher : "Here's a letter from me allowing you to stay in the school compound if needed. Glass, you know what to do." Glass : "Yes, sir." Teacher : "Be off then. And take care." Both : "Yes, sir!" Watching the two run off, hand in hand, the teacher sighs, smiles and grins. He taps his left ear. Teacher : "Hey, you guys got the principal 'safe', right?" Voice : "Nobody's going to give these students any trouble, especially if's in school. But stick to your orders, all right? We've got the principal somewhere safe." Teacher : "Thank God. Order acknowledged, over and out." Voice : "Roger that, out." The two walk back to their class, while Glass packs his books and leaves again, causing some students to chatter. However, the teacher comes in again, and they quiten down. As the two walk down the hall, Glass taps Shiyona on the head. She turns and looks at him. Shiyona : "Glass-kun?" Glass : "You wanted me to explain something, right?" Shiyona : "Oh! That! Yes." Glass : "All right then.... let's go to our old... site and I'll explain everything to you, what do you say?" Shiyona : "All right!" (clapping her hands once.) They walk out of the main building, staring at Kuno who is struggling to escape with Sasuke's help, and share a short but straight out laugh. Glass, taking this time to try rejuvenating Shiyona's memories, fakes forgetting where their old site used to be, and takes her on a complete tour of the school, acting like Ryoga trying to find his way out of the school compound. He takes her back into the school via back door, through the school canteen, then to the lockers where Glass' and Shiyona's lockers are located, when she calls out to Glass, tugging his arm Shiyona : "Wait, Glass! Something...." Glass stops, and turns around as he spots Shiyona fiddling with her locker's combination lock, and grins broadly as she remembers something else. Shiyona : "15.... 82..... 43.... 86!" *click* The lock opens, much to Shiyona's surprise, and she opens her locker. She peers inside, and finds something that, while familiar, doesn't quite click. She pulls out a small bundle of spare clothes which someone kept inside, and examines each one. Shiyona : "A.. gi.... turtleneck sweater.... cloth belt?.... soft black jeans.... cloth shoes....? Seems familiar... but I can't remember where these came from! Is this my locker, Glass!?" Glass : "Yes, Shiyona-chan. I think you'll feel more comfortable in those." Shiyona : ".... er... yes! Wait here!" Shiyona quickly runs off towards the girls' toilet, which contains a small changing room, and comes back, seconds later, dressed in her "old" attire. She dumps the school clothes in her locker, amongst the other things which she doesn't bother to look at, and admires herself. Shiyona : "You're right... I feel more comfortable in this." Glass : (Thinking) "It's coming back...! Come on, Shiyoru! Come back to me!" Glass smiles, and pats Shiyona on her shoulder, enjoying the familiar feeling of the gi under his hand. Glass : "Come on, Shiyona-chan... I think I remember where our old site is.... it's...." Both : "Under 'Old Shady' behind the school near the pool by the parking lot at the empty field!" Glass and Shiyona look at each other, as they speak in perfect synchronisation. Shiyona looks surprised, her mouth a small 'O' of surprise. Glass does nothing but grin from ear to ear. Shiyona : "Where did I remember THAT from...?" Glass : "Come on." Under the gigantic tree, aptly named 'Old Shady' because of its massive crown and rain, light, lightning, bomb and thermonuclear shielding abilities, the two lovebirds are lying down on the grass, enjoying a light breeze blowing across the field, grass rippling and flowers shifting around in the breeze. The two are looking up at the tree, counting the number of flowers blooming on it. Glass : "23, 24, 25, 26...." Shiyona : "27, 28, 29, 30...." Both : "30, 30, 30 times 3, do you really, really love me?" Both say this at the same time, and then look at each other. Shiyona smiles, and Glass is elated. Shiyona : "Looks like I'm remembering...." Glass : "Yes, you are." Shiyona : "Won't you explain to me... what you said earlier on?" Glass : "Of course, love. Where do we begin? Your amnesia?" Shiyona : "My amnesia? What's amnesia?" Glass stares into Shiyona's deep, hazel brown eyes, and sees that while her memories are gone, her soul is still there, all of it remembering, deep within it. He considers telling little white lies, but then, he can't bear to actually lie to her.... Shiyona.... a now innocent and simple girl, who has no recollections of her past life. He remembers that amnesiacs tend to come in various categories, and that Shiyona's was a little more than complete amnesia, making her forget some words as well. His heart knocks against his ribs as the prospect of lying, even the littlest bit, disgusts it. *doki* *doki* *doki* *doki* He decides to tell her the whole truth, although wrapping the words up in multiple layers of silk cloth. He turns to take a deep breath, looking at the sky and praying for Shiyona's sake, and looks back at her, drawing confidence. Glass : "All right.... amnesia... ok, let's put it this way. If I said that you forgot where you put your things, what would that be?" Shiyona : "Forgetfulness, I gues...." Glass : "Right. And if you forgot your friend's name, what would that be?" Shiyona : "Same thing?" Glass : "Correct again. Now, if I said that... say.... you forgot not just where you left your things, not just your friends' names.... but everything? Absolutely everything? Even yourself? What would THAT be?" Shiyona : "That... would be amnesia? Forgetting everything?" Glass : "Yes." Shiyona looks thoughtful, as the meaning of amnesia is explained to her... not so tactfully, but getting the message through. She turns to look at the flowers besides her, pondering. She speaks while looking at a pretty white daisy. Shiyona : " you're saying.... I forgot everything?" Glass flinches as he tells her the truth, although he doesn't know why. Glass : "Yes.... that would be it." Shiyona takes the flower in her hand, delicately, and sniffs it. Glass turns over to look. Shiyona : ".... then.... I.... even forgot who I am?" Glass : "Yes... it must be horrible." Shiyona stops sniffing the daisy, and looks at a butterfly fluttering around above the flower. She gently plucks the daisy out, and holds it up to the butterfly, who takes the offer and settles down to feed. Watching the butterfly, Shiyona thinks. Watching as the butterfly, full now, flutters off, Shiyona turns to look at Glass, grinning. She holds the flower up to him, and tickles his nose with it. He sneezes. She giggles and grins. Shiyona : "Come to think of it... I don't think forgetting everything is horrible. I think it's wonderful in its own way, not remembering anything bad you might have done... and starting over. No guilt." Glass : "Starting over... how that sweet that sounds to me." (Smiling.) He moves to take the flower from her hand, gently, but then suddenly holds her hands instead. She lets go of the daisy, which flutters to the ground, and looks at him. Shiyona : "Glass-kun...?" Glass : "Shiyona-chan.... yes. Maybe we can start over, once more?" Shiyona : "... I'm... not sure. I... think I like you, Glass." He grins, and moves over to kiss her in the lips, a stunned Shiyona unable to protest, but simply recieving the kiss quietly, then kissing back. They kiss for a while, holding hands, then pull back. Both of them grin. Shiyona : "That was nice." Glass : "Yes, it was." Shiyona : "Why'd you do it?" Glass : "Because.... I love you, Shiyoru." Shiyona looks surprised at the mention of that name again. Shiyona : "... love... Shiyoru? Who's that....?" Glass : "Let me explain." Letting go of her hands, Glass slowly begins his long and lengthy explanation, about their relationship so far, their journeys around the world, their adventures together, their old friends, and finally, after bracing himself, about their real names and curses. Shiyona looks surprised, as her hungry mind starts to chew and digest the information Glass just told her. He has rolled over to look up at the shade of the tree, waiting for Shiyona to absorb the information, hoping that he hasn't shocked her into another round of amnesia with the sudden wealth of information. Shiyona slowly thinks what.... Porcelain.... has told her. About their curses, about their real names. About Ranma and Akane. Ranma... Ranko.... what's the difference? Their adventures, the skills she didn't know she had at all. All this is slowly, but surely being absorbed back into her brain, like a dry sponge soaking up a single drop of water. Try as she might, Shiyona cannot call up even one memory of her past, only various things like her lessons at school, and the events that certain things which she cannot name, for want of one. She watches as a school servant rakes up dry leaves around 'Old Shady', and he spots her. She grins at him, and he waves. She watches as he rakes up more leaves, and stuffs them all into a giant black plastic bag. Finally, she thinks about the piece of paper which she dragged up from under her table. She looks at Glass, who fell asleep while she was thinking, and is snoring lightly. She grins, and giggles, admiring his smooth and handsome features. Shiyona : (Thinking) "Are you really a girl? You... look so cute!" Then she remembers what he told her. Shiyona : (Thinking) "Me? A boy? Gee.... I prefer the name Shiyona. Shiyoru sounds so... dark." Finally, she decides to wake him up. Reaching out with a finger, she unconsciously taps a spot on his shoulder, which immediately elicits a response from him. He gets up, jerking. Shiyona sits up with him Porcelain (C) : "Whoa! Ah... heh... *ahem*. Shiyoru, I thought I told you never to touch that spot!?" Shiyona : "... er..." Shiyona looks so upset with... Porcelain's.... sudden outburst that she almost wants to cry. Realizing that he's hurt her feelings, Porcelain quickly clasps... Shiyoru's..... shoulders and looks at a loss of what to say. Porcelain (C) : "Er... Shiyoru... sorry. I forgot that you forgot everything. I didn't mean to shout at you like that." quickly wipes the sad look off her face, and sticks a tongue at him. Shiyona : "Ngaah! I knew you didn't mean it! Hee, tricked you!" Porcelain (C) : (Thinking) "Am I really beginning to think like a boy!? I'm finding Shiyoru cute... girl cute!" As Porcelain holds Shiyona's shoulders, she breaks his line of thought. He looks at her, her face one of solemn hope and regret. Shiyona : "Porcelain...? I... want to tell you something..." Porcelain (C) : "Yes, Yoru-chan?" Shiyona : "... yoru-chan? Oh, nevermind... I... have to say, that I can't really recall any of my old memories at all...." Then smiling sweetly at Porcelain's pained features, she decides to break his unhappy spell. Shiyona : "But, I... guess I wouldn't want to remember any of my misdeeds and nasty things I've done. I couldn't live with myself. And, I prefer our... nicknames!" Porcelain (C) : "Glass and Shiyona?' Shiyona : "Mmm hmm!" Glass : "Then... I'll do my best to make sure you're happy. We will start over, and I'll give you some new memories to cherish, never to forget again." Shiyona : ".... I think I'll like that." She gives Glass a smile so brilliant, so beautiful, words can never begin to describe it. His eyes tear as his resolve to make sure that they will never forget their memories turns into a resolve the strength of a perfect diamond. Practically indestructable. Off in the distance, the school servant cum gardener is listening to the reciever in his right ear, hearing everything the two said, via an ultra-sensitive microphone planted in the tree. He smiles, and taps his left ear twice, activating the device in it. He pops the reciever in his right ear out. Gardener : "Lion team, this is Lion 2, our targets are in love, and getting along nicely." Voice : "Report on their location." Gardener : "We have our loving couple in the field, under 'Old Shady'." Voice : "Confirm love statement." Gardener : "Sending now..." The two are just sitting under the tree now, enjoying the breeze, the shade, the scenery and each other's company. Shiyona is sitting between Glass' legs, his arms resting around her abdomen, gently hugging her. They stay this way for the rest of the school day, just hugging and enjoying each others' reassuring presence. Finally, when the school day is over, the two watch on at the front gate as all the students start to pile out of the school building. Shiyona : "Hey! There's Akane! And... Ranma?" Glass : "Yup. That black haired guy who looks like Ranko is Ranma. You two got the same curse." Shiyona : "Hey, you told me just a few hours ago! I can't forget THAT easily!" Glass grins at this new game they've just made. Letting go of Shiyona, both of them stand up and walk towards the mass of students running, screaming and shouting happily that school is over, and make their way towards Ranma and Akane. Akane : "Hey, Shiyoru! Porcelain! What'd you two do to get a free day off?" The two look at each other, and grin. Glass : "Well, I told ShiyoNA everything...." Shiyona : "And I thought that starting life over, both for myself and between us, was best. And, I.... thought that maybe.... I like this new arrangement better." Glass : "To change our names and forms... forever if needed." Ranma and Akane look at each other, disbelievingly. Ranma scratches his head in confusion. Ranma : "You mean to say, you two... will stay...." Akane : ".... Like this.... forever...." Ranma : ".... As Glass and Shiyona....?" Akane : ".... To live your lives and start your relationship over again?" Glass and Shiyona nod. Ranma and Akane look VERY surprised at this sudden announcement. They stare at each other for a while, their minds a blank. Then they look back at Shiyona and Glass, and notice Shiyona's clothes. Ranma : "At least, some things won't change. Come on, I think we need to talk this over." Not complaining, the rest of the group follows Ranma to whever it is he wants to talk this over at. As they leave the school gates, one student spots them leaving. He taps his left ear twice. Student : "Lion group, this is TLS2... our friends are out of the coop." Voice : "Roger that. Over and out." {Oh, how memories and words hurt more than a knife and gun.} Deciding to talk this over back home, Ranma leads the way to her restaurant, strangely silent. Akane is still asking Shiyona about this arrangement, still a little shocked with their announcement. While they walk, they talk. Akane : "So.... Shiyona? You... know about your curse?" Shiyona : "Yes. Glass told me." Akane : "Don't you feel... weird... being a girl when you're actually a boy?" Shiyona : "I... find the concept of being a boy rather.... unusual." Akane : "Mmm hmm..." Ranma is lost in his own thoughts as he listens to their conversation. Ranma : (Thinking) "Shiyoru.... you've become a perfect girl, haven't you? You don't even remember what it is to be a guy!?" ".... of being a boy rather.... unusual." Ranma grins. Ranma : (Thinking) "Ah well, looks like this goes to show that even a person who is a boy by right can act more like a kawai onna than Akane, that tomboy." But he sighs again as he thinks about the person who used to be his friend. Ranma : (Thinking) "But now.... one of my best friends.... gone! While he's still here at the same time. Who am I gonna spar with besides my dad? I prefer his company better. But... he... she.... looks so... cute.... innocent and demure! I... can't bear to bring myself to ask her to... remember that part of her life... can I?" He lets out a long, deep and disappointed sigh, as they keep walking down the street. Shiyona hears him, and trots up to his side, smiling. Shiyona : "Come on, sourpuss, what's wrong? Why the long sigh?" Ranma looks down at Shiyona's compassionate and innocent face. He grins. Ranma : "Naaah, nothing much. I just thought we could've started helping you regain your memory. But it looks like you like your new life better?" Shiyona appears to consider this. Then she remembers something else from her past. Shiyona : "Say... those moves last night... where did I remember those from...?" Ranma : ".... how do I put this? Porcelain? Can you help me here?" Glass trots up with Akane in tow to Ranma. Glass : "Yes?" Ranma : "How do I explain how Shiyona remembered those moves?" Glass slaps his head in annoyance. Glass : "Geez! Did I forgot to tell her about her skills!? Shiyona-chan, didn't I tell you?" Shiyona : "No, you only told me about our journeys." Glass : "I guess I'd better tell you something about your fighting past." Shiyona : "Fighting? No wonder I remembered those strange, fiery moves. What were they?" Glass : "Something out of your very long past." Shiyona : "My past.... (scratching her head) fighting past? Ranma, would you mind doing something for me?" Ranma : "Yes?" Shiyona : "Would you help retrain my skills?" The two boys look completely surprised. They yell at the same time. Ranma & Glass : "Why would you want that!?" Shiyona is almost sent flying by the sheer force of their combined voices, however, others are not so lucky. They are picked up by the gale force and are sent flying, amidst a storm of dustbins, papers, and anything in the wind's way. Shiyona : "Well.... it would be nice to be able to protect myself. And I might start remembering! Wouldn't you want that, Glass?" Glass : "... sigh. I guess so...." Shiyona : "Then? What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Ranma : "Hey! Wait for me!" Shiyona disappears in a dust storm, headed directly towards the Dojo, Ranma hot in pursuit. Akane looks at Glass, who returns it with a confused look. Glass : "Don't ask me! I didn't know Shiyoru/na would be so eager to learn how to fight again!" Akane : "Maybe it's something genetic." Glass : "What, like Ryoga?" Akane : "Yeah, maybe." Then a 'bolt' goes through both their heads. Both : "NODOKA!" *Whooosh* When they finally reach the front gates of the Tendou Dojo, they see that it has already been opened, and carelessly left open. Akane and Glass glance at each other, then rush in. They spot Nodoka, headed towards the dojo, looking concerned. Glass slaps his head. Akane grimaces. Glass : "Oh no. We're too late." Nodoka apparently hears them, as she looks at them, standing at the front gate, shocked. She smiles, and waves Nodoka : "Oh, hello! I was just going to see how Shiyona's self-defense course was going. I just hope those two know what they're doing. I'm sure Shiyona knows those moves you taught her, but what about Ranko?" Glass and Akane release a sigh of relief, glad that Nodoka didn't think they were fighting for fun. But then, what IS she thinking....? Nodoka : "Is something the matter? Why do you two look so high-strung?" Akane : "Oh, nothing, aunty! We were just going to see them practice too!" Nodoka : "Oh, that's nice. Care to accompany me?" Glass : "Glad to." Glass and Akane walk with Nodoka towards the Dojo, and as they walk, they sweat bucketfuls of sweat, hoping that Ranko and Shiyona indeed know what they're doing. *shrrriiiip*. Nodoka opens the paper sliding door. Ranko : "Oh, so you do it like this....?" *POW* Ranko : "Whoops, too powerful." Shiyona : "Try again. I don't remember how I punched like that." Ranko : "Okeeey....." Nodoka steps in, as quietly as possible, to watch the two girls practice on straw dummies. Glass and Akane follow soon after, standing besides Nodoka on either side. Ranko : "How did you do that... er...?" Shiyona : "Er.... I.... oh, hold on." *BLAM!* Shiyona : "YES! I remember! It's like this...." *BLAM!* Ranko : "Got it!" Finally deciding to interrupt the two girls for a while, Nodoka steps up to them. They turn around, after hearing her footsteps. Both : "Oh, hi aunty!" Nodoka : "Hello, how are your self-defense courses?" Ranko grins, Shiyona follows suit. Ranko : "Fine!" Nodoka : "But, I saw your moves... don't you two think they're a little... extreme?" Shiyona and Ranko look at each other, mouths 'o'ed. Then they grin, evilly. Both : "Keeps the persistent ones away." Nodoka : "Ah, I see. Then I won't bother you two. I'm going shopping now, alright? We need some groveries for dinner." Ranko : "Ok! See you!" However, as Shiyona hears the word "Shopping", another memory clicks into place. Glass and Akane notice her look, and Glass immediately gasps. Glass : "She's remembering...." Shiyona suddenly falls to her knees. Shuddering, she clutches her head with both hands and shakes it, screaming. "Aahhh....! Uunngghh.... what....! Bus.... pain! Something.... can't.... remember.... feeling.... the curse.... curse...." Immediately, everyone comes rushing over to her, trying to do something for her. Soun and the rest come rushing in almost immediately, hearing her screams. They try to comfort her, to soothe her, to calm her, but nothing works. She just shakes her head and keeps moaning, muttering the word "Curse" all the while, crying. Everyone backs off, leaving her alone while wondering what to do. They look at each other, in fear, and concern, except for Nabiki, who simply watches Shiyona from a distance, her face cool and calculating. Akane : "What happened!? What.... caused this!?" Soun : "Por.... Glass! What's happening!?" Glass : "I don't know! Something... a word, I think! Something that caused her to remember!" Nodoka : ".... a word!? Did I just say something....?" Glass : "Shopping!?" "Stop it! AAAhhhh!" They look at each other. Glass : "That's the word. Any ideas?" Kasumi : "What about Dr. Tofu? He might have some idea on this..." Ranko : "Good idea! Tofu's excellent at medicine for the body, what about the mind?" Akane : "Then what are we waiting for!? Let's go!" Up till now, Nabiki has been listening attentively without uttering a word. Her sudden sentence shocks everyone. Nabiki : "Hold on hold on hold on, sis. Think of it THIS way. YOU want to go, but what about HER?" She points at Shiyona, still sobbing and repeating some words out loud, deperately trying to remember something. Akane gets the point, and sits back down. Akane : "What about bringing Tofu here?" Kasumi : "I don't think so. He's a busy man... what if someone needs him more than we do?" Ranko : "Then what can we do!? We can't just let her suffer like that now! Look at her!" Glass : "I think I can help with this. Kasumi, what time does Tofu knock off?" Kasumi : "Actually, he can come, but only if there's really nobody he has to attend to. I think we can ask him." Akane : "I'll call him. You know what happens when he hears your voice, or hears your name, sis." Kasumi : "Oh, er... that. All right... maybe.... I'll go... buy some provisions. With Nodoka." Kasumi carefully chooses her words to avoid 'that word'. Akane nods, and runs off towards the living room to get the phone. Glass looks at the group, then back at Shiyona, now crying and nothing more. He nods at the group. Glass : "You people go back to your business. I'll deal with her, ok?" All : "All right." Glass looks back at Shiyona and gets up to help her. Then, without turning, he speaks behind him. Glass : *Ahem* "You people still there? I thought...." *rumble* *scrabble* *scuffle* *shuffle* Glass : "Much better." He walks over to Shiyona, unsure on what to do. Squatting down besides her, he strokes her hair. She looks up at him, still sniffing, with tear filled eyes. Glass : "Hey, you all right?" Shiyona : ".... I don't know.... I don't know anything...!" She starts a new bout of crying and buries her head in his shoulder, hugging him as tightly as she can. He gently strokes her hair and lets her cry. Glass : "There now.... I'm sure you remember what we said just now... under the tree..." Shiyona's reply is muffled in Glass' shoulder, but is understandable. Shiyona : "Yes." Glass : "What did we say?" Shiyona : "We'd start over. But this doesn't help." Glass : "What is it then? What is it that you are remembering? Why is it you are in such pain?" Shiyona : ".... I... don't know. That word.... just made me remember something about... the curse.... and a bus." Glass : "Curse... a bus... " Glass pushes Shiyona, gently, away from his shoulder to look at her face to face. Glass : "What is it about the curse, and the bus?" Shiyona looks unsure. Shiyona : "... I think I... my curse then... I... don't know why... I think... I felt my curse... shamed my family.... but.... they just didn't want to show it...." Then she suddenly looks up, shocked. Shiyona : "My family! ...Where did I remember my family...? Who.... are they? And the bus.... it... hit me!" Glass : "There now... I think I'll show you your family when you're better... and as for the bus, it was the reason why you got amnesia." Shiyona wipes away her tears, and appears to reflect on this. Shiyona : "I... remember hearing about.... Ranma hating his curse too.... then I remember running out.... pain....!" She starts to cry uncontrollably, as she struggles to remember, yet cannot do much more than remember hazy images and nothing but memorized notes of conversations. Glass himself looks sad and tortured. Suddenly, Shiyona looks up. Shiyona : "Glass-kun... I want to ask you something..." Glass : "Yes, koi-bito?" (Sweet heart?) Shiyona : "Kiss me... please." Glass is taken aback at her request. Glass : "All right, Shiyona. Since you asked." He grins mischeviously. He brings her head up to his, and their lips meet softly. Glass is surprised at Shiyona's soft lips, noticing only now just how much he had wanted to kiss her. They continue for a while longer, a loving kiss, simply pressing lips and sucking softly. They hug, Shiyona's soft breasts pressing against Glass' mid-torso, Glass' hands around her body, around her shoulder-blades, slowly massaging them. Voice #1 : "Yes, I think they're still in there." Voice #2 : "Thank you. I'll go in and attend to her." Voice #1 : "Should I follow?" Voice #2 : "You're welcome if you want to." Voice #1 : "I will then." *shrrriiiip* The two suddenly disengage, turning in time to see a man in a blue robe and black pants walking in, adjusting his spectacles. Akane follows soon after. Tofu : "Oh! Looks like I've intruded on some... private business!" The two blush furiously, then let go of each other. Tofu : "Sorry, hope I haven't bothered you too much." Glass : "Err.... no.... you weren't bothering us....." Shiyona : "Much." Glass : "Say, you're Dr. Tofu, aren't you?" Tofu : "Yes. You're Porce...." Glass : "Call me Glass from now on, please." Tofu : "All right... Glass.... here is suffering from amnesia?" Glass : "Yes...." Tofu : "Does he...she... mind?" Shiyona : "... other.... than the painful memories now and then... no." Tofu : "Really? Do you mind if I sit down besides you and diagnose your problem?" The two look at each other, then at Akane, who gives them an approving glance. Both : "All right, if you want." Tofu : "Right." He takes a seat beside the two, Akane following. Tofu : "Right.... let's begin...." Up till now, no one knew what Nabiki was doing, or even where she was, although they could certainly guess what she was doing. But, not this time, she wasn't extorting it. Instead.... "....kiss me. Please." "All right, Shiyona. Since you asked." With a small radio pickup in her right ear, Nabiki listens with interest, as it picks up signals from the many mini- microphones installed under the floorboards, in the walls, behind pictures, in doors, on the roof. She grins maliciously, then reaches under her bed's mattress and pulls out a small white earpiece, which she places in her left ear. She taps it twice. Nabiki : "Lion team, this is TLN, confirmation of.... you know what." Voice : "Recieved, TLN. Transmit confirmation now." Nabiki : "Before that, I'd like to know when and where I'll get my money." Voice : "Cash will be transferred into your bank account as soon as you transmit the recordings." Nabiki : "Right. What about a.... down payment first? To make sure. 10 000 yen." Voice : *sigh* "I knew we should've asked Kasumi. All right, transferring cash now. You may transmit when you have confirmed transfer." Nabiki : "That's more like it. Over and out." Switching off her earpiece, Nabiki sniggers. Nabiki : "That's more like it." {Friends can be remembered, but....} Tofu : "Right, let's begin. First of all, Shiyona, did you remember anything when you woke up in the hospital?" Shiyona : "No." Tofu : "Absolutely nothing?" Shiyona : "Absolutely." Tofu : "Hm.... not even that you were a boy originally?" Shiyona : "Boy...? No...." Tofu : (Thinking) "Ah hah! She's unsure! That's something..." Tofu : "What about then, the memories you suddenly seem to remember once in a while?" Shiyona : "Like... a combination?" Tofu : "Something like that." Shiyona : "I....'m not sure.... I just look at something... and suddenly remember it." Tofu : "Something? Like... your old locker or something?" Shiyona : "Yes." Tofu : "Can you give me a list of things that you've remembered?" Glass : "Let me answer that for her. She's remembered her desk's note, her locker's combination, a few of our old games, her old dress code, a few martial arts techniques, some of the names of the occupants of this household, where to look for things in her backpack, and our feelings for each other." Tofu : "Hmm..... hold on, let me consider." Tofu thinks long and hard, as his medical marvel of a mind slowly runs the pieces in place. His mind categorizes, places, prioritizes, and distinguishes different portions of the answers. Everyone looks at Tofu expectantly, as they wonder what his diagnosis will be. However, as Tofu runs through a list of possible answers, Nabiki enters the dojo. Everyone but Tofu looks at her. Akane : "Sis! What are you doing here!?" Nabiki : "For free, I'll tell you that I came here to see how Shiyoru's doing." Glass : "So, what? You can start making money off her?" Nabiki : "Well, yes... but there's more!" Akane : "Yeah, tell us about it." Nabiki : "If you don't mind." Nabiki walks over towards the group to sit in between Akane and Shiyona. She looks at the floor below her, and takes a small pair of tweezers out. Everyone looks with interest. She fiddles around the gap between floorboards, and finally gets something. Nabiki : "Ah, here we are." Akane & Glass : "What is it?" Nabiki : "I guess I can cash in on this later. Here you go." She pulls out an extremely compact transmitter/microphone from between the floorboards, and drops it into Glass' hand. He looks at it. Glass : "Is this....?" Nabiki : "A bug? You could say that." Akane : "What's it doing here?" Nabiki : "Now this, I want payment if I'm going to tell." Akane : "What's your price...?" Nabiki : "That you keep this secret. And 2000 yen." Glass : "Good enough for me." He pulls out a wallet and stuffs the money into her hand. She smiles, and pockets the money. Nabiki : "All right, but first...." She takes out a small remote control from one of her jeans' pockets, and presses a button. Then she takes the white bugging device from Glass' hands and speaks into it. Nabiki : "Testing testing 1,2,3." She repeats this one more time, and tapping her right ear, hears nothing in it. She smiles in contentment. Nabiki : "Good, all are switched off." She pops the reciever out of her right ear, and massages her right ear. Nabiki : "Whooh! That was beginning to make my ear sore!" Akane and Glass look with interest at the small, white reciever unit in Nabiki's hand. Then they realize that she's been listening in on their every word. Glass gives her a glare that could and probably would have killed, if Nabiki weren't so immune to such looks. Akane : "Sis! You were eavsdropping on us!" Nabiki : "Tsk, tsk! Such words! No, I was not eavsdropping ON you, at least, not for my own sake." Glass : "Then whose sake were you eavsdropping for?" Nabiki : "Another payment required before I divulge anymore information." Akane : "Hm... but this had better be good." Nabiki : "Don't worry, it is." Akane sticks a small wad of cash in Nabiki's hand, which then disappears very quickly. Nabiki nods. Nabiki : "I'm gonna get in trouble, but here's the scoop. You two... (pointing at Shiyona and Glass) have been monitored ever since that accident. The person I'm working for is keeping a very close eye on you two, for some reason. He's got his own spy network, and I'm sure that everywhere you go, you will never get a private moment alone. In this house, even if I'm not working for them, they'll have their own ways of listening in on you two." The three present, minus Tofu, look very surprised. VERY surprised. Glass : "You mean to say...." Nabiki : "Yep. All this while, each and every word you two said were recorded on microchips, by agents everywhere." Akane : "And you.... became one just for the money?" Nabiki : "Hey, the pay's good. Besides, this person's got good intentions." Glass : "Oh, and what might that be?" Nabiki : "If I tell you, is there anything for me?" Glass : "I offer you your life." Nabiki : "Not enough. 500 yen." Glass : "...hmm...." Tofu : "I'll foot that." Everyone looks surprised as Dr. Tofu suddenly speaks up. Tofu takes a wallet out from his robes somewhere and stuffs a 1000 yen bill in Nabiki's hand. Tofu : "Keep the change." Nabiki : "Well.... all right. The truth is, this person is the head ambassador of Singapore in Japan." Akane : "Powerful person. But why bother about one single Singaporean?" Nabiki : "Simple. That ambassador's son got knocked down in an accident." Glass : "Namely, Shiyoru." Nabiki : "Yep." Akane : "That means that....." Nabiki : "He's just concerned for his son." Glass : "Concern all right." Tofu clears his throat, calling for attention. Everyone looks at him. Tofu : "Now... if you four would like to listen to my diagnosis...." Glass : "Oh! Sumimasen! We forgot...." Tofu : "Forgiven. Anyway, here's what I've come up with. Shiyona's suffering from amnesia all right, but this is the first time I've ever treated a Jusenkyo amnesiac, so I'll place this under a new category. She's suffering from some kind of massive personality displacement as well as total loss of memory. From what I've heard, the stronger the memory, the deeper it's buried. In other words, all her memories are.... gone. All of them. She can only remember unimportant memories." Akane : "Can you help her, doctor?" Tofu : "I'm not sure... let me try something." He flexes his fingers, a loud cracking coming from them. He stands up and walks over to Shiyona. Tofu : "Stand up, Shiyona. I'll try to help you, all right?" Shiyona : "er.... ok." She stands up, back facing Tofu. He looks at her neck, and pokes a few spots here and there. Then he pokes a few spots on her head. "OUCH! THAT HURT!" Tofu : "Whoops. Looks like you are one of those sensitive ones. Sorry." Shiyona is rubbing her head, trying to rub out that sharp, stinging feeling, wondering what Dr. Tofu did to it. Nabiki shakes her head, grinning. Glass : "What's so funny?" Nabiki : "Never thought I'd see the good doctor do something painful to his patients. Ah well, I'm off now. I've got something more important to do than to sit around here all day anyway." Nabiki gets up and walks away, tossing the earpiece to the group behind her. Glass is about to open his mouth to ask her, when she speaks. Nabiki : "Keep it! You'll want to talk to them! Just tap it twice! You'll want this too!" She tosses the remote after it, then leaves, leaving the group looking a little confused. Then, stuffing everything into his pockets, Glass looks at Dr. Tofu. Akane stands and walks over to Shiyona, wondering what to do about her head problems. Glass : "What did you do, doctor?" Tofu : "Oh, I just unblocked her synapses. This should allow slightly freer passage of memories. It won't be instantaneous, and it won't be complete, but it'll help." Shiyona : "Ouch..." Tofu : "I apologize for the pain, Shiyona-san. This therapy has different effects on different people. If you have such a strong reaction to it, I'm sure you'll recover quickly. The pain comes from multiple blockages being removed at once. Oh, one more thing. Call me tomorrow, see if there's any improvement." Akane : "Ok. What do we owe you? It's the least we can do since you rushed over here just to help her." Tofu : "Oh, er... just return this to Kasumi, all right?" Tofu passes a book to Akane, entitled "Medicinal Herbs and Spices, 101 ways to cook with them.". Akane looks at Tofu worriedly, as she notices his spectacles fogging up a little. Akane : "er... yes, all right! Come on now, I'm sure you have other patients waiting for you at your clinic! Don't want to keep them waiting." Tofu : "Ok... Ranma...." Akane : *ahem* "It's Akane. Come on, I'll lead you." As Akane leads Tofu out the door, Glass scratches Shiyona on the head. Glass : "Hey, how're you feeling?" Shiyona : ".... I feel like taking a hot bath." Glass : "Er... I meant..." Shiyona : "I know. (Grins) Maybe I can tell you in the bath. Coming?" Shiyona skips off towards the exit of the dojo towards the bathroom, giggling. Glass shrugs, and sighs. Glass : " Hey! Wait up, Shiyona!" Shiyona : "Hurry up then, CERAMIC!" Glass : "<.... Better than I thought.> All right, Shiyona! " He runs off to catch up with her. *Shhrrrriiipp* "Oh! You're.... already...." Glass opens the sliding door to the changing room, and spots Shiyona undressed, grabbing her towel off the rack. She turns and sees Glass opening the door, and quickly covers up with the towel. Shiyona : "Hey! Come on, close the door! I'm still naked here!" Glass : "Sorry." *shhrrrriiipp* Glass : (Thinking) "Gee, this is the first time I've ever seen naked as a girl!" Shiyona : "Come on, Glass, what are you thinking? Your face is all red." Glass : "Huh!? Is it? Am I!? Oh... er... you.... really want to take a bath with me?" Shiyona : "Yeah, come on... please?" Glass ends up the recepient of a pair of cute, puppy dog eyes, and blushes even more furiously. Glass : " Oh, all right." He strips down, unsure, and grabs his own towel off the rack. Shiyona opens the door and walks in, looking at the empty hot tub. She walks over to the tap and turns it on, at full volume. Glass follows in a moment later, towel draped over one shoulder. He closes the door behind him. He stares down at Shiyona's beautiful body and starts to think to himself. Glass : (Thinking) "What are we doing?" Waiting for the tub to fill, Shiyona dips her finger into the tub and swirls what water there is around. Glass sticks his towel on the rack, besides Shiyona's, and goes to join her in swirling ripples in the water. Shiyona : "Will I really turn into a boy with hot water...?" Glass : "Yep." Shiyona : "You'll turn into a girl?" Glass : "Yep." Shiyona : "Can I see?" Glass : "Not yet." Shiyona : "Why?" Glass : "Why not you change first?" Shiyona : "Nah, I rather see you first." *slosh* Shiyona uses her hand and splashes Glass' face with some of the steaming hot water, changing him back into Porcelain. Shiyona looks surprised as she watches Glass shrink a little, and grow breasts. She gasps a little. Looking at Shiyona with a wet face and a mischevious glint in her eyes, she grins. Porcelain : "There, I've changed. Now it's your turn!" *slosh* Shiyoru : "Ow! Hot! " Shiyoru looks down at his own body, noticing now that it isn't a girl's body anymore. Just to confirm it, he feels his chest. Flat. He looks at Porcelain, who is grinning. Porcelain : "Welcome back to the mad world of Jusenkyo. Whoops, the tub!" Porcelain quickly reaches over to turn off the tap, while Shiyoru tries to accustom himself to this body, and is staring at his face in the mirror. Shiyoru : "Was this what I looked like before the accident and in my... original form?" Porcelain : "Yup." Shiyoru : "Gee... didn't know I looked so handsome." Porcelain : "You wished." *slosh!* Porcelain gets a faceful of cold water from the tap. Shiyoru giggles. Glass : "That was cold!" He splashes Shiyoru with cold water in a conveniently placed bucket, and the two start a water war. They exchange buckets of water here and there, changing very often. Finally, the two grow exhausted of tossing bucketfuls of water at each other. They stop after one last volley, and grin. Glass : "Hey, stop that, all right? We came in here to take a bath, not play with water!" Shiyona : "Oh, all right. *giggle*" Glass : (Thinking) "Given over to the girl side? Guess so." The two start putting the buckets back to where they found them, and settle down to give themselves a good scrub. They quickly finish, and decide that maybe Shiyona should spend some time as a guy, to help with her therapy. Letting Glass in first, Shiyona dips herself into the water and feels the transformation again. Shiyoru : "Looks like I'm going to have to get used to this." Porcelain : "Maybe, but nobody said it was crucial that you remembered...." Shiyoru : "But... I want to remember!" Porcelain : "Every little bit?" Shiyoru : "Not really. Just what life was like before the accident." Porcelain : "Which was only... what, two days ago?" Shiyoru : "I think so." Porcelain : "Don't worry, you have the entire week to remember." Shiyoru : "Why? What happens after that?" Porcelain : ".... we were...." Shiyoru : "Going on a trip!" Porcelain : "Glad you're remembering more. Come on, let's get out of the bath. I want to get you familiarised with other aspects of your former life." Shiyoru : "Boy or girl?" Porcelain : "Your choice." Shiyoru : "I guess I'll opt for familiarizing myself with being a boy again.... although I think being a girl's much more fun." They get out of the bath and towel themselves dry, enjoying the release of having a good time in the bath. Then Porcelain slaps her head. Porcelain : "Forgot to get the spare clothes again!" Shiyoru : "Hold on." Shiyoru quickly fades from sight, Porcelain shocked. Porcelain : "Wow. Tofu's 'I'll try' is really impressive. I didn't think Shiyoru'd remember this skill so quickly." Two minutes later, Shiyoru comes back with a small bundle of clothes, some for himself, the rest for Porcelain. Shiyoru : "I did some repacking while I was at it. Wonder why my backpack was filled with nothing but girl's clothes?" He hands some clothes over to Porcelain. Porcelain : "Thanks. Come on, get dressed. We've got a long day ahead of us." Shiyoru : "Coming." The two leave the household, telling Soun that they're going to begin Shiyoru's therapy. Soun and Genma are playing another game of Go, and simply nod dumbly as the two pass them by. The two leave the compound, and start to wander around the entire district, slowly, Porcelain getting Shiyoru to try remembering street names, people's faces, landmark areas, and the general layout of the place. As they walk, Shiyoru slowly, but surely, remembers a little here, a little there. They even pass Shampoo once, Shiyoru shouting out a word of greeting to her, as he suddenly remembers who this purple-haired amazon is. Shampoo gives them an enstranged look as she rides on her bicycle, not remembering Shiyoru ever being so friendly before. But, she just gives them a short smile and wave, and continues on her delivery. Long after she's gone, Shiyoru is still looking in the direction she disappeared off to. Porcelain taps him on the shoulder. Shiyoru : "Huh!? What? Oh." Porcelain : "Shiyoru... what's it this time? You don't normally stare at places long after the people there are gone." Shiyoru : "Oh... er... that. I was just thinking... I just remembered something else." Porcelain : "What is it?" Shiyoru : "Where's Mousse, Ryoga, Ukyo? " Porcelain : "You remembered!" Mousse : "Oh, my Shampoo! There you are! I've been looking all over the place for you!" Mousse comes running up and hugs Porcelain, who gives him a queer look. *bonk!* Shiyoru : "Watch who you're hugging, Mousse! That's my girlfriend Porcelain there! " Mousse looks through the glasses which have fallen over his eyes with that last whack and scrutinizes Porcelain. Mousse : "Where did you come from?" *Bonk (x2)!* Both : "We were always here! You're looking at the wrong people!" Mousse : "Oops, sorry. Then would you mind telling me where Shampoo is?" Porcelain : "Oh, she went that way." (Pointing in the opposite direction Shampoo disappeared off to.) Mousse : "Thanks!" He runs off, spouting "Shampoo, I love you"s as he does so. Shiyoru starts to giggle, then tries to stifle, without success, a full, straight out laugh. Shiyoru : "You know, I just remembered how short sighted Mousse is!" Porcelain : "Not surprising." *bump* "Squeee! Squee! Squonk!" Shiyoru looks down to find the source of the bump and squealing. He finds a cute little black pig, with a bandanna tied around its neck. He kneels down to pick it up. Shiyoru : "Isn't this Akane's pig? P-chan, was it? He's cute!" He snuggles it for a while, much to the pig's distress. P-Chan : "Squee! Pokcok!" P-Chan starts to struggle a little, then Shiyoru lets go, dropping P-Chan to the floor. He snaps his fingers. Shiyoru : "Wait a minute...." He grabs P-Chan by the bandanna and lifts him up, struggling. He grabs a hot water flask and dumps its contents on P-Chan. A fully clothed Ryoga appears, and knocks Shiyoru on the head. Ryoga : "Shiyoru! What do you..." Ryoga remembers that Shiyoru has amnesia, when Akane brought him to the hospital once. Shiyoru looks at him with an amused glare. Shiyoru : "Got yourself lost again, Ryoga? Where're you going? " Ryoga : "None of your business." Shiyoru : "Ok. Fine by me. See you." Shiyoru turns around as Ryoga leaves in the opposite direction immediately getting lost, and looks at Porcelain. Shiyoru : "How's therapy been so far?" Porcelain : "Very good. Maybe we should go somewhere else to see if you can remember more... gieee!" Unexpectedly, Nodoka comes around the corner, carrying a basket of groceries, Kasumi with her. *slosh* *slosh* Nodoka : "Oh, there they are! My, they look much better than... earlier on." Kasumi : "Yes, Nodoka-san. They certainly look much happier." Nodoka : "Here they come!" Shiyona : "Hi, aunty! Hi, Kasumi!" Glass : "Good afternoon." Nodoka : "How is... Shiyona's therapy coming along?" Glass : "As well as can be expected." Nodoka : "Anything important remembered?" Shiyona : "Old friends." Nodoka : "oh. I won't bother you then. Come on, Kasumi. Let's get dinner ready." Kasumi : "Yes, Nodoka-san." Watching as the two disappear around another corner, Shiyona wonders where they will be going next. Glass nods, and points towards a small building in the distance. Glass : "Maybe we can call up some more memories over there." They walk to Ucchan's, and meet Ukyo at the doorway, emptying the trash. Ukyo : "Irrashaimasu! Welcome to Ucchan's!" Glass : "Ukyo, you don't remember us, do you?" Ukyo looks at the two, scrutinizing them. She turns, and gestures to them to come in. Ukyo : "Come on in, you two." They enter the shop, looking at each other. Ukyo puts out a sign behind them, and closes the door behind her. Walking in, the two take seats in front of the hot plate Ukyo uses to cook her Okinomiyaki. She walks behind the counter and starts on two okinomiyakis, while striking up conversation with the two. Ukyo : "Been a long time, eh?" Glass : "You remember us, at least?" Ukyo : "Sure, Porcelain. How not to, anyway?" Shiyona : "Ukyo... something...." Ukyo looks up from her task, and looks at Shiyona. Ukyo : "Hey, sugar, what's wrong?" Glass : "Let me answer that for her. She's suffering from amnesia." Ukyo : "Amnesia, you say? So, what, is it complete or partial?" Glass : "Hm... if doesn't mind..." Shiyona : "Sure." Ukyo : (Thinking) "Shiyona?" Glass : "She's suffering from what Dr. Tofu called a 'massive personality displacement and total memory loss'." Ukyo : "Meaning, sugar?" Shiyona : "I think I'm really a girl and have forgotten everything." Ukyo : "... uh huh. Well, guess that tears any chance of us sharing stories, eh sugar? " Glass : "You know, Ukyo, maybe we can share stories." Ukyo : "What do you mean?" Glass : "I'm trying to help Shiyona here regain her memories. Maybe you can shed some light on her." Shiyona : "Since I'm in so deeply in the dark..." Ukyo : "Sure, sugah! I'd be glad to help! Where do we start....?" Ukyo begins her part in helping Shiyona on the road to recovery, as she tells the two about their adventures together, Shiyona hanging on every word, trying to recall something... anything, about her past. This task is made slightly easier with Tofu's help, but she still cannot call up more than a few random images and snippets of conversation. Finally, she holds up her hand, shaking her head. Ukyo : "What's the matter, sugar?" Shiyona : "S..stop. I.. can't take this anymore. I don't think I can remember anything from that time anymore." Glass : "I think that's enough, Ukyo. I think she really can't remember anything important anymore." Ukyo : "Is there anything else I can do then?" Shiyona : "No.. thank you." Ukyo : "Well, at least let me treat you to some of my okinomiyaki then. You haven't touched the ones on your plates yet." The two look at the plates that are under their noses, and realize that they never noticed the plates were there before. They quickly scarf down the japanese pizzas, Shiyona apparently not forgetting her appetite. Looking at her clock, Ukyo notices that she's been storytelling for a few hours. Ukyo : "Oh dear, it's already evening! I think you two ought to go back. I still have a lot of chores to do." Shiyona : "Thanks anyway, Ukyo. Sorry for any inconvenience we caused." Ukyo : "Oh, don't let it worry you, sugar. I haven't seen you two in such a long time, I should be saying thanks!" Glass : "We'll be off then. Thanks. You sure you don't need us to help you clean up?" Ukyo : "Nah, I can manage. Besides, you two need some time alone. You know, remember stuff." Glass : "Thanks, Ukyo. You're an angel." Ukyo : "My pleasure." The two open the door to her restaurant to leave. Ukyo follows them to the doorway and waves them goodbye. As she watches the two leave, she goes back into her restaurant to lock up for the night. She taps her left ear twice. Ukyo : "You heard what they said, sugar. She can't remember anything else. Can you leave me alone now?" Voice : "Recieved loud and clear. Request heard and acknowledged. You may get rid of the earpiece now." *pickok* *WHANG!* Ukyo tosses the earpiece on the floor and flattens it with her giant spatula. She then gets the dustpan and broom out to sweep the remains away. Ukyo : "Not that I've got much to do in way of chores anyway." Outside, on the streets, the two realize that they've been out way longer than they thought. The sky is already black and filled with countless glittering stars, and the street lights have all been switched on. A cool wind blows. Shiyona is holding onto Glass' arm, walking back towards the dojo. Shiyona : "Glass... do you think I'll ever remember my past?" Glass : "I don't know. Do you want to?" Shiyona : "I don't think I want to remember though. Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?" Glass : "Yeah, well..." Shiyona : "Hey, there's the park! Can we take a walk inside, please? It'll be so romantic!" Glass : "All right. " The two turn at a lit sign which indicates the park in that direction. They enter the silent, serene park. A cool breeze continuously blows through the park, rustling leaves and grass alike, while carrying the lingering smell of wildflowers through the air. Walking on a dimly lighted path, the two silently contemplate each others' thoughts and feelings, and what they'll do now. Shiyona/Glass : "Shiyona/Glass, I....." They both stop as suddenly as they speak, heads lowered in slight embarrassment. Glass looks up first. Glass : "What was it you wanted to say, Shiyona-chan?" Shiyona : "... well... I just wanted to say that... I.... I.... oh, how do I say this!?" Shiyona bends her arms up, trying to summon the words to mind, but just lets them swing down again, in frustration and irritation. She just hugs Glass tightly. Glass returns the hug gently. Glass : "There now, there's nobody around here except the two of us. You can speak your heart." Shiyona : "Promise you won't laugh." Glass : "I promise." Shiyona : "I think I... want to stay a girl all my life. I... can't remember my life as a boy... I don't think I'd like being one anymore. But only if you don't mind... " Glass : "I don't." Voice #1 : "Well, lookie here! We've gotten ourselves a pair of lovebirds!" Glass & Shiyona : "???" Suddenly, a small group of punks appear from behind several bushes and trees, some with tomahawk haircuts, some with spiky, urchin-like hair, others with no hair or too much hair, all with loud, bright, disgusting dye jobs. Then someone who appears to be their leader steps out from behind a group of leering punks, with an entire earful of earrings on one side, a missing scrap on the other, a nose ring, wild, spiky, blue-black hair wearing a pair of tight leather jeans with a black jacket, a pair of scruffy boots and carrying a 10-inch blade in one hand, a chain in the other. They are truly the scum of society anywhere, cackling and leering, cracking disgusting jokes and doing everything from spitting to twisting their features into disgusting, contorted caricatures of humanity. Shiyona shrieks a little, and holds onto Glass' hand tightly, shivering. Leader : "Well now, then, we've got ourselves a pair of lovers, eh? Aww... their words break my heart... maybe I should just let them go, eh?" He lets out a hoarse cackle. Leader : "Ah, horseshit! What do we care, eh? Well then, mister, looks like you've got yourself a pretty lass! Mind sharing her?" Glass : "You keep away from her. I mean it." Leader : "Oooh, I'm scared. SO WHAT!? You mean it, but what can you do, pony-tail? Just puff out your jacket and try ta scare us off!?" Glass : "You could try me." Leader : "We don't care about ye! Come on, guys! Let's get his gal!" His gang cries out a rousing cheer, and even MORE gangsters pop out from behind their hiding places, wielding an assortment of axes, chains, knives, and worse. Glass backs into a tree, snarling, holding Shiyona possesively. Glass : "Stay back. I mean it." But the gangsters simply ignore his warning, thinking that no matter what he does, he'll be an easy target. He shows them otherwise. Glass : "Shotenno gawa Chikara!" He immediately bursts into a silver fire, blasting the nearest gangsters into their own members, causing the front row to stumble and fall. Shiyona though, is untouched, as she falls within his protective will. But, undeterred, the gangsters keep coming, expecting sheer numbers to defeat him. Leader : "Come on, get him!" {This is no walk in the park!} Ugly faces carrying weapons and sneering in all manners close in on him. Glass can even imagine one of them in his face once in a while. They surround him, around the tree, his back still to it. More than one of them cackle, and as Glass counts the scum, he loses track of their numbers at around 60. Glass : " Shiyona! Get up!" Shiyona : "Wha.... eahhhh!" Glass tosses Shiyona into the tree, and proceeds to take out his foes one by one. He disappears in a flash of light. Leader : "Take him out, boys! *HACK!*" Glass puts a chop across the leader's throat, silencing him and sending him to the floor, clutching his throat and jerking. But the gangsters are undeterred by the loss of their leader. Glass : "Your breath's worse than your bark or your bite." He turns in time to parry a knife coming his way, as gangsters surround him again. He begins a running gauntlet through the mob, stopping and taking down as many punks as he can while running back towards Shiyona. He blocks a stab here, a slash there, smashing a head here, tripping a leg there. To the punks, all he appears as is a silvery shadow, moving too fast for their untrained eyes to catch. One by one, as the punks close in on him, all seeking to wear him out and take him out. They aren't having much luck, because not only is he fast and powerful, but the sight of fiery claws and maws cause many punks to draw back in fear. But, Glass isn't invincible too, and after slamming his 42nd punk into the floor, he begins to feel the effects of prolonged combat and battle aura take its toll on his endurance. He begins to slow down, and becomes a slightly easier target. This in turn makes him fight harder, and tire faster. Soon, he is forced to extinguish his aura and take the punks on without any help. However, tired as he already is, he is only able to stick his 60th punk into the floor before he falls foul to one of the punks. *squelch!* "Unngh!" Glass is unable to go on any further, as one punk manages to take advantage of this exhaustion and plant an axe in his shoulder. Bleeding, and stumbling, he finally falls to the floor. The gangsters swarm over him, laughing maniacally, and pick him up. They back him to a tree and begin beating the tar out of him. Meanwhile, Shiyona isn't having such a hot time either. Stifling her screams, she methodically takes one gangster out at a time as they attempt to climb the tree to get her. She kicks one in the face, sending him crashing into another one of his buddies. She then kicks another's teeth out, and he falls off, screaming. However, for every one that falls, another two come to take his place, and soon, as Shiyona kicks her 15th punk off the tree, one comes up from behind her and grabs her by the throat. Punk : "Gotcha!" Shiyona : "Aaah!" Carrying a screaming and kicking Shiyona down the tree, the punk grins as his buddies congratulate him in obscene ways. As Shiyona is carried towards the leader, now nursing his bruised neck, like a trophy, she manages to look up far enough to see Glass, bloody, wounded and mostly unconscious, being held up by a group of punks who are going through his pockets. Shiyona : "Glass!" Glass groans, and opens his eyes a little. He spots Shiyona through a hazy mist. Then he realizes that she's been captured. But, unable to do anything, he simply makes a feeble attempt at moving. He is held even more tightly by the punks holding him. The leader swaggers over to Glass, and leers in his face. Leader : "Not so tough against my gang, huh?" He spits in Glass' face, who manages to turn his head enough such that the spittle only hits his cheek. It reeks of one too many cigarettes. The leader laughs like a maniac and turns around, telling his gang member to 'put the girl down'. He puts her on her feet, but holds her shoulders tight. He leans over to take a good look at the girl's pretty face, and leers. Leader : "Pretty gal we have 'ere, eh? Wonder how'd you do for pleasin' us?" He strokes her chin, enjoying its texture and her frightened whimper. He grins, exposing a mouthful of black, yellow, and missing teeth. Leader : "Come on, guys! We've got ourselves a girl tonight!" The punks all start to whoop and cheer, and Glass' captors let go of him, letting him fall to the floor. The shock wakes him up. He bends his head up to see that the entire gang have converged around Shiyona, attempting to do something. He hears her long, drawn out wail of terror. Something in his snaps, really bad. Both his male and female side totally disintergrate their bonds of reasoning and rationality. Back at the Tendou Dojo, while the entire family is eating dinner, Soun begins to wonder. Soun : "Say, we haven't seen our loving couple around for a while, have we?" Soun grins to Genma at the double meaning. Akane, P-Chan sitting in her lap, swallows her mouthful before trying to answer. Akane : "You're right, father... where did they...." *BOOOOOOOOOOOOM* A massive explosion rocks the entire town of Tokyo, causing thousands to flee under their tables or to the nearest earthquake shelter in fear that an earthquake is at hand. However, martial artists around Tokyo know that the explosion and tremors are only parts of an unbelievably chi outburst. Ranko, Soun, Genma, Akane and P-Chan all look out the open door, and spot a pillar of darkness, darker than the night sky and leaving a visible(?) trail in the sky, blanking out all starlight within its radius. Only Ranko and Akane know what has happened. Soun's hair is standing on end with fear. Ranko : "Isn't that... Glass' aura!?" Akane : "Or at least, his rage aura." Ranko : "I don't really want to know what caused this." Akane : "Come on! If Glass actually used this, it means only trouble. Big trouble." Ranko : "What are we waiting for!? Come on!" Ranko bounds out the doorway, headed towards the source of the explosion. P-Chan runs off, much to Akane's distress. But, deciding P-Chan can wait, Akane bounds off with Ranma, leaving Nodoka, Genma and the rest all confused, and scared. Ryoga comes rushing out the doorway seconds later, steam vapours still emanating from his body. Elsewhere, Ukyo, Shampoo, Mousse and Cologne can hear, feel and detect the massive outburst of chi. Looking out the doorway of Neko Hanten, Mousse can see, without his glasses, a painfully obvious blackness within the blackness. Shampoo and Cologne spot this too. Cologne : "Dark chi! Someone's really angry!" Shampoo : "Shampoo go see!" Mousse : "Wait for me, Shampoo!" At Ucchan's, Ukyo suddenly feels a chill creeping over her spine moments before the explosion. Rushing out of her restaurant with Combat Spatula in hand, she runs out and spots the massive black pillar. Ukyo : "Better check it out!" All over Tokyo, news teams are rushing to the scene, but for some reason cannot go further than half a dozen miles near it. People are switching on televisions to view the news reports of this mysterious happening, although most of them are simply looking out their windows or doorways to look at it. Back at the park, the gangsters are all cowering back, pushing against each other as their far isn't far enough from that black terror. The tide of gangsters quickly move away from Shiyona, and start to back off. The leader, at the front row nearest to the blast, watches in fear as a black, burning figure steps out from the massive pit made in the ground, walking towards them, eyes glowing even DARKER than the aura. Glass : "Touch her and die." Shiyona is still lying on the ground, whimpering, as she pulls what's left of her gi and sweater over herself as much as possible. Fortunately, the furthest the punks ever got through her pants was just to loosen the belt and tear a little of the pant legs, leaving her little to do with them. Glass walks over to Shiyona, and lifts her, gently, up. Then, his chi enhanced hearing picks up soft footsteps behind him. He turns around to see Ranko, Akane, Ryoga, Shampoo, Mousse and Ukyo behind him. Glass : "Leave these scum to me. Take care of her." He tosses Shiyona over to the group, who manage to catch her. Then he turns back towards the group. Paralyzed with fear, the gangsters do nothing but stare and gape at the black pillar of vengeance advance towards them. The leader speaks first. Leader : "G..g..get him, boys! We took him down the last time! We can take him down now!" Encouraged by their leader's words, the gangsters let out a rousing cheer and charge towards Glass. He waves his hand and causes the entire first wave of gangsters to fly into the sky, where they are picked up by the cameras aimed at the previous spot of chi. Back in the park, the gangsters are now backing off again, reconsidering their options. However, they needn't wait long. As Shiyona covers herself up with whatever clothes she has left, she looks at Glass with concern. Telling Ryoga to let her down, she looks at Glass' wounded shoulder, coupled with some vague memory about the massively chi eating effects of the 'dark aura'. Shiyona : "Glass! You're... bleeding! You won't last long!" Glass : "Shut up! Nobody messes with you, Shiyona, and lives!" Glass leaps forwards, arms extended with the leader as their first target. He lands in front of the leader, pissing in his pants now, and retracts his arm, readying the killing blow, his black chi gathering at his arm. He swings. But his fist doesn't make it. Weakened by the loss of blood, the beating up he got, and the monstrous draining effects of his chi auras, he falls. He smashes into the ground with bone crunching force, and just stays that way, unconscious. Everyone looks shocked. Then the gangsters start to grin maliciously. Leader : "He's down! Kill him!" The crowd of gangsters swarm over Glass' prone body. Group : "Stay away from him!" Ryoga slams a finger into the ground, sending a rockwave towards the gangsters, stunning them. Then the group moves in for the kill. Working their way through the group, gangster after gangster fall to the group as they get beaten up by an assortment of weapons, from fists to giant spatulas to giant maces. However, Glass' massive chi outburst has attracted a very unwanted event. Dark clouds, somehow attracted by the massive chi explosion, gather directly over the park in a whirling mass. It rains. The gangsters soon find themselves being attacked by a cat, a pig, a duck, and two girls. They start laughing. Ranko : "AAAHH! CAT!!!" Ranko runs off, screaming, as Shampoo retreats from the fight, incidentally by hanging onto her. Mousse ends up ineffectual as he bats a punk with his wings, and is sent flying with a 2 x 4 to the face. P-Chan just gets kicked into the sky, and Akane goes running after him. Leaving Shiyona alone. Shiyona : "Oh dear." The gangsters look at their depleted numbers, but decide that it is more than enough to deal with the now badly injured and truly unconscious Glass, and have the girl later. The leader moves forwards through his gang, and picks an axe up. He tells his underlings to move away from Glass, and then walks up to his body. He turns and grins at Shiyona. Leader : "Hey, gal! Watch while I chop up your boyfriend! He ain't no gonna be burning black or white no more!" And he lets out a maniacal laugh. His gang joins him, cackling and hooting. Shiyona just falls to the floor, crying and muttering "No...". The gangsters continue to torment and torture her, and loving every minute of it. Finally, the leader holds his hand up. Everyone quietens. Leader : "Well then, let's finish this eh? The gal's waiting." He lifts his axe, and begins a maniacal scream. Then he swings it down. The axe disappears, a mere millimeter from Glass' head. The leader looks shocked as the weapon that was in his hand a moment ago simply vanishes from sight, and overswings, causing him to lose his balance and stumble. Regaining his balance, the leader swings around and looks at his gang, who cower from his gaze. Leader : "Who did that!? I'm gonna skin him alive!" Then, one by one, his gang members open their eyes in shock and fear, which the leader takes to be a good sign for him because he assumes that they are all scared of his threat. One of them speaks. Punk : "! Behind you!" The leader turns around, expecting a hoax but not wanting to endanger a strike from behind, and spots Shiyona... burning bright and green, an unnatural glow from her eyes, holding the axe by its head in her hand. She flexes her arm, and the axehead turns to powder in her hand. Leader : "What the....?" Shiyona : "Him? My, didn't you think that someone outside your group would've done that? You didn't think I could do something like that, did you?" Leader : "Another weirdo on fire! What are you two, the human Torches!? Get her! We can have her after she's good and unconscious. Least she won't try to beat us up!" But they seriously underestimate Shiyona's skill and power in the extreme. Being infinitely better skilled at chi combat, and chi enhancements, Shiyona can be almost considered Herb's equal. The first gangsters reach her, their weapons turned in their hands to become blundgeoning weapons. One particularly ugly brute swings his weapon down on Shiyona's head, expecting it to connect. Instead, he connects with thin air. Punk : "Wha...?" He looks at the image of Shiyona, still standing there, as it slowly fades. He sees another image appear besides it, and another besides it, and so on, until he finally turns a full circle and comes face to face with the real Shiyona. Shiyona : "Hello. Goodnight." Shiyona slams her fist into his jaw faster than his mind can register the words, and he lands in the tree, dazed. Taking the opportunity, another gangster swings his chain at Shiyona. But instead of hitting her, he finds that Shiyona uses his chain as a spring board, doing a back flip to come down on the chain hand first, then launch herself over his head in a graceful somersault, and land behind him. Before he can even begin to turn around, Shiyona grabs his head with one hand and picks him up. Shiyona : "Hey, catch!" She tosses the gangster straight into the group approaching her, like a human bullet. Then the wave reaches her, an entire black mass trying to extinguish the green flame. A news copter hovers over the park, recording down every detail of the fight. What they see is a small, dark mass converging towards a strange, green light, and being repelled quite effectively. In the Tendou dojo.... Nodoka : "Oh my God! Mr. Tendou! Mr. Saotome! The news!" Back in the park, the main body of the gang has reached Shiyona, but is being held back with incredible effectiveness, as Shiyona beats back gangster after gangster, apparently enjoying every minute of it. But, instead of standing still to take on those who dare to try her, she decides to take the initiative. Looking at the small berth the gangsters have left around her, Shiyona grins evilly, something she didn't know she could do. She takes off, taking out the gangsters at the edge of the berth. Without even knowing it, gangster after gangster fall seconds after a green light passes them, as Shiyona punches a gangster here, kicks another there, and slams another two head to head with each other. All the gangsters can see is the occasional flash, as Shiyona moves too fast for even a trained eye to spot. Within seconds, the berth around Shiyona grows to only four gangsters thick, a huge number of groaning, squirming gangsters comprising of the rest of the gang. This is too much for the remaining gangsters, who drop their weapons and run off, screaming. But Shiyona doesn't let them get away so easily. Chasing one group of gangsters, she releases a massive "Kajishoten Dan" which slams into the group and hurls them into the air. Chasing after the others, she spots a single gangster climbing up a tree, trying to hide in it. Laughing like a maniac, Shiyona runs up to the tree and slashes it with her bare hand, cutting the tree neatly into half. The gangster comes flying down, his hair sticking into the ground and holding him invertedly, as the gangster tries, unsucessfully, to free himself. Shiyona continues her search and destroy mission, seeking other escapees, and finds that they have all run back to their leader after running a massive circle around the park. The leader, spotting Shiyona, starts to quake in fear. Leader : " back... you green fire demoness! Back, I say!" Shiyona : "Green fire demoness? I like the sound of that... say, why was it I was chasing you? Oh, yes. Would you like me to remind you WHY I'm doing this?" Shiyona lets out a laugh that sends a icy chill down all the gangsters' spines. They try to escape, but hit an invisible barrier of chi. Shiyona : "I don't think you should try that. Well, since we have some time together, let me go through my list, hmm? First, you try to beat my boyfriend up, and actually hurt him. I don't like that. Then you tried to rape me, and I don't like that either. Finally, you try to beat my friends up, and I don't like that either. Now, shouldn't that be reason enough to return the favor... hmm?" The leader begins to sweat in fear, and finally, so overcome with fear, he pisses again in his pants. His knees begin knocking, and he gets to his knees, kowtowing to her. Leader : "P..p..please don't hurt me! I... I'm sorry for anything I did! Don't hurt me...." Shiyona considers the pathetic, whimpering life form in front of her. She walks slowly over to Glass, and cradles him gently. Putting him down carefully, she walks over to the grovelling form of the gang leader. She lifts his head to look at her with her finger. Shiyona : "Apology accepted." The gang leader lets go of a sigh of relief. Shiyona gives him a wolf's smile. Shiyona : "But that doesn't mean I can't hurt you." Disappearing and reappearing at Glass' side, Shiyona reinforces the chi barrier. It flashes, and turns a bright green, becoming totally opaque from the outside. The gangsters run up to the side and beat ineffectually on it, screaming for help. Cradling Glass to her body, Shiyona bends over and places her hand on the ground. The gangsters all turn around and look in horrid fascination as the ground beneath them begins to shake. Then, spears of chi energy start flying through the ground, causing the weaker gangsters to faint as it is too much for them. The chi aura around Shiyona begins to flare uncontrollably, as she summons power from the ground itself. Shiyona : "Shoten Jimen Kowasu Kaji!" Suddenly, her aura empties out of her through her hands into the ground. All is calm for a moment, as the news casters begin speculation on what is going on inside the chi dome, while the gangsters inside begin going to their knees and praying for salvation from all the bad things they've done. The ground erupts in a massive explosion, a chi column rising from exactly where Shiyona is crouched over, and flying through the air, splashing the top of the dome in a mushroom cloud. The column leaves Shiyona and Glass untouched, as she pumps more power into it and the column spreads, through the entire dome. Clumps of dirt are raised into the air by the sheer force of the chi, and disintergrate, as it spreads towards the edge of the dome. The gangsters, all huddled in one corner now hugging each other, are crying out for their mommies in fear and desperation as the expanding column reaches them. Outside, the group has managed to find some hot water, and are running back towards the park, hoping that it isn't too late to help Shiyona. What they find, instead, is a huge mountain of unconscious gangsters piled outside a giant, shimmering green dome. Ryoga : "What's that!?" Ukyo : "Beats me!" Shampoo : "Look like chi barrier!" Mousse : "A big, green, impenetrable chi barrier!" Ranma : "Who made THAT!?" Akane : "More importantly, who's IN there!?" Then the ground shakes them off their feet. A massive explosion can be heard from the inside of the dome, and even after the initial explosion, the ground continues to shake, a low, throbbing vibration. Screams can be heard from the inside of the dome as another massive explosion and rumble shakes the earth. Ryoga : "Whatever's going on in there, it's not good!" Ranma : "I can just tell Shiyoru's behind this. Nobody uses chi like he does outside of Herb." Somewhere else in the world, Herb is relaxing in his palace, watching some cable T.V. Herb : "What's on the Japanese news now?" *Click* Herb : "Whoa, Shiyoru's at it again." Inside the dome, the chi assault mercilessly burns away at the gangsters, who are desperately shielding themselves from the energy, but are unable to do so. Shiyona continues to pump her life forces into the energy blast, wanting to make the gangsters pay in full for what they did to Glass, when suddenly, he gives a small groan. Shiyona : "Glass!" She releases her concentration, and immediately, the chi dome and assault end, leaving the ground in the dome nothing more than a giant, blackened and smoking crater, with a small pile of blackened figures in one corner. Immediately, Shiyona begins shaking Glass gently, hoping for some response. Shiyona : "Glass-kun! Wake up!" Glass gives another small groan, then opens one eye, weakly. He grins a little. Glass : "Looks like we did them in, eh?" Then he laspes back into unconsciousness, Shiyona hugging him tight. She slings him over her shoulder, and, slowly, climbs her way out of the crater. Ranma and the rest come clambering over the edge, and spot the two. Ranma : "There they are! Come on! Help them!" They stretch hands out to help pull Shiyona out. Ryoga grabs Glass off her shoulder to make the task of getting her out easier. He eases Glass onto the ground, and looks at his wound. Ryoga : "Yech, that's going to get infected if it doesn't get treated." Undoing about one dozen bandannas from his head, he ties them end to end, forming a very long bandage, and begins wrapping it around the bleeding shoulder wound. Ryoga : "That ought to do it." Meanwhile, Shiyona has pulled herself out of the crater, her clothes in tatters but still hanging on somehow. She smiles weakly at the group. Shiyona : "At... least... Glass'.... alive." And she faints. {Surprise, surprise!} "Hey! Look! She's coming around!" "Will she be all right?!" "I think she will." As Shiyona wakes up on a bed, she has that familiar feeling of deja vu. Moving a little, she feels the familiar tug of wires and IVs. She lets out a little moan. "At least she can make some noise." Her eyes pop open, and she nearly screams as the face of Ranko peers down at her. Equally shocked, Ranko pulls back. Looking around as far as she can, she spots the rest of the group there. Ryoga, Akane, Nodoka, even Mousse and Shampoo. Ranko : "All right. She's all right." Shiyona manages to sit up, and looks at the needles in her arms. She shakes her head, clearing the clouds in them. Shiyona : "Hey, can I get these off me? I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable." Nodoka : "And she's recovered quite well too." Akane : "What about Glass?" Shiyona : "...Glass..? Oh! " Shiyona nearly rips the IVs and electrodes off of her, in her struggle to get off the bed. Ranko : "Whoa, there, Shiyona! Steady there! You just spent an entire resevoir of chi energy! You gotta rest!" Shiyona : " Hold on... hold on a minute! Just... what happened!? How long have I been here!?" Just then, the doctor comes in, Shiyona notices that it's the same doctor the last time she was here.... in ward 2-D. Shiyona : "Doctor....?" Doctor : "Ah, I see our patient is conscious and well." Nodoka : "Yes. We were waiting for you. How is she?" The doctor looks at the monitors, and feels her pulse, both in the wrist and at the base of her neck. Sharp pain there. Doctor : "She's doing just fine." Everyone sighs in relief. Shiyona : "Doctor, how long have I been here?" Doctor : "Oh, that. Well.... you've been here for slightly over 24 hours. From that night until now, it's been an entire day." Shiyona : "I've been out an entire day!?" Doctor : "Yes. I don't know anything about the chi you people always talk about, but I can guess you used a lot of it the night you came in. I watched the news." Shiyona : "And Po... Glass?" Glass : "Hey, Shiyona! I'm here!" Glass pulls a curtain partition open besides her bed. He is dressed in hospital robes, his entire left arm bandaged from the shoulder down and in a sling. He is beaming at Shiyona. Shiyona : "Doc, can you get these off me?" Doctor : "Sure. You're up, so I see no need for these anyway." The doctor reaches over besides Shiyona to flick a switch off. She notes with interest something small and white in his left ear. Then he adjusts the IVs to stop dripping liquids, and nods. Doctor : "At your pleasure." Shiyona pulls off the electrodes first, their adhesive surfaces making sticky, sucking noises as she peels them off her more private regions. Then the doctor proceeds to pull out the IV needles, and places an anesthetic pad on the open punctures. Doctor : "You'll be discharged as soon as I can get the papers signed, all right?" Shiyona : "Sure, doc." The doctor leaves the ward, and as he leaves, Shiyona gets off her bed, rubbing her sore head. Shiyona : "My head feels like a bus hit it." Ranko : "That may have been the case. In this case, your head landed on a rock." Shiyona : "...oh." Then Shiyona turns to look at Glass, and the two smile. Glass : "Glad to see you're all right. Thanks for that night." Shiyona : "You started it!" Glass : "No, you did. You wanted that walk in the park so much, after all." Shiyona : "Oh... yeah. " Then something strikes Ranko as strange. Ranko : (Thinking) "Strange. The last time Shiyona got a bump on the head, she forgot everything. This time round, she seems to be all right... and she's even talking like Shiyoru again!" Then Ranko snaps her fingers loudly, causing everyone's attention to turn to her. Ranko : "Say, Shiyona... I want to ask you something." Shiyona : "Yes, Ranko?" Ranko : "Think back four days ago. Do you remember anything about how we met?" Shiyona thinks hard, her posture similar to the thinker's. A 'bolt' flies her head, as the recalled image comes back, startlingly clear. She jerks in surprise at the sudden ease of which she remembered this. Shiyona : "We met at the lot!" Ranko turns to look at the rest, a small grin on her face. She then turns to face Shiyona again. Ranko : "Do you remember what happened about four days ago?" Shiyona : "Four days...?" Ranko : "When you met me?" Shiyona : "... hold on." She thinks hard. Very hard, and suddenly the image comes back, almost too quickly. Akane : (Whispering to the rest) "Look at her." Shiyona : "We went shopping with aunty Nodoka and Akane! It was the day I got...... knocked down...!" Surprise registers on Akane, Ranko, Nodoka and Glass' face. They look at each other. Then, elated now, Glass looks at Shiyona. Glass : "Do you remember the first time you met Ranma, what was it you did at the end of the tournament?" Shiyona : "Tournament...? ...The tournament! Yes... we... sang... DoCo! 'Fukuzatsu-na Ryouomoi'!" Ranko : "Yes! You remember! We DID sing that!" Shiyona : "... You know... I think I do remember who I am." (Gives a grin.) Glass : "Welcome back, Shiyoru." Nodoka : "Shiyoru?" Glass : "It's a long story." The doctor comes in, seconds later, waving a small sheath of papers. Doctor : "All right! I've gotten your discharge papers signed and authorized! You can leave at your convenience!" Nodoka : "Thank you, doctor." Doctor : "My pleasure. Oh, here are the clothes these people brought for you." He tosses a bag at Shiyona, who grabs it faster than light. She looks inside and smiles, then looks at Ranko, who nods. Doctor : "Right. See you then." As the doctor leaves, he taps his left ear twice. He is grinning from ear to ear as he speaks into the mini-mike. Doctor : "Lion 1 to Lion team. We have confirmation of total and complete recovery." Voice : "Confirmation confirmed. Mission accomplished. Congratulations, Lion team." {The end of the journey.} After leaving the hospital, our intrepid group of heroes return to the Tendou Dojo to celebrate Shiyoru's complete recovery from the accident. As they leave the hospital, and wait for a taxi, the doctor who treated Shiyoru/na sees them off. As he returns into the hospital, he, along with a dozen other people dressed as patients, doctors and nurses, make their way back to the roof, where the same stealth helicopter is waiting for their pickup. They are all congratulating each other on a job well done. Back at the taxi stand.... Thomas : "Oh! Not you people again!" Nodoka : "Oh, I'm sorry about that time! I was just worried, you know...." Thomas : "Understood. Aww, come on! I know where you all wanna go anyway. The Tendou Dojo." Shampoo, Mousse and Ukyo bid their farewells, not wanting to intrude on them. In the cab, the group chatters excitedly about Shiyona's recovery, and are constantly asking her questions to make sure that she's really all right. Finally, they reach the Tendou Dojo's front gate, Kasumi waiting for them, a smile on her face. Kasumi : "Owarinasai! Dinner is ready!" Ranko & Shiyona : "Yum! I'm hungry!" Akane and Glass look at each other. They smile and shake their heads in mock disappointment. Akane & Glass : "They'reeeeeeee back!" At the dinner table, a feast has been laid out, and everyone is happily tucking in. Unfortunately, with the added guest, Genma is forced to subsist on bamboo shoots, much to his dismay. Glass : "Shiyona... you're really back?" Shiyona : "Yup." Ranko : "Remember EVERYTHING?" Shiyona : "Yup." (Winks at Ranko.) Nodoka : "I'm so glad everything turned out all right." Shiyona : "Yup." Glass : "Awwww.... too bad. I was beginning to like the 'new' Shiyona. Ouch!" Shiyona nudges him on the arm again, pouting. Shiyona : "And what's wrong with the 'old' one? Hmm?" Glass : "Nothing... absolutely nothing." (Grins.) Soun : "Well, since everything's turned out fine, and we've all pulled through, let's have a toast!" Glass : "A toast to friendship and Shiyona's recovery!" All : "Gan bei!" (Figure this one out yourself.) {Epilogue} Early morning, at the gates of the Tendou Dojo, Nodoka is about to leave. The entire houshold has gathered to see her off. Nodoka : "Well, I've stayed here long enough. I guess I should be going back." Ranko : "So soon? Aw..." Nodoka : "Don't worry, Ranko. I'll come back regularly. I just hope Ranma comes back." Akane : "Don't worry, aunty, she.. *ahem*! he will." Then, looking at Glass and Shiyona, she smiles, a little sadly. Nodoka : "Sorry for all the troubles I've caused you two." Glass : "Oh! No trouble at all!" Shiyona : "On the contrary, you helped us strengthen our relations!" Nodoka : "I'm so glad to hear that. Well then, I'm off. See you." Soun : "Farewell, Mrs. Saotome." They watch sadly as she disappears down the street, covered in the morning haze. Ranko shrugs, pouring hot water on herself. Ranma : "Well, I'm safe, for now." Shiyoru : "Ranma, you really should tell her..." Ranma : "What? And commit seppuku? No way!" Shiyoru : "Fine by me. Ah well, speaking of leaving, I ought to go to. It's been roughly a week, anyway. Where were those bags, Porcelain-chan?" Porcelain : "I'll get them." Porcelain warps out to get their bags. Ranma looks at Shiyoru, quizzically. Ranma : "Shiyoru, you sure you haven't forgotten ANYTHING?" Shiyoru : "...yes, I'm sure." Ranma : "Really?" Shiyoru : "Yes." Porcelain comes back in, with two backpacks. She drops them and looks at the two's confrontation. Shiyoru : "Except....." Ranma looks on hopefully. Shiyoru : "Naah." Ranma slumps his shoulders. Shiyoru laughs at his dejected expression, grinning from ear to ear. Shiyoru : "Cheer up, Ranma! I haven't forgotten that challenge!" Ranma perks up. He grins confidently at Shiyoru. Ranma : "Come on, then! To the Dojo!" Shiyoru : "You're on!" The two run off towards the dojo, spewing old 'war cries' at each other. Akane and Porcelain look at each other, grinning broadly. Akane : "Ranma's going to win this one." Porcelain : "No way he's not! I'm rooting for Shiyoru-kun!" Akane : "Have it your way, let's go take a look." The two giggle and run off after the two, wanting to watch the action unfold. As they enter the dojo after the two boys, Soun begins to cry. Nabiki taps his shoulder. Nabiki : "Don't worry, daddy. We can total up costs later." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================================The End.======================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------